Вручение 1985 г.

Премия вручена за 1984 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1985 г.

Лучший роман

Loren D. Estleman 0.0
AN AMOS WALKER MYSTERY Spring has come to Detroit's Sugartown enclave, and Amos Walker would like to feel kindly toward the human race. Unfortunately, his first case of the new season immediately leads him into trouble among the Polish settlers of neighboring Hamtramck, when old Martha Evancek hires him to look for her missing grandson. But even before Walker gets a chance to investigate, he's presented with a second case: an eminent Russian novelist who fears that someone is out to kill him. Walker knows the two cases are connected, but finding that link might cost him his life.
Макс Аллан Коллинз 0.0
Америка 30-х... В Чикаго, где вот-вот должна открыться Всемирная выставка, бесчинствует мафия. Сыщик Натан Геллер вместе с двумя опытными коллегами получает задание арестовать бандитов... В центре повествования романа "Двойник" - неуловимый Джон Диллинджер, гангстер № 1, скрывающийся под разными именами, которого разыскивают по всей Америке
Джон Лутц 0.0
Her twin sister Jenine had been murdered, and Jeanette Boyington wanted St. Louis-based private eye Alo Nudger to help find the killer. Nudger knew he shouldn't take the case, knew it wasn't a good idea to get involved in an active police investigation. But he needed the work, and so he agreed to take it—and soon found himself caught in a web of deceit and danger.
A murderer is stalking the streets of the Gateway City, and the only connection between his victims are the nightlines—special phone lines used by the phone company to test equipment. At night, lonely people use them to make contact with each other: to talk, to meet, perhaps, to have someone who will care, even if just for a moment, anonymously. But something has gone horribly wrong, and people are dying.

Nudger is part of the network now, and discovers the very special lure of the nightlines when he falls in love with a woman he meets over them. A woman who may be the next victim...
Роберт Дж. Рэндизи 0.0
Boxer-turned-private-eye Miles Jacoby tangles with karate experts and porno filmmakers in a fast-paced novel of New York crime. Said Loren D. Estleman: "Stripped for speed and fueled by his best dialogue yet, . . . Full Contact races in high gear from start to finish." Randisi's six Miles Jacoby mysteries are back in print in uniform editions with new Afterwords by the author.

Лучший роман в мягкой обложке

Paul Benjamin 0.0
Someone's trying to kill former baseball star George Chapman, and he hires tough New York detective Max Klein. Chapman claims he has no emenies, but Klein doesn't believe in fairy tales, or in the alibis and sexual ploys of Chapman's wife, who hates her husband enough to kill him.
Stephen R. Donaldson 0.0
Stephen R. Donaldson is one of America's acclaimed storytellers. But in the 1980s, he published three novels about private investigators Mick Axbrewder and Ginny Fistoulari, as paperback originals under the pseudonym "Reed Stephens." In 2001, Tor published a fourth novel about these characters, The Man Who Fought Alone, this time in hardcover under Donaldson's own name. Now Donaldson has returned to the first three novels in the sequence, rewriting and expanding them. The Man Who Killed His Brother was the first, and this is the second of the three.

Mick "Brew" Axbrewder is a P.I. who's seen better days. Deeply into alcoholism, some time back, he accidentally shot and killed a cop. Worse, the cop turned out to be his brother. Even worse, in a case not long after that, his partner Ginny Fistoulari blew off her own left hand, protecting him and others.

Now Mick works mostly as hired muscle for Ginny. They don't talk much. But their latest client's story doesn't add up. They're going to have to start working better together. And Brew's going to have to face some of his own worst fears.

Лучший дебютный роман

Сандра Скоппеттоне 0.0
From the author of My Sweet Untraceable You comes a suspense thriller--originally published under the pseudonym Jack Early--about an ex-cop turned private investigator who traverses the dark underside of Soho to find a killer. Reprint.
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