Вручение 2006 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2006 г.


Нил Гейман 4.2
Толстяк Чарли Нанси, скромный, лишенный амбиций житель Лондона, ведет приготовления к свадьбе, когда узнает о смерти своего горе-папаши. Вечно ставивший Толстяка Чарли в неловкое положение, тот и умер словно в насмешку: флиртуя с девушками в караоке-баре. С этого момента жизнь Толстяка Чарли начинает рушиться. Чтобы вновь обрести себя, ему придется обратиться за помощью к ведьмам, отправиться на край света, потерять невесту и… спеть?
Кадзуо Исигуро 4.0
На пороге коренных перемен в жизни Кэтрин Ш. вспоминает свое детство, юность и молодые годы. Жизнь полна тайн и загадок, надежд, потерь и разочарований. Кто она и где ее место становится ясно героине и читателям по ходу романа.
А. Ли Мартинес 3.8
Добро пожаловать в ночную закусочную Джила - самое приятное местечко в Техасе!
Здесь посетителей накормят от души - и какое им дело, чьи тела хранятся в холодильной камере вперемешку с морожеными гамбургерами?
Здесь тепло и уютно - по крайней мере когда в двери не ломятся зомби...
Здесь собираются только свои - люди, призраки, чернокнижники...
Но золотые деньки закусочной Джила, похоже, близятся к концу.
Ее хозяйку - колоритную особу по имени Лоретта - кто-то преследует.
Обращаться к шерифу, очевидно, бессмысленно.
В отчаянии Лоретта принимает рискованное решение - нанять для решения своей проблемы пару крутых парней, случайно зашедших в ее заведение.
Конечно, сто долларов - деньги немалые.
Но, с другой-то стороны, вервольф Дюк и вампир Эрл - тоже ребята не промах...
Джуди Фонг Бейтс 4.0
Set in the 1960s, Judy Fong Bates’s much-talked-about debut novel is the story of a young girl, the daughter of a small Ontario town’s solitary Chinese family, whose life is changed over the course of one summer when she learns the burden of secrets. Through Su-Jen’s eyes, the hard life behind the scenes at the Dragon Café unfolds. As Su-Jen’s father works continually for a better future, her mother, a beautiful but embittered woman, settles uneasily into their new life. Su-Jen feels the weight of her mother’s unhappiness as Su-Jen’s life takes her outside the restaurant and far from the customs of the traditional past. When Su-Jen’s half-brother arrives, smouldering under the responsibilities he must bear as the dutiful Chinese son, he forms an alliance with Su-Jen’s mother, one that will have devastating consequences. Written in spare, intimate prose, Midnight at the Dragon Café is a vivid portrait of a childhood divided by two cultures and touched by unfulfilled longings and unspoken secrets.

From the Hardcover edition.
Джаннет Уоллс 4.3
Всего за несколько недель эта книга превратила молодую журналистку Джаннетт Уоллс в одного из самых популярных авторов Америки. Престижные премии и приглашения на телевидение, первые строчки в книжных рейтингах и продажи миллионов экземпляров, желание Дженнифер Лоуренс исполнить главную роль в экранизации – «Замок из стекла» по праву можно назвать сенсацией в современной литературе.
В этой книге Уоллс рассказывает о своем детстве и взрослении в многодетной и необычной семье, в которой практиковались весьма шокирующие методы воспитания. Многие годы Джаннетт скрывала свое прошлое, пока не поняла, что, только освободившись от тайн и чувства стыда, она сможет принять себя и двигаться дальше.
Калиша Букханон 0.0
"Baby, the first thing I need to know from you is do you believe I killed my father?"

So begins Upstate, a powerful story told through letters between seventeen-year-old Antonio and his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Natasha, set in the 1990's in New York. Antonio and Natasha's world is turned upside down, and their young love is put to the test, when Antonio finds himself in jail, accused of a shocking crime. Antonio fights to stay alive on the inside, while on the outside, Natasha faces choices that will change her life. Over the course of a decade, they share a desperate correspondence. Often, they have only each other to turn to as life takes them down separate paths and leaves them wondering if they will ever find their way back together.

Startling, real, and filled with raw emotion, Upstate is an unforgettable coming-of-age story with a message of undeniable hope. Brilliant and profoundly felt, it is destined to speak to a new generation of readers.
Gregory Galloway 4.1
Anna—who prefers to be called Anastasia—is a slightly spooky and complicated high school girl with a penchant for riddles, Houdini tricks, and ghost stories. She spends much of her time writing obituaries for every living person in town. She is unlike anyone the narrator has ever known, and they make an unlikely, though happy, pair.

Then a week before Valentine's Day, Anna disappears, leaving behind only a dress placed neatly near a hole in the frozen river, and a string of unanswered questions. Desperate to find her, or at least to comprehend what happened and why, the narrator begins to reconstruct the past five months. And soon the fragments of curious events, intimate conversations, secrets, and peculiar letters (and the anonymous messages that continue to arrive) coalesce into haunting and surprising revelations that may implicate friends, relatives, and even Anna herself.
Сьюзан Палвик 0.0
Lémabantunk, the Glorious City, is a place of peace and plenty. But it is also a land of swift and severe justice. Young Darroti has been accused of the murder of a highborn woman who had chosen the life of a Mendicant, a holy beggar whose blessing brings forgiveness. Now his entire family must share his shame, and his punishment--exile to an unknown world.

Grieving for the life they have left behind, Darroti and his family find themselves in a hostile land--an all-too-familiar American future, a country under attack in a world torn by hatred and war. There, each tries to cope in their own way.
Some will surrender to despair. Some will strive to preserve the old ways. Some will be lured by the new world's temptations. And some, sustained by extraordinary love, will find a way to heal the family's grief and give them hope.
Нэнси Роулз 0.0
To help her granddaughter accept the risks of loving, Sadie Watson mines her memory for the tale of the unquenchable love of her life, Jim. Sadie’s Jim was an ambitious young slave and seer who, when faced with the prospect of being sold, escaped down the Mississippi with a white boy named Huck Finn. Sadie is suddenly left alone, worried about her children, reviled as a witch, punished for Jim’s escape, and convinced her husband is dead. But Sadie’s will and her love for Jim animate her life and see her through.

Told with spare eloquence and mirroring the true stories of countless slave women, My Jim recreates one of the most controversial characters in American literature. A nuanced critique of the great American novel, My Jim is a haunting and inspiring story about freedom, longing, and the remarkable endurance of love.

Look for the Reader’s Group Guide at the back of this book.
Джулия Шерес 0.0
For Julia Scheeres and her adopted brother David, "Jesus Land" stretched from their parents' fundamentalist home, past the hostilities of high school, and deep into a Christian reform school in the Dominican Republic. For these two teenagers - brother and sister, black and white - the 1980s were a trial by fire.

In this memoir, Scheeres takes us from the familiar Midwest, a land of cottonwood trees and trailer parks, to a place beyond her imagining. At home, the Scheeres kids must endure the usual trials of adolescence - high-school hormones, incessant bullying, and the deep-seated restlessness of social misfits everywhere - under the shadow of virulent racism neither knows how to contend with. When they start to crack (or fight back), they are packed off to Escuela Caribe. This brutal, prison-like "Christian boot camp" demands that its inhabitants repent for their sins - sins that few of them are aware of having committed. Julia and David's determination to make it though with heart and soul intact is told here with immediacy, candor, sparkling humor, and not an ounce of malice. Jesus Land is, on every page, a keenly moving ode to the sustaining power of love, and rebellion, and the dream of a perfect family.