Вручение 2012 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2012 г.

Премия Дороти Кэнфилд Фишер

Райна Тельгемайер 5.0
Raina just wants to be a normal sixth grader. But one night after Girl Scouts she trips and falls, severely injuring her two front teeth, and what follows is a long and frustrating journey with on-again, off-again braces, surgery, embarrassing headgear, and even a retainer with fake teeth attached. And on top of all that, there’s still more to deal with: a major earthquake, boy confusion, and friends who turn out to be not so friendly. This coming-of-age true story is sure to resonate with anyone who has ever been in middle school, and especially those who have ever had a bit of their own dental drama.
Карлос Руис Сафон 4.0
Маленький, тихий городок на побережье. Городок, где на уютных улочках и в старинных домах происходят очень странные вещи. В заброшенном саду движутся скульптуры. Стрелки часов порой принимаются отмерять время назад. Во время бурь всплывают затонувшие корабли. А давно погибший фокусник из бродячего цирка возвращается… Обитатели упорно не замечают происходящего… или делают вид, что не замечают? И только мальчишка Макс, семья которого переехала в городок совсем недавно, начинает задавать вопросы – и принимает всерьез легенду, рассказанную чудаковатым смотрителем маяка. Легенду о загадочном, безжалостном и могущественном Владыке Тумана, веками безраздельно правящем здешними краями…
Шэрон Дрейпер 4.5
У Мелоди фотографическая па­мять. Она помнит все, что видела и слышала за одиннадцать лет своей жизни, а слова и звуки имеют для нее вкус и цвет. Она умнее всех в школе. Вот только никто об этом не догадывается. Учителя думают, что девочка не поддается обучению, и из урока в урок повторяют с ней первые буквы алфавита. Казалось бы, куда проще - объяснить окружающим, сколько всего ты знаешь, что любишь, чего хо­чешь. Но попробуй объясни, если тело совсем тебя не слушается и простая человеческая речь ка­жется недоступной роскошью... И все же скоро настанет день, когда Мелоди получит возмож­ность произнести первые в своей жизни слова. Услышат ли ее?
Дебби Леви 0.0
This book tells the true story of what happened to a 12-year-old girl named Jutta (Debbie Levy’s mother) in 1938. Actual entries in a posiealbum (autograph book) serve as stepping stones in a crucial year in history, when people of Jewish ancestry in Germany and Austria were systematically stripped of their rights, subjected to violence, and arrested without cause. Jutta was one of the lucky ones who escaped to America before the rising tide of violence erupted into World War II and the tragedy of the Holocaust. Remembrances from Jutta's friends and relatives introduce chapters, written in verse form, that describe her experiences—many of them typical of any teenager anywhere—and report some of the history of the era. Debbie wrote these verses in consultation with her mother to reflect her voice, feelings, and thoughts as she was living through this memorable year. The book also includes excerpts from Jutta’s diary. Together the poesie writings, verses and diary entries reflect a year of change and chance, confusion and cruelty. Most of all, they describe a year of goodbyes.
Алан Cилберберг 0.0
Loveable thirteen-year-old geek Milo Cruikshank finds reasons for frustrations at every turn, like the way his neighbor carves her pumpkin way too early to last until Halloween, or the fact that Summer Goodman won’t look twice at him while Hillary Alpert keeps leaving notes in his locker. The truth is, ever since Milo’s mother died, nothing has gone right. Now, instead of the kitchen being full of music, his whole house has been filled with Fog. Nothing’s the same. Not his Dad. Not his sister. And definitely not him. Ideal for any reader who has endured the loss of a loved one, Milo achieves a rare and easy balance of poignancy and awkward, natural humor, making it deeply accessible to every reader—this is the kind of book that can change lives.
Джордан Сонненблик 0.0
Although Jeff and Tad, encouraged by a new friend, Lindsey, make a deal to help one another overcome aftereffects of their cancer treatments in preparation for eighth-grade graduation, Jeff still craves advice from his older brother Stephen, who is studying drums in Africa.
Рита Уильямс-Гарсиа 3.5
Set during one of the most tumultuous years in recent American history, One Crazy Summer is the heartbreaking, funny tale of three girls who travel to Oakland, California, in 1968 in search of the mother who abandoned them. It's an unforgettable story told by a distinguished author of books for children and teens, Rita Williams-Garcia.
Полли Шульман 0.0

Elizabeth's new job is very unusual. The building where she works might not look very interesting but behind this ordinary Manhattan façade lurks a very special place indeed. Because here you can borrow anything your heart desires . . .

And in the basement is something so special, so secret, that Elizabeth can't believe her eyes. The Grimm Collection.

Powerful and mysterious items that must be kept safe and can't be lent out to just anyone. So when these objects start disappearing Elizabeth must investigate. But who can she trust? One way or another she has to find out who is stealing from the Grimm Collection . . . and for what dark purpose.
Джуэлл Паркер Роудс 5.0
From New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Jewell Parker Rhodes comes a heartbreaking and uplifting tale of survival in the face of Hurricane Katrina.
Twelve-year-old Lanesha lives in a tight-knit community in New Orleans' Ninth Ward. She doesn't have a fancy house like her uptown family or lots of friends like the other kids on her street. But what she does have is Mama Ya-Ya, her fiercely loving caretaker, wise in the ways of the world and able to predict the future. So when Mama Ya-Ya's visions show a powerful hurricane--Katrina--fast approaching, it's up to Lanesha to call upon the hope and strength Mama Ya-Ya has given her to help them both survive the storm.

From the New York Times bestselling author of Ghost Boys and Towers Falling, Ninth Ward is a deeply emotional story about transformation and a celebration of resilience, friendship, and family--as only love can define it.
Лора Резау 0.0
Zitlally's family is undocumented, and her father has just been arrested for speeding and deported back to Mexico. As her family waits for him to return—they’ve paid a coyote to guide him back across the border—they receive news that he and the coyote’s other charges have been kidnapped and are being held for ransom. Meanwhile, Zitlally and a new friend find a dog in the forest near their trailer park. They name it Star for the star-shaped patch over its eye. As time goes on, Zitlally starts to realize that Star is her father’s “spirit animal,” and that as long as Star is safe, her father will be also. But what will happen to Zitlally’s dad when Star disappears?

“A vibrant, large-hearted story.”—Publishers Weekly, Starred (on Red Glass)

Book Details: Format: Hardcover Publication Date: 3/9/2010 Pages: Reading Level: Age 7 and Up
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