Вручение 27 августа 2007 г.

В жюри вошли: Стивен Эриксон (Steven Erikson), Джеймс Алан Гарднер (James Alan Gardner), Том Хениган (Tom Henighan), Эмили Пол-Виери (Emily Pohl-Weary) и Кэйтлин Свит (Caitlin Sweet).

Страна: Канада Место проведения: Торонто, провинция Онтарио Дата проведения: 27 августа 2007 г.

Единая номинация

Mark Frutkin 0.0
1682 Cremona, Italy. With manservant, insolent dwarf Omero, priest Fabrizio Cambiati, a priest climbs town clocktower to await the return of a comet after 76 years. His telescope sees commedia dell’arte players in town square and a Jesuit in a carriage. 1758 same Jesuit Michele Archenti is a Devil’s Advocate to judge sainthood of same Fabrizio 76 years later!
Кэрри Мак 0.0
Twin brothers Seth and Eli Maddox are Keylanders brought up within the privileged and protected Eastern Key. Keylanders, the boys are told, must keep within their walls to avoid the filth and disease spread by the Droughtlanders - those who struggle to survive on the parched land between the keys. But when Eli sees their brother helping one of the wretched Droughtlanders, a chain of terrible events begins to unravel the life they've all known and will pit brother against brother in a life-or-death struggle between two lands.

The first book in the Triskelia trilogy, The Droughtlanders is a brilliant blend of futuristic fantasy and gritty social realism, with unforgettable characters and a compulsively readable story.
Мартин Левитт 3.8
"I will tell you . . . a story of magic and love, of daring and death, and one to comfort your heart. It will be the truest story I have ever told. Now listen, and tell me if it is not so."

After following a hart into the woods bordering her town, Keturah is faced with Death. Lost and hungry after following a stately hart through the forest, Keturah encounters Lord Death, who is ready to take her. Like Scheherazade, Keturah spins a story that she leaves unfinished and extracts from Lord Death a promise that if she finds her true love in a day, she can go free. Thus begins Keturah's search for her one true love and the salvation of her beloved town. But Lord Death is falling in love with her, and as the villagers begin to sense her alliance with this horrifying figure, her life twists and turns on itself.

Martine Leavitt offers a spellbinding story, interweaving elements of classic fantasy and high romance. The romance is intense, the writing is startling, and the story is spellbinding--and it is as difficult to turn away from as the tales beautiful Keturah tells to the people of her village, Tide-by-Rood.
Питер Уоттс 4.1
В 2082 году человечество убедилось, что оно не одиноко во Вселенной. Бесчисленные зонды светя­щейся паутиной окутали Землю. На установление контакта с внеземной цивилизацией направлен ко­рабль «Тезей», несущий на борту наспех собранную команду специалистов. Но, по достижении цели, ис­следователям предстоит понять, что самые невероят­ные фантазии об инопланетном разуме меркнут по сравнению с реальностью, и на кон поставлена судь­ба Земли и всего человечества.
Роберт Вирсема 0.0
After an unthinkable tragedy happens, an unbelievable miracle begins. . .

Three-year-old Sherry is the adored only child of Simon and Karen Barrett. When Sherry is critically injured in a hit-and-run accident, the fault lines in the Barretts's marriage begin to show. As her parents' marriage falls apart, it is discovered that Sherry--in her coma-like state--has miraculous healing powers.

Meanwhile, the guilt-stricken driver of the truck attempts suicide--but is unable to die. Henry Denton instead finds himself in a place of darkness, somewhere between this world and the next, invisible to all but a group of mysterious and downtrodden men. Haunted by his shame, Henry struggles to understand this mysterious limbo, and what he must do to free himself.

As word of Sherry's powers spread, her parents must decide how best to shelter their daughter and help the many sick and dying who are drawn to her side. At the same time, a larger battle is brewing--one that has been raging for close to two-thousand years, and one that might yet claim the lives of Sherry and her family.