Вручение 1992 г.

Премия вручена за 1991 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1992 г.

Премия Дэшила Хэммета

Elmore Leonard 0.0
“Hilarious….Strange and risky….A right-on, pitch perfect novel, with wide social scope, comic genius, page-burning storytelling magic, and juicy characters who wrench your heart and gut.” —Washington Post Book World

A character so outrageous he could only have come from the ingenious imagination of Elmore Leonard, lewd, lecherous, law-bending Florida jurist Judge Robert “Maximum Bob” Gibbs has been judged guilty by a grudge-bearing malefactor and sentenced to death—by alligator, if necessary. Maximum Bob is a delightfully dark classic thriller from “the greatest crime writer of our time, perhaps ever” (New York Times Book Review), and any reader who loved getting gleefully lost in criminal mayhem of Get Shorty, Rum Punch, Out of Sight, The Hot Kid, or any number of the inimitable Leonard’s numerous crime fiction masterworks will get maximum enjoyment out of this one.
Норман Мейлер 4.2
Роман о людях, "которых не было", - и событиях, которые стали величайшими потрясениями XX века!
Роман о ЦРУ - во всем блеске его "дел" и всей неприглядной рутинности его повседневной работы...
Роман о тайнах прошлого века - под острым и злым пером великого Нормана Мейлера - писателя, "который не ошибается никогда"!
Jerome Charyn 0.0
Holden is a hit man without a vocation, but there are those who won't let him retire. The DA steals his true love Fay away from him, and Holden is rendered powerless until a call from Howard Phipps, one of Manhattan's richest men, brings him back into the underworld.
Robertson Davies 3.9
'I was never so amazed in my life as when the Sniffer drew his concealed weapon from its case and struck me to the ground, stone dead.'

So begins the story of Connor 'Gil' Gilmartin when he catches his wife in flagrante with the Sniffer, his former colleague and now his murderer. Unfortunately, death is only the first indignity Gil is about to suffer.

For he lingers on as a ghost, and from this bleak vantage – made even less endurable by the fact that he must spend the afterlife sitting beside his killer at a film festival – he is forced to view the exploits and failures of his ancestors, from the forerunners who sailed up the Hudson to Canada during the American Revolution to his university-professor parents.
Пол Уэст 0.0
The Women of Whitechapel and Jack the Ripper, West brilliantly recasts the Jack the Ripper story, drawing on up-to-date research and his own dazzling imagination to plumb the lower depths of Victorian England. Paul West has made a reputation for himself by attempting to penetrate the darker sides of humanity. In THE WOMEN OF WHITECHAPEL AND JACK THE RIPPER, West ventures into Victorian England and presents a society that is in decay. In his preface, he acknowledges the various sources that have given rise this novel. West’s premise is that Jack the Ripper was not a lone madman bent on random mass murder, but that the murders were carried out by a trio of individuals who were silencing specific victims in order to cover up a royal scandal.