Вручение 1987 г.

Премия вручена за 1986 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1987 г.

Лучший роман

Джеремайя Хили 0.0
A friend's murder takes Cuddy back to the dark days of VietnamAs military policemen, John Francis Cuddy and Al Sachs bonded while patrolling the wild streets of American-occupied Saigon. Over a decade later, Cuddy is a private detective making a living in Boston's back alleys. Awoken by a ringing phone at seven a.m., Cuddy is shocked to hear Sachs asking to meet for a drink that night. His old friend's voice reminds him of the time a Cagney movie inspired Sachs to say that, if ever captured by enemy agents, he would break his pinkie finger to signal to Cuddy that his death was not an accident. Sachs never shows for the drink, and the next morning he is found naked in a park, his body mangled and his pinkie broken. To avenge his friend, Cuddy confronts a dark military cover-up, and travels back to the war zone he thought he left behind years ago.
Лоренс Блок 3.9
Мэтт Скаддер, в прошлом нью-йоркский полицейский, а ныне частный детектив и завсегдатай кабаков, становится свидетелем вооруженного ограбления бара братьев Моррисси. Братья просят Мэтта выследить грабителей без лишнего шума и не привлекая к делу полицию. В то же самое время убивают жену знакомого Мэтта, а у его друга пропадают важные документы. Скаддер начинает расследование всех трех дел..
Макс Аллан Коллинз 0.0
События романа "Сделка", главный герой которого - снова Натан Геллер, происходят во время Второй мировой войны. Детективу не суждено вернуться в Чикаго, чтобы принять участие в качестве свидетеля в судебном процессе над старыми знакомыми - Аль Капоне и Франком Нитти.
Роберт Кемпбелл 4.0
Читателю предлагается заглянуть в закулисную жизнь "фабрики грез" - Голливуда, вместе с частным детективом Уистлером-Свистуном распутывая загадочные и страшные преступления, на каждом шагу подстерегающие как новичков, так и бывалых обитателей вожделенного города.
Sue Grafton 0.0
'My name is Kinsey Millhone. I'm a licensed private investigator... thirty-two, twice divorced. I like being alone and I suspect that my independence suits me better than it should...' Kinsey met Bobby Callahan in the gym on Monday morning. His story was hard to credit: a murderous assault by a tailgating car on a lonely rural road, a roadside smash into a canyon 400 feet below, his Porsche a ruin, his best friend dead, and his memory severely impaired. He was convinced someone was trying to kill him. By Thursday, he was dead. But Kinsey wasn't going back on a deal. She had been hired to prevent a murder. Now she was looking for the murderer...

Лучший роман в мягкой обложке

Эрл Эмерсон 0.0
"Destined to rank among the best of the new generation of American private eye writers."
--Chicago Sun-Times

Thomas Black hits P.I. pay dirt when he shadows a alleged philanderer to a tryst. But instead of two illicit lovers, he finds two bodies, an apparent murder-suicide. The dead man's grieving widow doesn't believe her late husband pulled the trigger--on his lover or himself.

Everyone--including Black's own sexy client--seems to be hiding something. Maybe the name of the murdered man's equally dead girlfriend, Bea Hindenburg, should have warned Black that this case was destined to crash and burn. . . .

"Emerson's sense of creating lean plot and dialogue improves with each book."
--The Seattle Times
Т.Дж. Макгрегор 0.0
Quin St. James thought she knew her lover, thought nothing about Grant's life could surprise her. But in his death she finds herself confronted by a series of shocks . . . and questions. Helping her to answer them is police detective Mike McCleary, whose other primary case involves a search for a serial killer -- a woman with a knife, who picks up her victims in singles' bars.
As St. James and McCleary join forces, the murderer circles closer and closer, hovering just beyond their vision -- in the dark field.
Уоррен Мерфи 0.0
Trace Series Book 6

Just when the leader of an erotic ecstasy cult dies in writhing agony...when the beautiful wife of a Mafia prince hits hubby where it hurts the most...and when the kinky daughter of a super-straight broadcast executive threatens to make nightmare news...Trace's luscious, blackjack-dealing, semi-hooking girlfriend Chico decides to trade in his body for a better model...

Now Trace needs all the help he cant get---from a kooky pair of cops named Razoni and Jackson. From the street-smarts of his still hard-as-nails dad. And of course he needs Chico to come back with her own special brand of aid and comfort. Maybe then he can separate the goodies from the baddies in a Big Apple scene that's rotten to the core...and wrap up three deadly mysteries in one blood-red bow...

Лучший дебютный роман

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