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Премия Харпер Ли
Victor Methos 0.0
A ruthless lawyer cross-examines his life after a guilty client walks free in this sharp legal thriller from the bestselling author of The Neon Lawyer.

Ruthless defense attorney Tatum Graham has been living large in Miami, but when his recently acquitted client claims another victim, Tatum has a crisis of conscience. Disillusioned, he heads to his small Utah hometown for a simpler life…but that’s not what he finds.

Soon after he arrives, Tatum’s childhood crush offers him a job at the county attorney’s office and assigns him a murder case. The victim is a teenage girl not unlike the victim in the last case he tried. Now a prosecutor, Tatum sees a chance for redemption, but politics, corruption, and a killer defense threaten to thwart justice.

To complicate matters, Tatum’s estranged father has terminal cancer, and the time to reconcile is running out. Tatum moved to Utah to find clarity, but his thoughts swirl with old feelings and present dangers. As the case heats up, so does the risk, threatening to adjourn Tatum’s new life before it begins.
Премия Харпер Ли
Шарон Бала 0.0
When a rusty cargo ship carrying Mahindan and five hundred fellow refugees from Sri Lanka's bloody civil war reaches Vancouver's shores, the young father thinks he and his six-year-old son can finally start a new life. Instead, the group is thrown into a detention processing center, with government officials and news headlines speculating that among the "boat people" are members of a separatist militant organization responsible for countless suicide attacks—and that these terrorists now pose a threat to Canada's national security. As the refugees become subject to heavy interrogation, Mahindan begins to fear that a desperate act taken in Sri Lanka to fund their escape may now jeopardize his and his son's chance for asylum.

Told through the alternating perspectives of Mahindan; his lawyer, Priya, a second-generation Sri Lankan Canadian who reluctantly represents the refugees; and Grace, a third-generation Japanese Canadian adjudicator who must decide Mahindan's fate as evidence mounts against him, The Boat People is a spellbinding and timely novel that provokes a deeply compassionate lens through which to view the current refugee crisis.
Премия Харпер Ли
Синтия Тобисман 0.0

При получении премии лауреат отметила "Я польщена и, честно говоря, полностью ошеломлена. Дух "Убить пересмешника" - это дух способности одного человека сделать мир хотя бы немного более справедливым. То, что отборочная комиссия увидела этот дух в моей книге, - это то, что я буду ценить вечно.”

In this gripping sequel to C.E. Tobisman’s legal thriller Doubt, techie turned attorney Caroline Auden struggles to move on with her life after her last case nearly destroyed her career.

Still haunted by the betrayal that forced her to leave a prestigious law firm, Caroline Auden struggles to keep her fledgling practice afloat—and her paranoia in check. When her grandmother dies, she mourns losing the only constant in her life. But grief soon turns to suspicion when she discovers her grandmother left her entire estate—including a valuable antique watch, the family’s sole heirloom—to a charity called Oasis Care. On the surface, Oasis helps society’s outcasts, like Caroline’s alcoholic, homeless uncle. But as she digs deeper, Caroline uncovers a sinister plot that sends her running for her life on the dangerous streets of Los Angeles.

Plunged into a world of addicts and broken souls and operating without a phone or a computer, Caroline finds sanctuary with her uncle and a ragtag group of outcasts while building evidence for her case. As she sifts through the shadowy world of the Goliath nonprofit, Caroline is also forced to confront her own dark shadows, casting doubt on her ability—and her sanity.
Премия Харпер Ли
Джеймс Гриппандо 0.0
Sashi Burgette vanished three years ago on her way to school. The night after the teenager’s disappearance, ex-con Dylan Reeves was stopped for drunk driving. An article of Sashi’s clothing was found in his truck, and a police videotape of his drunken explanation under interrogation sealed his fate at trial. Now, just days from Kyle’s execution, Sashi’s mother visits Jack Swyteck, doing pro bono work at the Freedom Institute, and delivers shocking news: “Sashi called me.”

The police dismiss the call as a cruel hoax. The State Attorney refuses to consider the new evidence, insisting the case is closed. The governor has already signed the death warrant. An innocent man may be executed and time is running out—unless his lawyers can locate Sashi.

A man of principle who believes in justice, Jack jumps into the investigation. But the deeper he digs the more he discovers that nothing is what it appears to be. Not the victim. Not her alleged killer. And definitely not Sashi’s parents, whose grief ruptured their marriage, each openly blaming the other for what happened to their daughter.

As their gut-wrenching and hopelessly conflicting version of events unfolds in a Miami courtroom, it becomes clear there is something even more difficult to find than a long-missing girl . . .

The truth.
Премия Харпер Ли
Attica Locke 0.0

Получая награду, лауреат отметила: “Я хорошо помню лето, когда я прочитала роман ”Убить пересмешника” и написала свои первые рассказы на обратной стороне юридической бумаги моего отца. Для меня не может быть большей похвалы, чем победа в этом конкурсе. Я глубоко тронута”.

In this sophisticated thriller, lawyer Jay Porter, hero of Locke’s bestseller Black Water Rising, returns to fight one last case, only to become embroiled once again in a dangerous game of shadowy politics and a witness to how far those in power are willing to go to win

Fifteen years after the events of Black Water Rising, Jay Porter is struggling to cope with catastrophic changes in his personal life and the disintegration of his environmental law practice. His victory against Cole Oil is still the crown jewel of his career, even if he hasn’t yet seen a dime thanks to appeals. But time has taken its toll. Tired and restless, he's ready to quit.

When a girl goes missing on Election Night, 1996, in the neighborhood of Pleasantville—a hamlet for upwardly-mobile blacks on the north side of Houston—Jay, a single father, is deeply disturbed. He’s been representing Pleasantville in the wake of a chemical fire, and the case is dragging on, raising doubts about his ability.

The missing girl was a volunteer for one of the local mayoral candidates, and her disappearance complicates an already heated campaign. When the nephew of one of the candidates, a Pleasantville local, is arrested, Jay reluctantly finds himself serving as a defense attorney. With a man’s life and his own reputation on the line, Jay is about to try his first murder in a case that will also put an electoral process on trial, exposing the dark side of power and those determined to keep it
Премия Харпер Ли
Дебора Джонсон 5.0

При получении премии лауреат отметила: ”Я в восторге, и я благодарю Университет Алабамы, журнал ABA и судей за эту замечательную честь".

In a novel that “brings authentic history to light,”* a young female attorney from New York City attempts the impossible in 1946: attaining justice for a black man in the Deep South.

Regina Robichard works for Thurgood Marshall, who receives an unusual letter asking the NAACP to investigate the murder of a returning black war hero. It is signed by M. P. Calhoun, the most reclusive author in the country.

As a child, Regina was captivated by Calhoun’s The Secret of Magic, a novel in which white and black children played together in a magical forest. The book was a sensation, featured on the cover of Time magazine, and banned more than any other book in the South. And then M.P. Calhoun disappeared.

With Thurgood’s permission, Regina heads down to Mississippi to find Calhoun and investigate the case. But as she navigates the muddy waters of racism, relationships, and her own tragic past, she finds that nothing in the South is as it seems.

Named one of four titles on the shortlist for this year’s Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence, awarded by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Премия Харпер Ли
Джон Гришэм 4.2

При получении премии лауреат отметил: "Благодарю комитет за выбор моего романа. Я все еще восхищаюсь первой наградой Харпер Ли. Трудно поверить, что теперь есть вторая. Я глубоко польщен.”

В округе Форд когда-то развернулось действие романа «Пора убивать», принесшего автору мировую славу, ставшего классикой жанра и основой потрясающего фильма с Мэттью Макконахи, Сэмюэлом Л. Джексоном и Сандрой Баллок в главных ролях.

Именно в этом романе впервые появился молодой адвокат Джейк Брайгенс, бросивший вызов неумолимой судебной системе.

И вот – новое дело Джейка Брайгенса. Дело о загадочном завещании очень богатого южанина Сета Хаббарда, который распорядился своим состоянием так, что это шокировало не только его близких, но и всех, кто его знал. Сын и дочь богача готовы горы свернуть, чтобы доказать: их отец был не в своем уме, когда составлял этот документ.

Но Джек Брайгенс намерен убедить присяжных в противоположном – у Сета Хаббарда имелись веские причины поступить именно так, а не иначе. И чтобы сделать это, Брайгенсу придется раскрыть опасную тайну, многие годы скрывавшуюся за роскошными фасадами особняков уютного южного городка…
Премия Харпер Ли
Пол Гольдштейн 0.0

Получая премию лауреат отметил: "Помимо многих других достоинств, " Убить пересмешника " был первым романом, который показал мне, что можно писать о законе и юристах глубоко человеческим, а также грамотным способом. Более пятидесяти лет спустя одним из ярких литературных юристов остается Аттикус Финч. Мне хочется думать, что Майкл Сили, герой моего романа "Гаванский Реквием", олицетворяет не только целостность Аттикуса, но и его незапятнанное благородство, а премия Харпер Ли - не только большая честь для меня, но и свидетельство того, что, возможно, я все правильно понял."

Fueled by alcohol and legal brilliance, Michael Seeley once oversaw his law firm’s most successful litigation. Until it all fell apart. Recklessness and overreach cost him his wife, his job, and likely the life of his last client, a Chinese dissident journalist. After two sober years practicing small-town law in upstate New York, Seeley has earned back most of what he lost: the partnership in his Manhattan law firm, if not his corner office; the wary respect of most of his partners; the lucrative clients—but not the gin-sharpened passion.

Then the renowned Cuban musician Hector Reynoso enters his office with a simple request: help him and six other composers who defined Cuba’s musical golden age of the 1940s and 1950s—the music that made the Buena Vista Social Club internationally famous—reclaim the copyright to their work. When Reynoso goes missing, Seeley’s reluctant promise to help draws him progressively deeper into Havana’s violent underbelly and a decades-long conspiracy that runs from the partners in his firm to the U.S. State Department to Cuba’s security police, who are willing to do anything to suppress the truth. In the heat of Havana, Seeley will lose himself to his worst and best passions as his pursuit of justice becomes a desperate gambit to save not only his composers but the stunning Amaryll, who is playing her own dangerous game.
Премия Харпер Ли
Майкл Коннелли 4.3

Лауреат при получении премии отметил: ” Когда мне было 13 лет и я проводил жаркие летние дни в публичной библиотекой Форт-Лодердейла, библиотекарь предложила мне прочитать роман "Убить пересмешника". Я узнал историю об адвокате, который был откровенен и готов поступить правильно, даже с большим риском и ценой для себя и тех, кого он любил. Это определение героя, которое я пытался запечатлеть в своей работе. Эта награда говорит мне, что я на правильном пути.”

Новое дело Микки Холлера - адвоката из "линкольна" и талантливого детектива-любителя!
Когда наступают трудные времена, единственное, что оплачивается хорошо, - услуги адвоката! Но может ли заплатить ему Лайза Тремелл, у которой за долги вот-вот отберут дом? А вскоре ее обвиняют в убийстве, и у следствия достаточно доказательств ее вины.
Микки Холлер готов защитить Лайзу любой ценой. Он начинает собственное расследование, не представляя, с чем ему придется столкнуться. Богатые и могущественные люди не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы за решеткой оказалась именно Лайза Тремелл...
Премия Харпер Ли
Джон Гришэм 4.3
Потрясающая книга, только первый тираж которой составил 2 500 000 экземпляров!
Казалось бы, о таком писали не раз.
Признание, выбитое на допросе...
Приговор, состряпанный прокурором вместе с судьёй...
Неожиданно всплывшие доказательства невиновности осуждённого...
А дальше?
Бумаги задерживаются. Двери кабинетов запираются. Чиновники, от которых зависит - жить или умереть осуждённому, беззаботно уезжают на пикники.
Стрелки же неумолимо отмеряют не часы, а минуты до казни!
Кто остановит безжалостную и равнодушную судебную машину, готовую раздавить "маленького" человека?