Вручение 28 сентября 2006 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Мадисон, Висконсин, Bouchercon XXXVII Дата проведения: 28 сентября 2006 г.

Лучший роман

William Kent Krueger 2.0
Back in the saddle as sheriff of Tamarack County, Cork O'Connor is lured to the nearby Ojibwe reservation on what appears to be a routine call -- only to become the target of sniper fire. Soon after, he's called to investigate a mutilated body found perched above the raging waters of Mercy Falls. The victim is Eddie Jacoby, a Chicago businessman negotiating an unpopular contract between his management firm and the local Indian casino. Sparks fly when the wealthy Jacoby family hires a beautiful private investigator to consult on the case. But once Cork discovers an old and passionate tie between one of the Jacoby sons and his own wife, Jo, he begins to suspect that dark, personal motives lurk behind recent events. Murder, greed, sex, and jealousy hide around every corner in this maze of danger. But somewhere beneath the turbulent Mercy Falls lies the truth -- and Cork is determined to find it....
Майкл Коннелли 4.5
Микки Холлер - самый циничный адвокат Лос-Анджелеса.
Его офис - заднее сиденье "линкольна".
Его методы защиты, мягко говоря, нестандартны.
Его клиенты - драчуны-байкеры и карточные шулеры, наркодилеры и пьяные водители. Для него закон не имеет никакого отношения к вине или невиновности. Надо просто уметь торговаться и нажимать нужные кнопки, а правосудие здесь и вовсе ни при чем!
Но на сей раз Холлер намерен восстановить справедливость и покарать виновного. Потому что ему предстоит охота за убийцей, одной из жертв которого стал его лучший друг.
И он подозревает, что однажды сам спас этого преступника от заслуженного возмездия...
Thomas H. Cook 0.0
Book Description Eric Moore has reason to be happy. He has a prosperous business, a comfortable home, a stable family life in a quiet town. Then, on an ordinary night, his teenage son Keith is asked to babysit Amy Giordano, the eight-year-old
Laura Lippman 0.0
“Powerful….A gripping tale that is a mystery only in the same sense as To Kill a Mockingbird was….Brilliant, insightful, moving.”
—Chicago Sun-Times

There are excellent reasons why New York Times bestselling author Laura Lippman has won the Edgar®, Agatha, Anthony, Nero Wolfe, and every other major award the mystery genre has to offer. To the Power of Three is just one of those reasons. Lippman’s brilliant and disturbing tale of three inseparable high school girlfriends in an affluent Baltimore suburb who share dark secrets literally until death, To the Power of Three is this “writing powerhouse” (USA Today), who has “exploded the boundaries of the mystery genre to become one of the most significant social realists of our time” (Madison Smartt Bell) operating at the very top of her game. Not merely crime fiction, but fiction that gets to the deep psychological, emotional, and human roots of a terrible crime, Lippman’s novel is one that will not be easily forgotten—a must read for fans of Kate Atkinson, Tana French, Jodi Picoult, and Harlan Coben

Лучший дебютный роман

Chris Grabenstein 0.0
Just back from the horrors of the Iraq War, ex-MP John Ceepak has recently accepted a job on the Sea Haven police department. But any thoughts of enjoying some fun in the sun are put on hold when the body of a real estate tycoon is found on the Tilt-A-Whirl at a seedy local amusement park.
Брайан Фриман 3.0
Бесследное исчезновение юной Рейчел потрясло маленький провинциальный городок.
Неужели она - новая жертва маньяка, год назад убившего другую девушку?
А может, Рейчел погибла от руки отчима - циничного и жестокого дельца, которого соседи подозревают в порочной страсти к девочкам-тинейджерам?
Пресса неистовствует.
Прокурор требует немедленно отыскать преступника.
Однако детектив Джонатан Страйд, расследующий дело, убежден: к исчезновению Рейчел причастны совсем другие люди.
Шаг за шагом он приближается к истине и распутывает клубок таких тайн, от которых кровь стынет в жилах даже у опытного полицейского...
Рэндалл Хикс 0.0
A new attorney, Toby Dillon, hedges his bets by remaining the part-time tennis pro at the country club. Then his idyllic life changes when his two childhood friends, Brogan and Rita, Hollywood's glamour couple, ask his help in adopting a baby. The media's feel good story curdles into danger when the baby is kidnapped. When the expected ransom demand never arrives and the police turn up nothing, Toby and Brogan try to find answers on their own. First they think the baby's birth mother is responsible, but suddenly she's missing too, and their suspects start turning up dead. They soon learn there's more at stake than a kidnapping, and the answers may trace back to their shared childhood.
Megan Abbott 0.0


How does a respectable young woman fall into Los Angeles' hard-boiled underworld?

Shadow-dodging through the glamorous world of 1950s Hollywood and its seedy flip side, Megan Abbott's debut, Die a Little, is a gem of the darkest hue. This ingenious twist on a classic noir tale tells the story of Lora King, a schoolteacher, and her brother Bill, a junior investigator with the district attorney's office. Lora's comfortable, suburban life is jarringly disrupted when Bill falls in love with a mysterious young woman named Alice Steele, a Hollywood wardrobe assistant with a murky past.

Made sisters by marriage but not by choice, the bond between Lora and Alice is marred by envy and mistrust. Spurred on by inconsistencies in Alice's personal history and possibly jealous of Alice's hold on her brother, Lora finds herself lured into the dark alleys and mean streets of seamy Los Angeles. Assuming the role of amateur detective, she uncovers a shadowy world of drugs, prostitution, and ultimately, murder.

Lora's fascination with Alice's "sins" increases in direct proportion to the escalation of her own relationship with Mike Standish, a charmingly amoral press agent who appears to know more about his old friend Alice than he reveals. The deeper Lora digs to uncover Alice's secrets, the more her own life begins to resemble Alice's sinister past -- and present.

Steeped in atmospheric suspense and voyeuristic appeal, Die a Little shines as a dark star among Hollywood lights.
Тереза Швегель 0.0
The Chicago Police Department says Samantha Mack shot her partner, Fred, during the confusion of a bungled pursuit. Mack says it was their quarry, a violent pedophile named Marco Trovic, who fired the deadly round in that darkened room. But Mack was knocked out and can’t really say what happened.

When no evidence of Trovic is found on the scene and the bullet is shown to have come from Mack’s own gun, the Department labels Fred’s death as a case of friendly fire.Back at the station, it seems no one believes Mack’s account. Not Internal Affairs investigator Alex O’Conner, and not even Mack’s lover, whose best attempts at support leave her as cold as the wind whipping across Lake Michigan.

With the Department looking to quiet the bad press, Mack can’t count on anyone to help her track down Trovic. Even if she can somehow find him in the dark recesses of Chicago’s underworld, can she prove that Trovic was the shooter? With her back to the wall and her career at stake, now it’s time for Mack to take matters into her own hands to clear her name—and avenge her partner’s death.

Лучший роман в обложке

Reed Farrel Coleman 0.0
It’s 1983 and Reaganomics is in full swing. But beneath the facade of junk bonds and easy money, New York remains a gritty metropolis offering Nirvana with one hand and desolation with the other. Moe Prager, ex-NYPD cop turned reluctant P.I. is too busy reeling from a family tragedy to see what’s coming. He’s about to be sucked into a case that might deliver him what he’s always wanted or plunge him into purgatory.
Two years earlier, Moira Heaton, a young intern for an up-and-coming politico, vanished without a trace. Although there is no evidence supporting her boss’s involvement, rumors and whispers have conspired to stall his once-promising career. Now, in a last- ditch effort to clear his name, state senator Steven Brightman, with the clout of a wealthy backer, enlists Moe’s help. With twists and turns galore and Moe’s inimitable voice, The James Deans is an absorbing page- turner that will add to the burgeoning reputation of one of today’s most promising writers.
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