О премии

Австралийская премия «Инди» - литературная награда "для талантливых авторов, выбранных независимыми книготорговцами".

Награда была учреждена в 2008 году Ассоциацией австралийских книготорговцев.

Книги, номинируемые на получение премии, настоятельно рекомендуются независимыми книготорговцами со всей страны.

Первоначально премия имела четыре номинации, в настоящее время их семь. Кроме того, среди лауреатов во всех номинациях выбирается книга года - абсолютный победитель (Overall winner).

Лауреатов чествуют в июне, во время проведения Недели независимых книжных магазинов.

Жанр: Зарубежная литература Страна: Австралия Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2022 г. Последнее вручение: 2023 г. Официальный сайт: https://www.indiebookawards.com.au/previous-winners


Книга года
Indie Book of the Year
Художественная литература
Indie Awards for Fiction
Документальная литература
Indie Awards for Non-Fiction
Книга для детей и подростков
Indie Awards for Children’s and for Young Adult books
Дебютная художественная книга
Indie Awards for Debut Fiction
Иллюстрированная книга
Indie Awards for Picture Book
Детская книга
Indie Awards for Children’s books
Книга для подростков
Indie Awards for Young Adult books
Книга года
Трент Далтон 0.0
Trent Dalton, Australia's best-loved writer, goes out into the world and asks a simple, direct question: 'Can you please tell me a love story?'

A blind man yearns to see the face of his wife of thirty years. A divorced mother has a secret love affair with a travelling priest. A widower miraculously finds a three-minute video recorded by his wife before she died. A tree lopper's heart falls in a forest. A working mum contemplates taking the photographs of her late husband down from the fridge. A girl writes her last letter to the man she loves, then sets it on fire. An ageing gigolo regrets the one that got away. A palliative care nurse helps a dying woman converse with the angel at the end of her bed. A renowned 100-year-old scientist ponders the one great earthly puzzle he was never able to solve: 'What is love?'

Endless stories. Human stories. Love stories.

Inspired by a personal moment of profound love and generosity, bestselling author – and one of Australia's finest journalists – Trent Dalton spent two months in 2021 pounding city pavements, speaking to Australians from all walks of life and asking them one simple and direct question: 'Can you please tell me a love story?' For two straight weeks he sat at a desk with a sky-blue 1960s Olivetti typewriter, on the bustling corner of Adelaide and Albert streets, Brisbane, with a sign saying, 'Sentimental writer collecting love stories. Do you have one to share?'

The result is Love Stories – a warm, wise, poignant, funny and moving book about love in all its guises, including stories, observations and reflections on lovers in parks; people in cemeteries, hospital wards, pubs and bingo halls; and newlyweds walking out of registry offices. There will be stories of people falling into love, falling out of love, and never letting go of the loved ones in their hearts. And woven through it all will be remembrances of Trent's own special moments, and of the people whose love stories have made him the man and writer he is today.

A heartfelt, deep, funny, wise and tingly tribute to the greatest thing we will never understand and the only thing we will ever really need: love.
Художественная литература
Шарлотта Макконахи 4.3
Инти Флинн прибывает в Шотландию вместе со своей сестрой-близняшкой Эгги, чтобы возглавить команду биологов, цель которых — вернуть к жизни лес и спасти местную популяцию серых волков от вымирания. Для героини возможность повлиять на сохранение стремительно меняющегося ландшафта Северо-Шотландского нагорья — это еще и попытка разобраться в собственной драматичной судьбе, разрушенной ужасными тайнами, приведшими их с сестрой в Европу из далекой Аляски.

Инти уже не та, кем была когда-то. Боль и страдания, которые люди причинили не только ей, но и окружающей природе, навеки изменили женщину. Однако, воодушевленная первыми успехами эксперимента с волками, она начинает возрождаться и верить в лучшее. Может, и у нее есть шанс на счастье?

Ситуация меняется, когда местного фермера находят мертвым. Все население готово ополчиться против волков, но героиня уверена, что они здесь ни при чем. Инти решает во что бы то ни стало защитить животных. Но если дело не в волках, кто тогда виновен в гибели человека? И как она поступит, узнав, что к убийству может быть причастен ее новый возлюбленный?

Захватывающая и увлекательная история женщины, отчаянно пытающейся спасти тех, кто ей дорог, пока ее окончательно не поглотила природная стихия, некогда служившая надежным убежищем.
Документальная литература
Трент Далтон 0.0
Trent Dalton, Australia's best-loved writer, goes out into the world and asks a simple, direct question: 'Can you please tell me a love story?'

A blind man yearns to see the face of his wife of thirty years. A divorced mother has a secret love affair with a travelling priest. A widower miraculously finds a three-minute video recorded by his wife before she died. A tree lopper's heart falls in a forest. A working mum contemplates taking the photographs of her late husband down from the fridge. A girl writes her last letter to the man she loves, then sets it on fire. An ageing gigolo regrets the one that got away. A palliative care nurse helps a dying woman converse with the angel at the end of her bed. A renowned 100-year-old scientist ponders the one great earthly puzzle he was never able to solve: 'What is love?'

Endless stories. Human stories. Love stories.

Inspired by a personal moment of profound love and generosity, bestselling author – and one of Australia's finest journalists – Trent Dalton spent two months in 2021 pounding city pavements, speaking to Australians from all walks of life and asking them one simple and direct question: 'Can you please tell me a love story?' For two straight weeks he sat at a desk with a sky-blue 1960s Olivetti typewriter, on the bustling corner of Adelaide and Albert streets, Brisbane, with a sign saying, 'Sentimental writer collecting love stories. Do you have one to share?'

The result is Love Stories – a warm, wise, poignant, funny and moving book about love in all its guises, including stories, observations and reflections on lovers in parks; people in cemeteries, hospital wards, pubs and bingo halls; and newlyweds walking out of registry offices. There will be stories of people falling into love, falling out of love, and never letting go of the loved ones in their hearts. And woven through it all will be remembrances of Trent's own special moments, and of the people whose love stories have made him the man and writer he is today.

A heartfelt, deep, funny, wise and tingly tribute to the greatest thing we will never understand and the only thing we will ever really need: love.
Дебютная художественная книга
Лин Йоварт 4.1
Холодное сырое лето 1960 года. Глубинка австралийского континента. Одиннадцатилетняя Джой Хендерсон живет в постоянном страхе перед отцом. Старается всячески угодить ему, чтобы избежать очередного града истязаний. Но отец всегда непреклонен: его дочь - мерзкая грешница, обреченная на Ад…

Много лет спустя тридцатипятилетняя Джой возвращается в родительский дом, чтобы ухаживать за тяжело больным мучителем. И, к собственному удивлению, встречает там свою "идеальную" сестру Рут. Рут нашептывает ей на ухо ядовитые слова, призывая отомстить. А на следующий день Джой обнаруживает отца мертвым, с затянутым на шее ремнем. Тем самым ремнем, которым тот когда-то порол своих детей…
Детская книга
Katrina Nannestad 0.0
Award-winning writer Katrina Nannestad transports us to Russia and the Great Patriotic War and into the life of Sasha, a soldier at only six years old ...

Wood splinters and Mama screams and the nearest soldier seizes her roughly by the arms. My sister pokes her bruised face out from beneath the table and shouts, 'Run, Sasha! Run!' So I run. I run like a rabbit.

It's spring, 1942. The sky is blue, the air is warm and sweet with the scent of flowers. And then everything is gone. The flowers, the proud geese, the pretty wooden houses, the friendly neighbours. Only Sasha remains. But one small boy, alone in war-torn Russia, cannot survive. One small boy without a family cannot survive.

One small boy without his home cannot survive.

What that small boy needs is an army. From the award-winning author of We Are Wolves comes the story of a young boy who becomes a soldier at six, fighting in the only way he can - with love. But is love ever enough when the world is at war?
Книга для подростков
Даниэль Бинкс 0.0
Ellie Marsden was born into the legendary Lovinger acting dynasty. Granddaughter of the infamous Lottie Lovinger, as a child Ellie shared the silver screen with Lottie in her one-and-only role playing the child monster in a cult horror movie. The experience left Ellie deeply traumatised and estranged from people she loved.

Now seventeen, Ellie has returned home to Hobart for the first time in years. Lottie is dying and Ellie wants to make peace with her before it's too late. But forgiveness feels like playing make-believe, and memories are like ghosts.

When a chance encounter with a young film buff leads her to a feminist horror film collective, Ellie meets Riya, a girl who she might be able to show her real self to, and at last come to understand her family's legacy - and her own part in it.
