Вручение 15 сентября 2011 г.

В жюри вошли: Джулия Чернеда (Julie Czerneda), Кейт Фрейман (Kate Freiman), Марк Лесли (Mark Leslie), Кристофер Роден (Christopher Roden) и Элисон Синклер (Alison Sinclair).

Страна: Канада Место проведения: Торонто, провинция Онтарио Дата проведения: 15 сентября 2011 г.

Книга для взрослых

Гай Гэвриел Кей 4.3
Двадцать лет назад закончилась очередная война между Империей Катай и державой тагуров. Были подписаны мирные соглашения, обе стороны обменялись богатыми дарами, а одна из дочерей Сына Неба стала женой императора Тагура. Но что до этого сотне тысяч павших воинов обеих армий, тела которых остались лежать на берегах затерянного в горах на границе обеих империй озера Куала Нор? Сто тысяч не нашедших покоя без достойного погребения душ, одержимых скорбью, яростью и тоской... Прославленный катайский генерал Шень Гао считал эту бойню бессмысленной. И вот, после его смерти, второй сын генерала Тай, дабы почтить память отца, удаляется в добровольное двухлетнее отшельничество на поле давней битвы, дабы предать земле останки погибших — и своих, и чужих. За свой труд он не ждет ни благодарностей, ни почестей, ни наград. Но так уж устроен мир под сенью девяти небес: в самый неожиданный момент он может поднести тебе дары или отраву в драгоценной чаше...
Robert J. Sawyer 3.8
Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH-the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the United States-and they're fully aware of Caitlin's involvement in its awakening.

WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national security and wants it purged from cyberspace. But Caitlin believes in Webmind's capacity for compassion-and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect her friend.
Douglas Smith 0.0
Chimerascope - a story of many parts

A dinner conversation takes three lifetimes to finish.
A geologist faces a planet-sized, eons-old puzzle to save her crew.
The hero of the Fall of Earth must choose between love and revenge.
A man is born each day into a new life - only to die each night.
A sentient aurora threatens the last of humanity.
A house as big as the world.

These are some of the stories you will encounter in Chimerascope, the first full collection of short fiction from multi-award-winning Canadian author, Douglas Smith.

Sixteen engaging stories of fantasy and science fiction that take you from love in fourteenth-century Japan to humanity's last stand, from virtual reality to the end of reality, from alien drug addictions to a dinner where a man loses everything.
S.M. Stirling 0.0
View our feature on S.M. Stirling s "A Taint in the Blood."First in the new Shadowspan series from the "New York Times" bestselling "master of speculative fiction" ("Library Journal").
Eons ago, Homo Lupens ruled the earth. Possessing extraordinary powers, they were the source of all of the myths and legends of the uncanny. And though their numbers have been greatly reduced, they exist still-though not as purebreds.
Adrian Breze is one such being. Wealthy and reclusive, he is more Shadowspawn than human. But he rebelled against his own kind, choosing to live as an ordinary man. Now, to save humanity, he must battle the dark forces of the world-including those in his own blood..."
Hayden Trenholm, Хейден Тренхолм 0.0
The eagerly anticipated conclusion to The Steele Chronicles! When Frank Steele retired from the police force to work as a private detective, he left behind more foes than friends. His girlfriend Nancy disappears in a high-tech abduction, no trace of her assailants to be found. Steele has a good idea what his long-time enemies want from him in exchange for Nancy, but he isn t willing to put control into the wrong hands. Steele's investigation into the disappearance of his last chance at happiness only takes him further away from the law and deeper into the brutal underworld of a city and a man each desperately holding onto their humanity."

Книга для подростков

Пол Гленнон 0.0
With its spirit of adventure, Bookweirder courts new readers and keeps Malcolm and Norman's devoted fans captivated.

Norman Jespers-Vilnius is stuck in the sleepy British countryside with his parents and ultra-irritating sister. Things couldn't be duller — until Norman finds himself in the middle of the adventure story he discovered in the house's dusty library. Soon Norman is making strange new allies and stranger new enemies as struggles to rescue his best friend Malcolm the Prince of Stoats from another book gone wrong. Can Norman save Malcolm and steer the novel back on track? Can he hide his adventures in bookweird from his suspicious mother and the meddlesome Fuchs? Before we find out, we follow Norman on a chilling trip to 19th-century Paris, a fiery medieval adventure and, finally, a mission to discover the family secret at the heart of bookweird.
Холли Беннетт 0.0
A woman trapped in the body of a deer. A dark sorcerer in relentless pursuit. A mysterious child, found alone on the slopes of a great mountain.

This is the turbulent and heartbreaking story of Sive, a girl of the Otherworld who must flee her world of plenty to live as a hunted beast. Surviving hardship, danger and crushing loneliness, she finally finds refuge--and unexpected joy--with a mortal champion, Finn Mac Cumhail, the great hero of Irish legend. But Sive's ordeal is far from over. She has a gift the Dark Man craves, and the smallest misstep will give him his chance to snatch her away from all she holds dear.

Set in the wild, magical landscape of Iron Age Ireland, Shapeshifter is a tale of rapacious evil, quiet courage and the healing power of love.
Erin Bow 1.0
A debut novel that's as sharp as a knife's point.

Plain Kate lives in a world of superstitions and curses, where a song can heal a wound and a shadow can work deep magic. As the wood-carver's daughter, Kate held a carving knife before a spoon, and her wooden charms are so fine that some even call her "witch-blade" -- a dangerous nickname in a town where witches are hunted and burned in the square.
Charles de Lint 0.0
James Li should be in Chicago, finishing high school and working at his family's restaurant. Instead, as a born member of the Yellow Dragon Clan, he is on a quest even he does not understand. Jay's journey takes him to Santo del Vado Viejo in the Arizona desert, a town overrun by gangs, haunted by members of other animal clans, perfumed by delicious food, and set to the beat of Malo Malo, a barrio rock band whose female lead guitarist captures Jay's heart. He must face a series of dangerous, otherworldly-and very human-challenges not just to survive, but to prove his worth to the clan.
Роберт Пол Уэстон 0.0
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
His son, that's who.
Ever since his father's arrest for the murder of Little Red Riding Hood, teen wolf Henry Whelp has kept a low profile in a Home for Wayward Wolves . . . until a murder at the Home leads Henry to believe his father may have been framed.
Now, with the help of his kleptomaniac roommate, Jack, and a daring she-wolf named Fiona, Henry will have to venture deep into the heart of Dust City: a rundown, gritty metropolis where fairydust is craved by everyone—and controlled by a dangerous mob of Water Nixies and their crime boss leader, Skinner.
Can Henry solve the mystery of his family's sinister past? Or, like his father before him, is he destined for life as a big bad wolf?