Вручение 14 октября 2012 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Кливленд, Огайо, Bouchercon XLIII Дата проведения: 14 октября 2012 г.

Лучший роман

Луиза Пенни 4.4
Роман «Разные оттенки смерти» продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Только вчера художница Клара Морроу пережила мгновения величайшего триумфа: в престижном монреальском музее с огромным успехом состоялось открытие ее персональной выставки. И вот сегодня все пошло прахом, словно в дурном сне. Возле дома Клары в деревне Три Сосны найдена убитая женщина, причем выясняется, что это старая знакомая Клары, с которой ее когда-то связывали непростые отношения. На художницу падает тень подозрения в убийстве. Казалось бы, все факты против нее. Однако интуиция подсказывает старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу, что в этом деле факты не главное. Чтобы докопаться до истины, ему придется с головой окунуться в мир искусства, в котором так много полутонов и оттенков, а игра света подчас полностью меняет картину...
Майкл Коннелли 4.3
Десять международных премий в области остросюжетной литературы. Супербестселлеры, переведенные на 36 языков и изданные тиражом свыше 50 миллионов экземпляров! Сенсационные детективы «Поэт», «”Линкольн” для адвоката», «Девять драконов» и «Пятый свидетель».
Гарри Босх – лучший детектив Лос-Анджелеса, но на сей раз даже ему придется нелегко. Ведь предстоит расследовать не одно, а сразу два загадочных дела!
Город потрясла таинственная смерть сына крупного политика – тело молодого человека обнаружили под окнами многоэтажного отеля. На первый взгляд - явное самоубийство. Однако отец жертвы считает, что с его сыном расправились.
Также Босх занимается расследованием давнего убийства женщины – теперь появилась возможность проверить улики по базам ДНК преступников. Однако результаты проверки ошеломляют - судя по результатам анализа, маньяком оказался… человек, которому тогда было восемь лет! Ошибка? Или чья-то попытка отвести расследование от настоящего убийцы?
На Босха давят, требуя немедленных результатов. Он убежден: истоки обоих преступлений следует искать в прошлом Города Ангелов…
Один из самых ярких и захватывающих романов о Гарри Босхе!
«New York Times»
Два убийства.
Один детектив.
Двадцать лет страха.
Megan Abbott 0.0
Thirteen-year old Lizzie Hood and her next door neighbor Evie Verver are inseparable. They are best friends who swap bathing suits and field-hockey sticks, and share everything that's happened to them. Together they live in the shadow of Evie's glamorous older sister Dusty, who provides a window on the exotic, intoxicating possibilities of their own teenage horizons. To Lizzie, the Verver household, presided over by Evie's big-hearted father, is the world's most perfect place.

And then, one afternoon, Evie disappears. The only clue: a maroon sedan Lizzie spotted driving past the two girls earlier in the day. As a rabid, giddy panic spreads through the Midwestern suburban community, everyone looks to Lizzie for answers. Was Evie unhappy, troubled, upset? Had she mentioned being followed? Would she have gotten into the car of a stranger?

Lizzie takes up her own furtive pursuit of the truth, prowling nights through backyards, peering through windows, pushing herself to the dark center of Evie's world. Haunted by dreams of her lost friend and titillated by her own new power at the center of the disappearance, Lizzie uncovers secrets and lies that make her wonder if she knew her best friend at all.
Reed Farrel Coleman 0.0
"The biggest mysteries in our genre are why Reed Coleman isn't already huge, and why Moe Prager isn't already an icon."—Lee Child

At a pre-wedding party for his daughter Sarah, Moe Prager is approached by his ex-wife and former PI partner Carmella Melendez. It seems Carmella's estranged sister Alta has been murdered, but no one in New York City seems to care. Why? Alta, a FDNY EMT, and her partner had months earlier refused to give assistance to a dying man at a fancy downtown eatery. Moe decides to help Carmella as a means to distract himself from his own life and death struggle. Making headway on the case is no mean feat as no one, including Alta's partner Maya Watson, wants to cooperate. Moe chips away until he discovers a cancer roiling just below the surface, a cancer whose symptoms include bureaucratic greed, sexual harassment, and blackmail. But is any of it connected to Alta's brutal murder?

Reed Farrel Coleman has won or been nominated for nearly every major award in crime fiction. His Moe Prager series was selected by NPR's Maureen Corrigan for inclusion in her Best Of list.
Julia Spencer-Fleming 0.0
On a warm September evening in the Millers Kill community center, five veterans sit down in rickety chairs to try to make sense of their experiences in Iraq. What they will find is murder, conspiracy, and the unbreakable ties that bind them to one another and their small Adirondack town.

The Rev. Clare Fergusson wants to forget the things she saw as a combat helicopter pilot and concentrate on her relationship with Chief of Police Russ Van Alstyne. MP Eric McCrea needs to control the explosive anger threatening his job as a police officer. Will Ellis, high school track star, faces the reality of life as a double amputee. Orthopedist Trip Stillman is denying the extent of his traumatic brain injury. And bookkeeper Tally McNabb wrestles with guilt over the in-country affair that may derail her marriage.

But coming home is harder than it looks. One vet will struggle with drugs and alcohol. One will lose his family and friends. One will die.

Since their first meeting, Russ and Clare's bond has been tried, torn, and forged by adversity. But when he rules the veteran's death a suicide, she violently rejects his verdict, drawing the surviving vets into an unorthodox investigation that threatens jobs, relationships, and her own future with Russ.

As the days cool and the nights grow longer, they will uncover a trail of deceit that runs from their tiny town to the upper ranks of the U.S. Army, and from the waters of the Millers Kill to the unforgiving streets of Baghdad.

Лучший дебютный роман

Сара Генри 0.0
"If I'd blinked, I would have missed it. But I didn't, and I saw something fall from the rear deck of the opposite ferry: a small, wide-eyed human face, in one tiny frozen moment, as it plummeted toward the water."

When she witnesses a small child tumbling from a ferry into Lake Champlain, Troy Chance dives in without thinking. Harrowing moments later, she bobs to the surface, pulling a terrified little boy with her. As the ferry disappears into the distance, she begins a bone-chilling swim nearly a mile to shore towing a tiny passenger.
Surprisingly, he speaks only French. He'll acknowledge that his name is Paul; otherwise, he's resolutely mute.
Troy assumes that Paul's frantic parents will be in touch with the police or the press. But what follows is a shocking and deafening silence. And Troy, a freelance writer, finds herself as fiercely determined to protect Paul as she is to find out what happened to him. She'll need skill and courage to survive and protect her charge and herself.
Sara J. Henry's powerful and compelling Learning to Swim will move and disturb readers right up to its shattering conclusion.
Тейлор Стивенс 3.6
В экзотической стране бесследно исчезла Эмили - наследница огромного состояния.
За четыре года обнаружить девушку не удалось ни полиции, ни частным детективам.
И тогда ее отчим - техасский нефтяной магнат - решил нанять Ванессу Монро. Ее профессия - сбор секретной информации. Она умеет работать в любых условиях и при любых обстоятельствах и виртуозно владеет оружием.
Однако стоит Ванессе принять заказ - и па се жизнь начинается настоящая охота.
Покушение следует за покушением, и вскоре Ванессе становится ясно: чтобы остаться в живых, ей необходимо отказаться от поисков Эмили или любой ценой узнать, кто и почему так не хочет, чтобы богатую наследницу нашли...
Даррелл Джеймс 0.0
A new mystery series featuring young female investigator Del Shannon

As a smart and determined field operative for Desert Sands Covert in Tucson, Arizona, Del Shannon has earned a reputation for being nearly invincible at tracking down missing persons. Ironically, the only person Del has never been able to locate is the mother she's never known.

Meanwhile, the Feds are investigating a compound run by religious leader Silas Rule in the Appalachian region of Kentucky. The first undercover agent sent to the clannish community has gone missing, and Del is recruited when the FBI discovers that her father owns an abandoned property in the area. She partners with ATFE agent Frank Falconet, a New Yorker who's battling his own demons. As she and Frank go undercover, Del has a second agenda: discover if Silas Rule and the secretive Nazareth Church he commands hold the key to her mother's past.
Леонард Розен 0.0
All Cry Chaos, a debut thriller by the immensely gifted Leonard Rosen, is a masterful and gripping tale that literally reaches for the heavens.

The action begins when mathematician James Fenster is assassinated on the eve of a long-scheduled speech at a World Trade Organization meeting. The hit is as elegant as it is bizarre. Fenster's Amsterdam hotel room is incinerated, yet the rest of the building remains intact. The murder trail leads veteran Interpol agent Henri Poincaré on a high-stakes, world-crossing quest for answers.

Together with his chain-smoking, bon vivant colleague Serge Laurent, Poincaré pursues a long list of suspects: the Peruvian leader of the Indigenous Liberation Front, Rapture-crazed militants, a hedge fund director, Fenster's elusive ex-fiancée, and a graduate student in mathematics. Poincaré begins to make progress in America, but there is a prodigious hatred trained on him—some unfinished business from a terrifying former genocide case—and he is called back to Europe to face the unfathomable. Stripped down and in despair, tested like Job, he realizes the two cases might be connected—and he might be the link.

This first installment in the Henri Poincaré series marries a sharp, smart mystery to deep religious themes that will keep both agnostics and believers turning pages until the shattering, revelatory end. Anyone who enjoys the work of John Le Carré, Scott Turow, Dan Brown, and Steig Larsson will relish Rosen's story telling and his resourceful, haunted protagonist. Others will appreciate his dazzling prose. Still others, the way he bends the thriller form in unconventional ways toward a higher cause, in the vein of Henning Mankell in The Man From Beijing . In short, All Cry Chaos promises to become a critical success that garners a broad readership throughout the nation and across the globe.
Рошелль Стааб 0.0
Clinical psychologist Liz Cooper doesn't believe in ghosts. But when her best friend finds a tarot card tacked to her front door-and is then accused of murder-Liz will have to find a way to embrace the occult if she wants to outwit the real killer...
Стив Ульфельдер 0.0
“Tander Phigg was an asshole, but he was also a Barnburner. Barnburners saved my life. I help them when I can. No exceptions.”

The job seems simple. Conway Sax, a no-nonsense auto mechanic with a knack for solving difficult problems, has never liked obnoxious blowhard Tander Phigg. But a promise is a promise. Tander's a Barnburner, a member of the unique Alcoholics Anonymous group that rescued Conway, and when a Barnburner has a problem, Conway takes care of it. Besides, all Tander wants is to get back his baby, a vintage Mercedes that's been in a shady auto shop far too long.

But Conway soon discovers there's much more to the problem than Tander first let on—especially when Tander turns up dead. Conway was the last person seen with the victim, and on top of that, he has a record, making him the cops' top suspect. He must catch the killer to clear himself, but beyond that, he's a man who honors his promises, even when the guy he made them to is dead.

In the tradition of Robert B. Parker and Dennis Lehane, Steve Ulfelder's crackling debut mystery features a gritty, razor-sharp new voice in crime fiction. Conway Sax isn't a hired gun or a wise-cracking urbanite. He's just a mechanic trying to make his way, a blue-collar guy whose ideas about family and loyalty are as deeply held as they are strong. He'll break your heart if you're not careful.
С. Дж. Уотсон 4.0
Каждое утро Кристин Лукас просыпается в незнакомой комнате, в постели с мужчиной, которого не узнает. Каждое утро этот мужчина терпеливо объясняет Кристин, что он ее муж, а она страдает амнезией с тех пор, как в молодости попала в аварию. По совету врача, занимающегося ее случаем, Кристин втайне от мужа начинает вести дневник, записывая туда все, что ей удается узнать и вспомнить в течение дня. Отчаянно пытаясь сложить из обрывков воспоминаний свое прошлое, Кристин задает все больше вопросов — себе и окружающим. Но каждое новое воскресшее воспоминание все больше пугает ее, ей все сложнее понять, что же на самом деле случилось с ней много лет назад, что именно стерло из памяти всю ее прежнюю жизнь?

Лучший роман в обложке

Robert Jackson Bennett 0.0
The year is 1919.
The McNaughton Corporation is the pinnacle of American industry. They built the guns that won the Great War before it even began. They built the airships that tie the world together. And, above all, they built Evesden-a shining metropolis, the best that the world has to offer.
But something is rotten at the heart of the city. Deep underground, a trolley car pulls into a station with eleven dead bodies inside. Four minutes before, the victims were seen boarding at the previous station. Eleven men butchered by hand in the blink of an eye. All are dead. And all are union.
Now, one man, Cyril Hayes, must fix this. There is a dark secret behind the inventions of McNaughton and with a war brewing between the executives and the workers, the truth must be discovered before the whole city burns. Caught between the union and the company, between the police and the victims, Hayes must uncover the mystery before it kills him.
Christa Faust 0.0

Angel Dare went into Witness Protection to escape her past—not as a porn star, but as a killer who took down the sex slavery ring that destroyed her life. But sometimes the past just won’t stay buried. When a former co-star is murdered, it’s up to Angel to get his son, a hotheaded MMA fighter, safely through the unforgiving Arizona desert, shady Mexican bordertowns, and the seductive neon mirage of Las Vegas...
Майкл Стэнли 0.0
“The best book yet in one of the best series going: a serious novel with a mystery at its core that takes us places we’ve never been.”
—Timothy Hallinan, author of The Queen of Patpong

Mystery readers who have not yet made the acquaintance of larger than life African investigator Detective David “Kubu” Bengu are doing themselves a great disservice. Death of the Mantis is the third Kubu novel from author Michael Stanley—following the critically acclaimed A Carrion Death and The Second Death of Goodluck Tinubu—and it plunges the robust manhunter into the chaotic center of a murder case involving nomadic Bushmen that is stoking the fires of prejudice and tribal hatred. Set in Botswana—the fascinating equatorial country also explored by Alexander McCall Smith in his #1 Ladies’ Detective Agency novels—Death of the Mantis is a book alive with the sights and sounds of an exotic and breathtaking land. The exploits of Stanley’s singularly captivating policeman protagonist will delight you and keep you guessing.
Duane Swierczynski 0.0
harlie Hardie, an ex-cop still reeling from the revenge killing of his former partner's entire family, fears one thing above all else: that he'll suffer the same fate.

Languishing in self-imposed exile, Hardie has become a glorified house sitter. His latest gig comes replete with an illegally squatting B-movie actress who rants about hit men who specialize in making deaths look like accidents. Unfortunately, it's the real deal. Hardie finds himself squared off against a small army of the most lethal men in the world: The Accident People.

It's nothing personal-the girl just happens to be the next name on their list. For Hardie, though, it's intensely personal. He's not about to let more innocent people die. Not on his watch
Фрэнк Таллис 4.0
In the dynamic and dangerous Vienna of 1903, a brilliant psychoanalyst and a brave detective battle to catch criminals who commit the most clever and brutal crimes.

Detective Inspector Oskar Reinhardt finds that young women are being slain in an unnerving—and ingenious—manner, with a small, almost undetectable, hat pin. For Dr. Max Liebermann, the killer is unique in the annals of psychopathology, one who murders in the midst of consensual love. Is the culprit a patient, one who swears he has a double, a shadow figure that is far more forward (in fact, indecent) with women? As danger mounts, Liebermann must find the answer while struggling with his own forbidden desire for a female patient.

Лучшая критическая или научно-популярная работа

Charlaine Harris 0.0
THE SOOKIE STACKHOUSE COMPANION is a unique guide to Sookie Stackhouse and her dark fantasy southern-Gothic world, as well as an in-depth look at the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD.
The book will feature a brand-new Sookie story and Charlaine's own map of Bon Temps, never before published, with every place of interest in the town, including Merlotte's bar and Sookie's home. Other treats include:
* An introduction by Charlaine about the impact Sookie Stackhouse has had on her writing career, and the influence on the genre at large
* A large section on the award-winning HBO series TRUE BLOOD
* Detailed summaries of each novel and entries on every important character, event and setting in the series, in Sookie's voice.
* An overview of Sookie's world, including information on the vampires, shapeshifter/wereanimal, and fairie factions
* Interviews with Charlaine Harris and Alan Ball
* A selection of favourite Bon Temps recipes
Лесли Будевиц 0.0
Addressing the misunderstood and misrepresented aspects of the law in today’s writing, this reliable guidebook demonstrates how to use legal concepts, terminology, and procedure to create fiction that is true to life and crackling with real-world tension. Examples from actual cases are provided along with excerpts of authentic courtroom dialogue. Topics covered include criminal and civil law; differences between federal, state, and Native American jurisdiction; police and private investigation; wills and inheritances; and the written and unwritten codes that govern the public and private conduct of lawyers and judges. Providing a quick and simple legal reference, this handbook is the key to creating innovative plots, strong conflicts, authentic characters, and gritty realism.
John Curran 0.0
In this follow-up volume to the award-winning 'Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks', Christie archivist and expert John Curran leads the reader through the six decades of Agatha's writing career, unearthing some remarkable clues to her success and a number of never-before-published excerpts and stories from her archives.

Starting his investigation in the 1920s, John Curran examines the conventions of detective fiction as it existed then and reveals how Agatha Christie's publisher talked her into changing the ending of her very first book, 'The Mysterious Affair at Styles', a move that almost certainly changed the fortunes of not only her career but also the future of the detective novel. For the very first time, this book prints Agatha's original ending, painstakingly transcribed from the hand-written draft in one of her earliest notebooks.

Every decade saw Agatha Christie's success grow to new heights. The emergence of the world-famous Collins Crime Club in 1930 brought with it the very first Miss Marple novel; the austerity of the 1940s had Agatha Christie preparing to kill off Hercule Poirot; and the 1950s saw her experiment increasingly with stories influenced by more modern thrillers. Focusing on more than 20 Christie novels as detailed evidence, John Curran demonstrates the evolution of Agatha's writing through the decades, including her perseverance through the Swinging Sixties and Seventies into old age, concluding with a look at Agatha's last notebook and her ideas for an unwritten final book.

As well as revealing more than a dozen unpublished book ideas, 'Agatha Christie's Murder in the Making' contains two new short stories from her archives - 'The Man Who Knew' and an early Miss Marple draft, 'The Case of the Caretaker's Wife'.

NB: The first edition, first printing, has the ISBN on the reverse of the title page as in this record of the book but the back of the dust wrapper carries a different ISBN - 9780007908561! In addition there seems to be a variant title in that in some editions the last word of the sub-title is 'Notebooks' as opposed to 'Archive'.
Майкл Дирда 5.0
A passionate lifelong fan of the Sherlock Holmes adventures, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic Michael Dirda is a member of The Baker Street Irregulars--the most famous and romantic of all Sherlockian groups. Combining memoir and appreciation, On Conan Doyle is a highly engaging personal introduction to Holmes's creator, as well as a rare insider's account of the curiously delightful activities and playful scholarship of The Baker Street Irregulars.

Because Arthur Conan Doyle wrote far more than the mysteries involving Holmes, this book also introduces readers to the author's lesser-known but fascinating writings in an astounding range of other genres. A prolific professional writer, Conan Doyle was among the most important Victorian masters of the supernatural short story, an early practitioner of science fiction, a major exponent of historical fiction, a charming essayist and memoirist, and an outspoken public figure who attacked racial injustice in the Congo, campaigned for more liberal divorce laws, and defended wrongly convicted prisoners. He also wrote novels about both domestic life and contemporary events (including one set in the Middle East during an Islamic uprising), as well as a history of World War I, and, in his final years, controversial tracts in defense of spiritualism.

On Conan Doyle describes all of these achievements and activities, uniquely combining skillful criticism with the story of Dirda's deep and enduring affection for Conan Doyle and his work. This is a book for everyone who already loves Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and the world of 221B Baker Street, or for anyone who would like to know more about them, but it is also a much-needed celebration of Arthur Conan Doyle's genius for every kind of storytelling.
Philippa Gates 0.0
In this extensive and authoritative study of over 300 films, Philippa Gates explores the "woman detective" figure from her pre-cinematic origins in nineteenth century detective fiction through her many incarnations throughout the history of Hollywood cinema. Through the lens of theories of gender, genre, and stardom and engaging with the critical concepts of performativity, masquerade, and feminism, Detecting Women analyzes constructions of the female investigator in the detective genre and focuses on the evolution of her representation from 1929 to today. While a popular assumption is that images of women have become increasingly positive over this period, Gates argues that the most progressive and feminist models of the female detective exist in mainstream film's more peripheral products such as 1930's B-picture and 1970's Blaxploitation films. Offering revisions and new insights into peripheral forms of mainstream film, Gates explores this space that allows a fantasy of resolution of social anxieties about crime and, more interestingly, gender, in the 20th and early 21st centuries. The author's innovative, engaging, and capacious approach to this important figure within feminist film history breaks new ground in the field of gender and film studies.