Вручение июнь 2008 г.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Ориллия Дата проведения: июнь 2008 г.

Мемориальная медаль Стивена Ликока

Терри Фаллис 0.0
A burnt-out political aide quits just before an election — but is forced to run a hopeless campaign on the way out. He makes a deal with a crusty old Scot, Angus McLintock — an engineering professor who will do anything, anything, to avoid teaching English to engineers — to let his name stand in the election. No need to campaign, certain to lose - or is he?
Дуглас Коупленд 4.0
Магазин канцелярских товаров "Скрепки" - кладбище загубленных надежд и тихая гавань непризнанных талантов? Похоже, что так.

Иначе зачем бы писателю-неудачнику Роджеру с обреченным видом перекладывать с полки на полку пачки гербовой бумаги, а готической девушке Бетани - надменно сортировать красные и синие шариковые ручки?

Они ненавидят окружающий мир, вожделенно мечтают о грядущем конце света и... с наслаждением портят жизнь друг другу.

Но однажды недавние недруги решают стать друзьями и союзниками...

В копне концов, вдвоем противостоять гнусностям и опасностям бытия проще!

Так начинается новый роман Дугласа Коупленда, который сам он назвал "Историей о любви и Апокалипсисе", а критики окрестили элегантной пародией на фильм "Клерки" и пьесу "Кто боится Вирджинии Вулф?".
Уилл Фергюсон 0.0
Raised by his father in the dying town of Paradise Flats, Jack McGreary has learned to live by his wits. The year is 1939. Drought has turned America’s heartland into a dust bowl, and the world is on the brink of war. Jack’s father wants him to head north to Canada to sign up in the fight against Fascism. But when a pair of fast-talking swindlers named Virgil and Miss Rose blow through town, Jack falls in with them instead. Together, they go on a crime spree across the Southwest, staging a series of inventive and often hilarious cons, while sexual tension between Jack and Miss Rose grows ... Someone is being set up.
Скотт Гардинер 0.0
A hilarious political satire in the tradition of Mordecai Richler.

This is a funny, biting political satire set in the not-too-distant future. A series of minority governments, and endless Quebec referendums (designed to lose narrowly, to keep the money coming) have left Canada almost ungovernable. When the Governor General resigns in disgrace and the House of Windsor implodes in London, a media baron launches the idea of a Canadian king or queen elected by lottery.

It starts as a joke — except that the lucky winner, King John, a bright and charismatic guy from Toronto, knows exactly what people want. Soon Quebec is gone, while Toronto’s surprise bid to leave Canada is averted by shifting his official residence, the new seat of power, to the Toronto waterfront. Many good things happen, and the politicians go along for the ride. And the blockades of Native lands are ended for good, after John is heroically wounded keeping the peace at risk to his life.

His popularity soars and Canadian morale soars with it. Soon the rest of the world is taking notice of this model leader. In the United States, the blue states look enviously northward. Then Canada’s king, ignoring assassination threats, goes on a formal visit to Washington. . .

From the Hardcover edition.