Вручение 2001 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2001 г.


Трейси Шевалье 4.1
Это история одного портрета. История одного художника. История одной любви. История, которая могла произойти — а может быть, и произошла — в старом доме на одной из живописных улочек голландского города Делфта в далеком семнадцатом столетии...

Роман Трейси Шевалье впервые увидел свет в Америке в 1999 году и сразу же стал бестселлером во многих странах мира. В 2003 году книга была экранизирована режиссером Питером Уэббером, главные роли в картине сыграли Скарлетт Йохансон и Колин Ферт. Фильм удостоился трех номинаций на «Оскар» и двух — на премию «Золотой глобус».
Натаниэль Филбрик 4.2
О трагической участи судна ""Эссекс"" писали Оуэн Чейз, Герман Мелвилл и Томас Никерсон. Натаниэля Филбрика эта история интересовала всегда, и в конце концов, изучив множество источников, он создал ""В сердце моря"" — роман о стойкости и бесстрашии. Филбрик не просто рассказывает о выживании в тяжелой ситуации — ""В сердце моря"" может встать в один ряд с историей ""Титаника"". По отзыву Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ""как Мелвилл в ""Моби Дике"", автор делает читателя частью команды судна"".
Бен Шервуд 3.6
Это история о величайшей любви, о самой великой любви на свете…
Впервые на русском! Дебютный роман автора бестселлера «Двойная жизнь Чарли Сент-Клауда»!
Бен Шервуд — американский журналист, известный телевизионный ведущий и продюсер, автор двух романов-бестселлеров, переведенных на полтора десятка языков («Человек, который съел „Боинг-747“» и «Двойная жизнь Чарли Сент-Клауда»). Роман про Чарли Сент-Клауда, экранизированный в 2010 году, уже знаком российским читателям. Но дебютный роман Шервуда, с которого и началась его громкая известность, на русском языке выходит впервые. Права на экранизацию романа «Человек, который съел „Боинг-747“» приобретены кинокомпанией «Bel Air Entertainment/Warner Bros.».
Джон Смит, человек вполне обыкновенный (под стать своему имени), работает в редакции Книги рекордов Гиннеcса и потому годами охотится за всем необыкновенным, выдающимся, исключительным, «самым-самым». Где только он ни побывал, какие только
рекорды ни зафиксировал, но еще ни разу ему не пришлось засвидетельствовать великую любовь, пока погоня за сенсацией не привела его в американскую глубинку, где, по слухам, местный фермер медленно, но верно, кусочек за кусочком поглощает «боинг», с одной-единственной целью – произвести впечатление на любимую и завоевать наконец ее сердце. В этой фантастически-реалистичной истории, где нормальное сплошь и рядом оказывается ненормальным, и наоборот, вопреки всему снова торжествует любовь.
Дэрин Штраус 0.0
In this stunning novel, Darin Strauss combines fiction with astonishing fact to tell the story of history’s most famous twins. Born in Siam in 1811—on a squalid houseboat on the Mekong River—Chang and Eng Bunker were international celebrities before the age of twenty. Touring the world’s stages as a circus act, they settled in the American South just prior to the Civil War. They eventually married two sisters from North Carolina, fathering twenty-one children between them, and lived for more than six decades never more than seven inches apart, attached at the chest by a small band of skin and cartilage.
Woven from the fabric of fact, myth, and imagination, Strauss’s narrative gives poignant, articulate voice to these legendary brothers, and humanizes the freakish legend that grew up around them. Sweeping from the Far East and the court of the King of Siam to the shared intimacy of their lives in America, Chang and Eng rescues one of the nineteenth century’s most fabled human oddities from the sideshow of history, drawing from their extraordinary lives a novel of exceptional power and beauty
Ларри Колтон 0.0
In Native American tradition, a warrior gained honor and glory by "counting coup" -- touching his enemy in battle and living to tell the tale. This is a modern story of...


In this extraordinary work of journalism, Larry Colton journeys into the world of Montana's Crow Indians and follows the struggles of a talented, moody, charismatic young woman named Sharon LaForge, a gifted basketball player and a descendant of one of George Armstrong Custer's Indian scouts. But "Counting Coup" is far more than just a sports story or a portrait of youth. It is a sobering exposé of a part of our society long since cut out of the American dream.

Along the banks of the Little Big Horn, Indians and whites live in age-old conflict and young Indians grow up without role models or dreams. Here Sharon carries the hopes and frustrations of her people on her shoulders as she battles her opponents on and off the court. Colton delves into Sharon's life and shows us the realities of the reservation, the shattered families, the bitter tribal politics, and a people's struggle against a belief that all their children -- even the most intelligent and talented -- are destined for heartbreak. Against this backdrop stands Sharon, a fiery, undaunted competitor with the skill to dominate a high school game and earn a college scholarship. Yet getting to college seems beyond Sharon's vision, obscured by the daily challenge of getting through the season -- physically and ps
Juliet Marillier 4.3
A magnificent saga set in the Celtic twilight of 10th century Ireland, when myth was law and magic was a power of nature, brilliantly brought to life: the legendary story of an evil stepmother opposed by a seventh child.
Lord Colum of Sevenwaters is blessed with seven children: Liam, a natural leader; Diarmid with his passion for adventure; twins Cormack and Conor each with a different calling; rebellious Finbar made old before his time by the gift of Sight; and the young compassionate Padriac.
But it is Sorcha, the seventh child and only daughter, whose birth was the cause of their mother’s death, who alone is destined to defend her family and protect her land from the invading Britons and the clan known as Northwoods. For Lord Colum has been bewitched by the sensuous and malevolent Lady Oonagh – and Sorcha’s six brothers are bound by a spell that only Sorcha can lift.
Exiled from Sevenwaters and cast out into the forest and beyond, Sorcha falls into the hands of the enemy. She finds herself torn between the life she has always known and a love that comes only once.
And still she must work to lift the spell that has turned her brothers into six vulnerable swans.
This is an old Celtic legend in its own right, here brilliantly evoked and brought to life. All of the brothers are beautifully delineated characters, and Sorcha has a unique inner strength that drives the narrative to a startling series of endings.
Like Marion Zimmer Bradley’s MISTS OF AVALON or Jean Auel’s CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR, this is first-rate historical fantasy that can have the widest possible appeal, taking in also the readership of historical fiction writers like Mary Stewart (THE CRYSTAL CAVE), Mary Renault (THE PERSIAN BOY) and Anya Seton (AVALON).
Алан Уотт 0.0
Star quarterback Neil Garvin is as cruel to his fellow students at his Nevada high school as his abusive father is to him. When a random act of violence takes a life, Neil's father, the local sheriff, takes control and covers up the crime. Wrestling with the mysterious disappearance of his mother years before, Neil must find his way of out of his prison of fear.
Рон Пауэрс, James D. Bradley 4.0
In this unforgettable chronicle of perhaps the most famous moment in American military history, James Bradley has captured the glory, the triumph, the heartbreak, and the legacy of the six men who raised the flag at Iwo Jima. Here is the true story behind the immortal photograph that has come to symbolize the courage and indomitable will of America.

In February 1945, American Marines plunged into the surf at Iwo Jima—and into history. Through a hail of machine-gun and mortar fire that left the beaches strewn with comrades, they battled to the island's highest peak. And after climbing through a landscape of hell itself, they raised a flag.

Now the son of one of the flagraisers has written a powerful account of six very different young men who came together in a moment that will live forever.

To his family, John Bradley never spoke of the photograph or the war. But after his death at age seventy, his family discovered closed boxes of letters and photos. In Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley draws on those documents to retrace the lives of his father and the men of Easy Company. Following these men's paths to Iwo Jima, James Bradley has written a classic story of the heroic battle for the Pacific's most crucial island—an island riddled with Japanese tunnels and 22,000 fanatic defenders who would fight to the last man.

But perhaps the most interesting part of the story is what happened after the victory. The men in the photo—three were killed during the battle—were proclaimed heroes and flown home, to become reluctant symbols. For two of them, the adulation was shattering. Only James Bradley's father truly survived, displaying no copy of the famous photograph in his home, telling his son only: "The real heroes of Iwo Jima were the guys who didn't come back."

Few books ever have captured the complexity and furor of war and its aftermath as well as Flags of Our Fathers. A penetrating, epic look at a generation at war, this is history told with keen insight, enormous honesty, and the passion of a son paying homage to his father. It is the story of the difference between truth and myth, the meaning of being a hero, and the essence of the human experience of war.

From the Hardcover edition.
Джиллиан Брэдшоу 0.0
The young scholar Archimedes has just had the best three years of his life at Ptolemy's Museum at Alexandria. To be able to talk and think all day, every day, sharing ideas and information with the world's greatest minds, is heaven to Archimedes. But heaven must be forsaken when he learns that his father is ailing, and his home city of Syracuse is at war with the Romans.

Reluctant but resigned, Archimedes takes himself home to find a job building catapults as a royal engineer. Though Syracuse is no Alexandria, Archimedes also finds that life at home isn't as boring or confining as he originally thought. He finds fame and loss, love and war, wealth and betrayal-none of which affects him nearly as much as the divine beauty of mathematics.
June Jordan 0.0
Written with exceptional beauty throughout, Soldier stands and delivers an eloquent, heart-breaking, hilarious and hopeful, witness to the beginnings of a truly extraordinary, American life.