Победители — стр. 2

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Уильям Деверелл 0.0
Arthur Beauchamp, a heralded criminal lawyer, has moved to a quiet island off the British Columbia coast. While trying to recover from a marriage gone sour, his retirement is interrupted by his former law partners-they want Arthur to take charge of the defense trial of Jonathan O'Donnell, the acting dean of a law school. O'Donnell has been accused of rape by one of the students, Kimberley Martin, a smart but arrogant woman who is engaged to a rich businessman. After much pleading, Beauchamp agrees to handle the case. He is drawn into complex legal situations dealing with gender and sex, while his personal life takes a provocative turn as well. A courtroom drama ensues, with unpredictable twists and bizarre events.
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Мартин Круз Смит 4.6
Дочь богатого шахтовладельца Шарлотта и простая шахтерка Роза. Сложные отношения складываются с этими двумя женщинами у Джонатана Блэара, который расследует дело о таинственном исчезновении жениха Шарлотты. Развязка оказывается самой неожиданной...
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Мэри Уиллис Уокер 5.0
For forty-six days, bus driver Walter Demming and eleven schoolchildren have been buried underground, held captive in the fortified compound of a fundamentalist cult. Deprived of daylight, fresh air and contact with the outside world, they endure the terrifying rants of the cult's leader, the charismatic Samuel Mordecai. He joyfully predicts the arrival of Armageddon - in exactly five days' time.
All attempts at negotiations have failed. Enter tenacious crime reporter Molly Cates, the only journalist ever to have interviewed Mordecai. It was the worst assignment of her life - until this one. She has gained his trust before, and she must try again. But this time the stakes are impossibly high. And she has just five days...
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Джеймс Ли Берк 0.0
As a child he was frightened by the stories...

It's out there, under the salt of the Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast--a buried Nazi submarine. Detective Dave Robicheaux of the New Ibera Sheriff's office has known if its existence since childhood, when he was terrified by nightmares of the evil Nazi sailors just offshore. Then, as a teenager, he stumbled upon the sunken sub while scuba diving--but for years he kept the secret of its watery grave.

... And now he must face the terrible reality.

But decades later, when a powerful Jewish activist wants the sub raised, Robicheaux's knowledge puts him at the center of a terrifying struggle of conflicting desires. A neo-Nazi psychopath named Will Buchalter, who insists that the Holocaust was a hoax, wants to find the submarine first--and he'll stop at nothing to get Robicheaux to talk.

James Lee Burke looks long and hard into the human heart of darkness in his most electrifying novel yet, a story of terror and courage in a Southern Louisiana where the horrific and the beautiful rise from the same fertile soil.
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Джеймс Крамли 0.0
Ex-private eye C.W. Sughrue has been depressed, jobless and living in the basement of a morgue, but now a job has come up. He sets off on an odyssey of liquor, sex and gunplay to find a missing woman who has eluded the FBI and cocaine dealers.
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Элис Хоффман 3.8
В тихом городке Верити, где уже давно не слышали ни о каких преступлениях, происходит нечто чудовищное. Убита молодая женщина, а ее маленькая дочь пропала. Вскоре выясняется, что двенадцатилетний Кейт Роузен, живущий по соседству, сбежал из дома и унес девочку с собой. Его мать Люси ошеломлена и напугана. Она не верит, что сын мог совершить что-то плохое, и пытается найти его. Эти поиски меняют их жизнь самым решительным образом…
Элис Хоффман - признанный мастер тонкого психологического романа. Общий тираж ее книг составляет более 50 миллионов экземпляров. Роман "Практическая магия" экранизирован в Голливуде, в главных ролях - Николь Кидман и Сандра Баллок.
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Elmore Leonard 0.0
“Hilarious….Strange and risky….A right-on, pitch perfect novel, with wide social scope, comic genius, page-burning storytelling magic, and juicy characters who wrench your heart and gut.” —Washington Post Book World

A character so outrageous he could only have come from the ingenious imagination of Elmore Leonard, lewd, lecherous, law-bending Florida jurist Judge Robert “Maximum Bob” Gibbs has been judged guilty by a grudge-bearing malefactor and sentenced to death—by alligator, if necessary. Maximum Bob is a delightfully dark classic thriller from “the greatest crime writer of our time, perhaps ever” (New York Times Book Review), and any reader who loved getting gleefully lost in criminal mayhem of Get Shorty, Rum Punch, Out of Sight, The Hot Kid, or any number of the inimitable Leonard’s numerous crime fiction masterworks will get maximum enjoyment out of this one.
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