Вручение 28 сентября 2009 г.

В жюри вошли: Барбара Берсон (Barbara Berson), Джон Дюпюи (John Dupuis), Эд Гринвуд (Ed Greenwood), Сандра Кастури (Sandra Kasturi) и Саймон Роуз (Simon Rose).

Страна: Канада Место проведения: Торонто, провинция Онтарио Дата проведения: 28 сентября 2009 г.

Книга для взрослых

Эндрю Дэвидсон 4.0
Семьсот лет назад при загадочных обстоятельствах погиб молодой наемник, похитивший из уединенного монастыря красавицу монахиню… Средневековая легенда? Нет. Реальное преступление, которое самым причудливым образом переплетается с событиями дня сегодняшнего. Знаменитого актера, снимающегося в эротических фильмах, настигает странное видение: люди в средневековой одежде пускают в него горящие стрелы. От неожиданности и ужаса он теряет управление машиной и едва не гибнет в автокатастрофе. Вскоре в больницу к нему приходит таинственная женщина — Марианн Энджел, и она утверждает, что является… реинкарнацией той самой монахини. Марианн уверяет — он умрет, если не узнает, что же все-таки произошло тогда, семьсот лет назад…
Джес Бэттис 0.0
Enter the night world of the OSI... OCCULT SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR

Tess Corday, Occult Special Investigator for Vancouver's Mystical Crime Lab, is used to seeing dead vampires. But there's nothing ordinary about this case. Not the lab results on the cause of death. Not the teenage girl living at the address found in the vamp's pocket, who may well be in thrall to a demon. And certainly not Lucian Agrado, the necromancer who is liaison to the vampire community. Agrado is supposed to be part of the solution, but Tess suspects he might be part of the problem.

Soon she finds herself in the middle of a paranormal conspiracy that will change her life forever... and possibly end it.
Dave Duncan 0.0
The legendary Maestro Nostradamus may be able to glimpse the ever-changing future, but even he cannot see the danger that is about to envelop him and his daring apprentice Alfeo when Nostradamus is hired to find a foreign spy by Venice's ruling Council of Ten. The only clues they can offer him are the spy's intercepted messages, encoded in a seemingly unbreakable cipher. But Nostradamus soon detects evil influences working against him, and realizes the spy can only be caught by occult means. He turns to his able apprentice, the young swordsman Alfeo Zeno, whose unique talents may prove essential to unraveling the truth.
Shari Lapena 0.0
Shari Lapena takes the wit of David Sedaris and the outrageousness of Douglas Coupland to create a dark, hilarious and wildly inventive contemporary comedy about how the past can come back to haunt you. Literally.

In Things Go Flying, Harold Walker is desperately average and listless at mid-life, stemming in part from the abrupt death of his one-time best friend, Tom. Harold's wife Audrey, an increasingly frustrated housewife and mother to their two teenage sons, is a control freak silently harbouring an explosive secret. Things go flying in the Walker household when Harold's long-deceased mother comes back to haunt them. He finds he has her gift for opening the door to the past-and if there was ever a gift he wanted to return, it's this one! Audrey is similarly terrified-how is she to safeguard her secret now? If she can't control this world, how is she to control the next one? And how will she protect her good china? Harold, who has made a practice of avoiding things all his life, must confront two problems-how to find meaning in this life, and how to come to grips with the mostly terrifying idea that life just might go on forever!
Jo Walton 4.5
In 1941 the European war ended in the Farthing Peace, a rapprochement between Britain and Nazi Germany. The balls and banquets of Britain’s upper class never faltered, while British ships ferried “undesirables” across the Channel to board the cattle cars headed east. Peter Carmichael is commander of the Watch, Britain’s distinctly British secret police. It’s his job to warn the Prime Minister of treason, to arrest plotters, and to discover Jews. The midnight knock of a Watchman is the most dreaded sound in the realm. Now, in 1960, a global peace conference is convening in London, where Britain, Germany, and Japan will oversee the final partition of the world. Hitler is once again on British soil. So is the long exiled Duke of Windsor—and the rising gangs of “British Power” streetfighters, who consider the Government “soft,” may be the former king’s bid to stage a coup d’état. Amidst all this, two of the most unlikely persons in the realm will join forces to oppose the fascists: a debutante whose greatest worry until now has been where to find the right string of pearls, and the Watch Commander himself.

Книга для подростков

Кори Доктороу 3.9
"Младшие братья" - против всемогущего Старшего Брата. Семнадцатилетний хакер и его команда - против Системы. Они - короли Сети, они уверены, что могут все.
Но Система следит за каждым из нас...
И каждый из нас в одночасье может попасть в ее когти.
Свобода давно уже стала мифом. Люди - пешки в Большой игре правительств и спецслужб.
И каждому, кто хочет нанести Системе ответный удар, надо быть не только отчаянно смелым, но и очень, очень умным...
Келли Армстронг 4.0
Их четверо. Двое парней и две девчонки. Красавец Саймон, его старший брат — сильный, молчаливый Дерек, экстравагантная Рэ и хорошенькая Хло. Они — проблемные подростки, находящиеся на лечении в странноватом пансионате Лайл. Они — лучшие друзья, готовые пойти друг за друга, что называется, в огонь и в воду. А еще они обладают паранормальными способностями.
Charles de Lint 3.0
High school senior Miguel's life is turned upside down when he meets new girl Lainey, whose family has just moved from Australia. With her tumbled red-gold hair, her instant understanding of who he is, and her unusual dog a real Australian dingo, she's unforgettable. And, as he quickly learns, she is on the run from an ancient bargain made by her ancestors. There's no question that Miguel will do whatever he can to help her, but what price will each of them have to pay? Dingo is quintessential Charles de Lint, set close to his beloved, invented city of Newford a mixture of darkness and hope, humor and mystery, and the friendship within love.
Эйлин Кернахан 0.0
Wild Talent is the strange tale of Jeannie Guthrie, a sixteen-year-old Scottish farm worker who possesses a frightening talent. Believing that she has unintentionally killed her ne'er-do-well cousin, her fear of being sentenced as a witch propels her to flee her home to London. There, Guthrie is befriended by the free-spirited and adventurous Alexandra David, and introduced to Madame Helena Blavatsky's famous salon where she begins to understand the source of her strange powers.
Макс Тернер 0.0
For Zack Thomson, life in the Nicholls Ward wasn't so bad. After his parents died, he developed strange allergies, and the mental institution was the only place where he could be properly looked after. As strange as it was, it was home. But that all changes the night a stranger on a Harley crashes through the front doors and tells him to run. Along with his best friend Charlie and a girl he may or may not be falling in love with, Zack does just that: run. Under the cover of night, hiding amongst the shadows, he races for the truth.