Вручение 2004 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2004 г.

Премия Дороти Кэнфилд Фишер

Джерри Спинелли 5.0
From renowned Newbery-winning author Jerry Spinelli comes a powerful story about how not fitting in just might lead to an incredible life. This classic book is perfect for fans of Gordon Korman and Carl Hiaasen. Just like other kids, Zinkoff rides his bike, hopes for snow days, and wants to be like his dad when he grows up. But Zinkoff also raises his hand with all the wrong answers, trips over his own feet, and falls down with laughter over a word like "Jabip." Other kids have their own word to describe him, but Zinkoff is too busy to hear it. He doesn't know he's not like everyone else. And one winter night, Zinkoff's differences show that any name can someday become "hero." With some of his finest writing to date and great wit and humor, Jerry Spinelli creates a story about a boy's individuality surpassing the need to fit in and the genuine importance of failure. As readers follow Zinkoff from first through sixth grade, it becomes impossible not to identify with and root for him through failures and triumphs. The perfect classroom read.
Нил Гейман 4.3
Что делать, если ты переехала в новый дом, до школы еще целая неделя, на улице дождь и туман, а родители вечно заняты? Разумеется, ИССЛЕДОВАТЬ! Так юная Коралина знакомится с весьма странными соседями и в высшей степени независимым черным котом, а потом обнаруживает запертую дверь, ведущую в… никуда? Как бы не так! За этой дверью — целый мир! Мир, в котором все точно так же — и совершенно по-другому. Мир, в котором тебя ждут вкусная еда и красивая одежда, но главное — другие мама и папа: точно такие же, но более внимательные и заботливые. Только кожа их тонка и бела, как бумага. Только пальцы их чересчур длинные и нервные, а вместо глаз у них — круглые пуговицы. Только слишком уж жутко от одной мысли остаться с ними навсегда…
Lloyd Alexander 3.5
Lidi is a brilliant magician, able to perform all manner of astonishing illusions. But one trick eludes her, the greatest in the world: the rope trick. And only one person can teach it to her: the legendary magician Ferramondo. On her quest to find him, she joins up with Daniella, an orphan with true prophetic powers; a handsome outlaw with a price on his head; and a circus owner with a troupe of dancing pigs. But when Daniella is kidnapped by men who want to use her gift for their own ends, Lidi must abandon her quest and summon all of her resources and magic-working to save herself.
Alvarez Julia 4.0
Anita de la Torre never questioned her freedom living in the Dominican Republic. But by her 12th birthday in 1960, most of her relatives have emigrated to the United States, her Tío Toni has disappeared without a trace, and the government’s secret police terrorize her remaining family because of their suspected opposition of el Trujillo’s dictatorship.

Using the strength and courage of her family, Anita must overcome her fears and fly to freedom, leaving all that she once knew behind.

From renowned author Julia Alvarez comes an unforgettable story about adolescence, perseverance, and one girl’s struggle to be free.

From the Hardcover edition.
Avi 0.0
Asta's son has no name. And, after the death of his mother, no family to protect him when he is accused of a crime he didn't commit. Declared a 'wolf's head' - meaning that anyone who catches him can kill him - he has no choice but to leave his village. All he can take with him on the journey is his newly revealed name - Crispin - and his mother's cross of lead. Travelling without purpose, through a countryside still ravaged by the effects of the plague, Crispin stumbles upon a juggler, a giant of a man known as Bear. Crispin becomes Bear's servant but the juggler is a strange master offering both protection and encouraging Crispin to think for himself. But Crispin is not safe and it becomes clear he is being relentlessly pursued. Why are his enemies so determined to kill him? Will the lessons Bear has taught him be enough to safeguard all that he now holds so dear...? Avi brings the full force of his storytelling powers to the world of medieval England.
DEEP IN THE Minnesota forest, where only the strong survive, four regular-sized pups—Leader, Sniffer, Runner, and Thinker—are pushed into the world. Then one last, very small pup is born into the wolf pack. He is called Runt.

From the very start, Runt struggles in the harsh wild world of the wolves. He tries learning along with his brothers and sisters, but makes serious mistakes. It’s hard pleasing his father, King, and the other wolves. If only Runt could prove himself to his powerful father and family. . . .

“With an economy of words, Bauer precisely and vividly conveys the wolves’ wild world. . . . There’s a ready-made audience for this.”—Booklist, Starred

“Beautifully written and faithful to wolves’ behavior (explained in an afterword). . . . Bauer portrays the wolves’ place in the natural world with compassion, respect, and warmth, but this is also the story of any unique individual’s struggle to find his or her niche.”—School Library Journal
Кэтрин Клинтон 0.0
"With a sharp eye for nuances of culture and the political situation in
the Middle East, Clinton has created a rich, colorful cast of characters and an emotionally charged novel." — SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL (starred review)

I am Malaak Abed Atieh, and this bird is Abdo. . . . I live in Abdo's eyes. . . . I fly high, high above Gaza City. . . . Nothing stops me, not the concrete and razor wire, not the guns, not the soldiers. I stare at them with my hard black Abdo eyes, and they do not shoot me. I am hidden.

The year is 1988 in Gaza City, and it has been a month since eleven-year-old Malaak's beloved father left to look for work in Israel, only to disappear. Every day Malaak climbs up to the roof and waits for him, imagining that she can fly to the prison cell where she is sure he waits, too. She speaks little to anyone, preferring to commune with the loyal little bird she has tamed. But her twelve-year-old brother, Hamid, has a different way of coping. He feels only anger, stoked by militant extremists who preach violence as the only way to change their fate. Malaak's mother and sister beg the boy to stay away from harm, but now Malaak lives in fear that she may lose her only brother as well. What will it take for her to find her voice — and the strength to move beyond the violence that surrounds her?
Жаклин Дэвис 0.0
During World War II, a twelve-year-old girl is uprooted from her quiet, East coast life and moved to a secluded army post in the New Mexico desert where her father and other scientists are working on a top secret project.
Нэнси Фармер 4.1
Почти для всех, кто его окружает, Матт - не мальчик, а животное. Его держат, как зверька, на подстилке из опилок, в друзьях у него тараканы, а вместо игрушек - старые куриные кости. Но для Эль Патрона, всемогущего повелителя страны под названием Опиум - полоски маковых полей, протянувшейся между США и страной, когда-то называвшейся Мексикой, - Матт воплощает в себе надежду на вечную жизнь. Эль Патрон любит Матта, как самого себя, потому что Матт - это и есть он сам. У них одинаковая ДНК. Пока Матт мучительно пытается понять смысл своего существования, ему угрожает целая толпа зловещих персонажей, в том числе жадная до власти Семья Алакран. Его окружает грозная армия телохранителей и безмозглые рабы-идиойды, гнущие спину на маковых полях. И даже сбежав из поместья Алакранов, Матт не получает долгожданной свободы, потому что отличается от остальных людей так глубоко, что даже сам об этом не догадывается. На каждой странице этого яркого фантастического романа читателя ждут неожиданные, захватывающие приключения.
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