Шэрин Маккрамб4.0 She Walks These Hills is another excellent book in the Appalachian series by Sharyn McCrumb. She again combines two stories - one in the present and one in the past along with a pinch of a ghost story, culminating in an overall satisfying novel.
Майкл Коннелли4.3 Кукольник...
Маньяк-убийца из Лос-Анджелеса, известный тем, что нанес на лица одиннадцати жертв яркий макияж.
Гарри Босх застрелил безумца - и избавил город от кошмара.
Однако вскоре произошло новое убийство, в точности повторяющее почерк Кукольника...
Неужели Босх убил невиновного?
Он продолжает расследование - и вскоре перед ним открывается страшная правда: Кукольник жив - и готовится нанести новый удар...
Джанет Иванович4.0 Серия искрометно веселых романов о Стефани Плам принесла американской писательнице Джанет Иванович грандиозную популярность. Каждый роман о незадачливой охотнице за сбежавшими из-под залога преступниками - чтение неимоверно увлекательное, интригующее и поразительно смешное.
В первой книге Стефани поручено крайне ответственное задание: отыскать Джо Морелли, полицейского, обвиняемого в убийстве, а по совместительству совершенно неотразимого мужчину и настоящего мачо. Это дело не сулило бы особых хлопот, если бы не осложнялось тем, что когда-то этот самый Морелли сумел воспользоваться наивностью и неопытностью новоиспеченного детектива. Причем не один раз... Впрочем, находчивости и изобретательности мисс Плам не занимать, а неиссякающий оптимизм и безграничное чувство юмора всегда выручают ее из множества дурацких и нелепых ситуаций, в которые она почему-то все время попадает.
Сью Графтон4.2 Она любила рисковать. Опасность для нее была своего рода наркотиком. Доза становилась все круче, все страшнее, но Лорна Кеплер уже не могла остановиться. Это сделала за нее Смерть. Полиция закрывает дело "за неимением состава преступления". Но частный детектив Кинси Милхоун уверена: это убийство.
Батья Гур3.2 Роман израильской писательницы Батьи Гур - психологический детектив, написанный по классическим канонам жанра. В кибуце - общине, где все друг друга знают и считают себя одной семьей, - убита женщина, и убийцей может быть только член этой семьи. Инспектору Михаэлю Охайону, постоянному герою автора, приходится погрузиться в сложный, далеко не идиллический и даже жестокий мир замкнутой общины, чтобы разгадать имя преступника. Русским читателям творчество Батьи Гур знакомо по роману "Убийство в субботу утром".
Lionel Davidson3.0 Профессор биологии получает странные зашифрованные послания. Его знакомые из ЦРУ выясняют, что след тянется в постсоветскую Колыму...
Reginald Hill5.0 Reginald Hill's ironic humor, polished prose, and keen insight have placed him squarely alongside such great mystery writers as P. D. James and Ruth Rendell. In his latest novel his much-appreciated team of detectives, the incomparable Dalziel and Pascoe, find themselves in the pretty village of Enscombe, which is steadfastly trying -- though somewhat in vain -- to repel the advances of both tourists and developers. When a policeman is discovered missing, Pascoe is immediately worried, but Dalziel thinks he's overreacting... until the normally phlegmatic Sergeant Wield also shows signs of changing his first impressions of picture-perfect village life. Over two eventful days a new pattern emerges: one of lust and lying, family feuds and ancient injuries, frustrated desires and unbalanced minds. Finally, inevitably, everything comes to a bloody climax at the Squire's Reckoning, where the villagers gather each Lady Day to feast and pay old debts. Not even the three lawmen's presence can change the course of history... though one of them is to find the course of his own personal history changed forever.
Lynda La Plante0.0 Lorraine Page is a down-on-her-luck ex-LAPD cop, recruited against her will to hunt for a serial killer. Cold Shoulder is the story of a young woman who has everything: a devoted husband, two beautiful daughters, and a successful career as a lieutenant with the Pasadena Homicide Squad. But when her partner is shot and dies in her arms, Lorraine's life starts to unravel. The after-hours drinking that once was social becomes her refuge, and soon she's not waiting until the end of her shift. From there it all comes undone with frightening speed: Drunk, she kills an innocent boy while on duty, is fired from the force, is abandoned by her family, and ends up living on the street as a prostitute. Cold Shoulder is the dramatic, frighteningly explicit account of Lorraine Page's fall and nightmarish recovery while caught between the danger of a serial killer on the loose and the manipulations of the old-boy police force that had ostracized her not so long before. The book reverberates with realism because it is based on a true story, one that has been meticulously researched and crafted by Lynda La Plante, a consummate expert in crime writing.
Val McDermid0.0 'Crime writing of the very highest order ! Kate Brannigan has turned into the most interesting sleuthess around' The Times
There was only one reason Manchester-based private eye Kate Brannigan was prepared to let her boyfriend help out with the investigation into a car sales fraud – nothing bad could happen. But by now Kate should know that with Richard you have to expect the unexpected.
With the unexpected being Richard behind bars, Kate seems to be the obvious choice to look after his eight-year-old son – who proves even more troublesome than his father. Kate finds herself dragged into a world of drug traffickers, child pornographers, fraudsters and violent gangland enforcers… bringing her face to face with death in the most terrifying investigation of her career.
Walter Mosley0.0 1961: For most black Americans, these were times of hope. For former P.I. Easy Rawlins, Los Angeles's mean streets were never meaner...or more deadly. Ordinarily, Easy would have thrown the two bills in the sleazy shamus' face -- the white man who wanted him to find the notorious Black Betty, an ebony siren whose talent for all things rich and male took her from Houston's Fifth Ward to Beverly Hills. There was too much Easy wasn't being told, but he couldn't resist the prospect of seeing Betty again, even if it killed him....
Derek Raymond0.0 Gust is on parole after a ten year stretch for armed robbery. He needs money and gets involved in what appears to be a straightforward scam, but soon realizes that he is out of his depth. Adrift in the seedy Soho demi-monde, Gust doesn't know where to turn.
Janwillem van de Wetering0.0 Retired Amsterdam policeman Grijpstra receives a frantic late-night phone call from his old partner, de Gier—now living on an island near Jameson, Maine—who fears he may have accidentally killed his girlfriend. He is being blackmailed and can’t remember if he did it; he was just too drunk. Would his old partner please fly over at once? Grijpstra grudgingly makes his way to the US to help his old partner and confronts his own demons along the way.
Калеб Карр4.1 1896 год. Улицы Нью-Йорка превратились в "охотничьи угодья" изощренного убийцы, избравшего своими жертвами несовершеннолетних мальчишек.
Чтобы избежать открытого скандала, будущий президент США, а ныне комиссар полиции Нью-Йорка Теодор Рузвельт поручает неофициальное расследование Ласло Крайцлеру, алиенисту, человеку, занимающемуся изучением психических патологий. Вместе со своей командой Крайцлер выследит убийцу. Но пока тот на свободе, он будет убивать снова и снова...
Дэвид Гутерсон4.1 В водах залива Пьюджет-Саунд найдено тело одного из местных рыбаков. Подозрение падает на американца японского происхождения Миямото Кабуо.
Роман английского писателя Дэвида Гутерсона - это история жизни обитателей маленького острова, сосуществующих в замкнутом пространстве и вынужденных пересматривать некоторые принципы ради мира и покоя.
Деннис Лихэйн3.7 Частный детектив Патрик Кензи и его компаньонка Энджи получают от одного видного политика вроде бы несложное задание: разыскать чернокожую уборщицу, стащившую из муниципалитета какие-то документы. Однако найти воровку оказывается проще, чем сохранить при этом жизнь.
Лора Джо Роулэнд4.0 Синдзю - двойное самоубийство отчаявшихся влюбленных - совсем не редкость в Эдо - столице Японии самурайской эпохи Токугава. Дознание в таких случаях не более чем формальность…
Но молодой ерики Сано Исиро, ведущий это дело, совершает все новые неожиданные открытия…
Погибший юноша - нищий художник из "веселого квартала" - вообще не интересовался женщинами.
А девушка - юная аристократка - похоже, случайно соприкоснулась с какой-то важной тайной.
Наконец, на телах "незадачливых влюбленных" найдены следы, явно указывающие на насильственную смерть.
Так… было ли вообще совершено синдзю?
Carol O'Connell0.0 Escaping from the streets of New York when a kind police sergeant takes her in, Kathleen Mallory grows up to become a proud member of the NYPD and embarks on a dangerous case to find her father's murderer.
Мишель Спринг0.0 Wildfell Cottage is a serene weekend oasis for three career women whose lives have taken sudden turns. But they are barely acquainted before one of them is dead—and another is determined to find out why.
Between the worlds of academia, art, and politics, someone slipped into a woman's life and snuffed it out in a burst of rage, leaving Laura Principal to untangle a wicked web of secrets and hypocrisy. What Laura finds is the perfect suspect. Unfortunately, a better one has found her. . . .
Doug J. Swanson0.0 "Big Town" is Dallas, perched precariously between could-be and has-been. Big Town is Doug J. Swanson's relentlessly taut, darkly hilarious debut novel. It shines a brilliant light into the dimmer corners of Dallas and introduces an extremely unlikely, extremely engaging hero, Jack Flippo. Jack Flippo was the hottest ticket in the Dallas DA's office until an affair with a drug dealer's wife ended his legal career and his marriage. Now he lives above a garage in a Dallas neighborhood that went from bust to bust without booming. He pays the rent by snooping for Hal Roper, the sort of attorney who runs ads in the TV listings. Hal assigns Jack to tape one of the many strange sexual interludes of motivational speaker Buddy George Jr., who's a fixture of late-night infomercials and Rotary Club breakfasts throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area. But when Jack hears Buddy threatening his partner for the evening, he rushes to her aid, throwing a scare into Buddy and throwing Sharronda, the tough-talking innocent at Buddy's mercy, into his own reluctant care. He's also unwittingly foiled the plans of Buddy's icy yet steamy assistant, Paula Fontaine. With the aid of wannabe thug/talk-show host Teddy Tunstra II, Paula devises ever-more-byzantine schemes for fleecing Buddy, one of which results in the demise of Sharronda's spectacularly scruffy beau, Delbert, in the motel room just vacated by Buddy. The police run to Buddy for an explanation, Buddy runs to Paula for advice, and Paula sees a way to bleed him after all. Meanwhile, Jack realizes that Paula's at the center of this web only after she's snared him in it with a little liquor and a lot of sex. To save Sharronda from Paula's wrath - and himself from being implicated in Delbert's murder - Jack must find the killer and, harder still, outscheme Paula. Big Town is latter-day noir with a Texas twang, memorable for its pitch-perfect dialogue, its dead-on evocations of Dallas, and its large cast of quirky, convincing persona
Christopher West0.0 Set in modern China, West's mystery parallels the solution of a crime with the struggle of political loyalties in the mind of dedicated Beiging police detective Wang Anzhuang. Wang was a loyal party member, but his faith was shaken by the brutality of Tiananmen Square. Now when a murder points to Triad mob treachery leading to the Party, Wang must confront his faith once again, reconciling loyalty with duty, while fighting for his reputation, and his life.
Tony Hillerman0.0 Edited by Tony Hillerman, the Southwest's foremost suspense writer, this first-ever collection of mystery stories set in the West contains 20 original entries by such luminary mystery writers as Marcia Muller, Susan Dunlap, and Robert Campbell.
James Ellroy0.0 Set in Los Angeles from 1947 to 1959, Hollywood Nocturnes gives us an afterword and six stories set in the same crime-ridden, sex-crazed period of history of James Ellroy's L.A. Quartet novels (which include L.A. Confidential and The Big Nowhere).
Dig this: the swinging sax man's doing repos and plotting a kidnapping-of himself; a tommy gun is ripping apart windows, curtains, and bodies in High Darktown; a carhop at Scrivner's is keeping two extremely sweet sugar daddies, Howard Hughes and mobster Mickey Cohen, happy-until the scene turns murderous.
This is the hip-hop hard-edged world of L.A. 1950s style: cars with fins, Commies in closets, starmakers with come-ons, ex-cons with guns, and cops with mean streaks as wide as Sunset Strip.
James Ellroy's bizarre, stark tales dazzle us with their unexpected humor, raw brutality, and slightly lighter-than-usual noir realism. Hollywood Nocturnes is quintessential Ellroy: bluesy, black, and very, very hot.
0.0 This is the essential one-volume companion for all lovers of mystery and suspense fiction. Here you'll find the leading storytellers of our time including Tony Hillerman, Ed McBain, Sara Paretsky, Charlotte MacLeod and many others. This handsome, comprehensive book represents crime fiction at its absolute best. With a knowledgeable introduction by Jon L. Breen and head notes for each story by mystery novelist and editor Ed Gorman, the collection traces the development of contemporary fiction from a seminal period late in the 1960s, when such stories as Joe Gores' "The Second Coming" foreshadowed the social changes that would become subject matter for crime fiction and Margaret Millar's "The People Across the Canyon" exemplified the school of psychological suspense that would be the province of women writers. The anthology also includes an extensive recommended reading list that will have great appeal to readers who want to expand or deepen their mystery reading. Ideal as a gift, perfect for every library, A Modern Treasury of Great Detective and Murder Mysteries is the finest mystery and crime collection available.
Максим Якубовски0.0 The city is at the centre of all good crime writing: Los Angeles has Raymond Chandler, Chicago has Sara Paretsky and Mexico City has Paco Taibo. London has the contributors to London Noir who explore the dark underbelly of London and celebrate the triple by-passed heart of England's capital city. They reveal London to be a city of mayhem and depravity not to be recommended to tourists from Miami!