Вручение 1 сентября 2004 г.

В жюри вошли: Катерина Эдвардс (Caterina Edwards), Клод Лалюмьер (Claude Lalumière), Ив Мейнард (Yves Meynard), д-р Лайл Уэйс (Lyle Weis) и Мишель Сагара Уэст (Michelle Sagara West).

Страна: Канада Место проведения: Торонто, провинция Онтарио, Канада Дата проведения: 1 сентября 2004 г.

Единая номинация

Cory Doctorow 5.0
Free. In the title tale, narrator James 14 returns home with Mama to 1898 village when his father Les, time-traveller Ambassador to aliens, vanishes from 1975 jet-pack city. When the "mothaship" takes the anointed few into the brave new world, those left behind are angry. "0wnz0red" asks - what happens when hackers hack the human body?
1 Craphound
2 A place so foreign
3 All day sucker
4 To market, to market
5 Return to Pleasure Island
6 Shadow of the mothaship
7 Home again, home again
8 The super man and the bugout
9 Ownz0red
Маргарет Этвуд 4.2
Ошалевшая планета на пороге катастрофы: терроризм, эпидемии, генетический беспредел, мутации. Безумный ученый, бывшая порнозвезда и фигляр-неудачник превращают мир потребительского абсурда в безлюдную пустыню. Чтобы уничтожить человечество, хватит тщательно разработанного вируса и нескольких месяцев эпидемии. На место людей пришло новое племя — травоядное, невинное и прекрасное. Посреди заброшенного парка живут Дети Коростеля, и фигляр-неудачник, единственный живой человек на Земле, сочиняет им сказки для новой жизни.
Роберт Чарльз Уилсон 3.8
Наступила эра Новой Астрономии — гигантские телескопы на орбите Юпитера и квантовый интеллект на Земле позволили заглянуть в глубины Галактики и постоянно наблюдать за двумя населенными мирами. В одном из двух городов, в которых поступают и обрабатывают данные из компьютера и космических телескопов, Слепом Озере, объявляется неожиданный карантин. После этого в тихом научном городке начинают происходить события, которые поставят всю Новую Астрономию не только под сомнение, но и кардинально изменят представления человечества о космосе...
Luanne Armstrong, Луанне Армстронг 0.0
British Columbia has changed. Globally, the weather has become extreme and unpredictable. Giant corporations rule. They are the beneficiaries of environmental laws imposed too late to help the world, but which can be used to control and impoverish the remaining population.

A young woman, Lia, escapes a Vancouver that has deteriorated into a landscape of gated communities, violent gangs, squalid squats, and sinister welfare agencies. She returns to her childhood home in the Kootenays and a commune where Magnus and his mother Ama and their eccentric neighbour, Matt, are determined not only to fight for their land but to understand the events that have shaped their lives.

"The Bone House," a new novel by Luanne Armstrong, is a riveting tale of a world in which people have become endangered species. The memorable character and their resolve and hope will live on in the reader's mind long after the end of "The Bone House."
Вирджиния Фрэнсис Шварц 0.0
Nana's future is certain, and she dreads it. Daughter of a proud Kwakiutl chief, she will become a weaver, marry the son of a chief from another tribe, and leave her beloved home forever. Nanolatch, Nana's twin brother, will be chief one day, and he welcomes it. He will be a warrior and a strong leader, just like his father. Together, the twins will enter their initiation to adulthood, and fulfill the roles that have been determined for them since the day they were born.

But when the chief leads a warring party to destroy another tribe's village and capture a slave, the fortunes of the Kwakiutl tribe begin to turn. Convinced that they must make amends, the chief casts about for a way to undo the curse that has descended on their people.

The young slave, Noh, has been mute since the day she was torn from her village. Daughter of a shaman, she has already seen visions of the twins. Only gradually does she understand that her own emergence as a shaman is inextricably linked with the twins and their approaching initiation. Through her sympathy for Nana and her growing love for Nanolatch, she understands that she must help them fulfill their true destiny. But can she save them, knowing that it will take a terrible sacrifice to restore them all to their rightful place?

Set on the West Coast of North America during the fifteenth century, Initiation is a powerful story of a proud tribe, the Spirit World that guides them, and the universal struggle of three extraordinary young people on the brink of adulthood.