Вручение 1 июня 2023 г.

Премия присуждена за книгу, опубликованную во Франции в период с 1 сентября 2022 года по 31 марта 2023 года.

Страна: Франция Место проведения: город Париж, Музей парфюмерии Дата проведения: 1 июня 2023 г.

Премия Фрагонара за иностранную литературу

Ёко Тавада 0.0
Quelques décennies après la catastrophe de Fukushima, Yoshirô, un écrivain plus que centenaire, élève seul Mumei, son arrière-petit-fils, encore à l’école primaire. Comme tous les enfants de sa génération, dont les parents et grands-parents ont été irradiés, Mumei subit de curieuses mutations génétiques qui le condamnent à mourir vers l’âge de quinze ans.
Dans un Japon liberticide des années 2050, où une loi interdit l’usage des mots venus de l’étranger – les gairaigo –, le vieil homme et l’enfant doivent faire preuve de virtuosité et de fantaisie pour inventer de nouveaux mots, ou rajeunir les anciens. Se dessine alors en creux une réflexion sur l’étrangeté de leur langue maternelle, et sur la porosité entre les langues.
Non sans rappeler "Le Meilleur des mondes", ou "1984", ce roman décrit, à sa façon singulière, les conséquences des dysfonctionnements du monde dans lequel nous vivons.
Лорен Грофф 3.4
Семнадцатилетняя Мари покидает милую ее сердцу Францию, оказывается в чужой, холодной Англии. По повелению Алиеноры Аквитанской она становится приорессой почти нищего монастыря. Сумеет ли она возродить аббатство, сделать его процветающей обителью? Что поможет ей? Вера и сила духа? Трудолюбие и упорство? Жизнь Мари оказывается полна неожиданных поворотов и непростых испытаний.
Dubravka Ugresic 0.0
Fox is the story of literary footnotes and “minor” characters—unnoticed people propelled into timelessness through the biographies and novels of others. With Ugresic’s characteristic wit, Fox takes us from Russia to Japan, through Balkan minefields and American road trips, and from the 1920s to the present, as it explores the power of storytelling and literary invention, betrayal, and the randomness of human lives.
Е. Лили Ю 0.0
Firuzeh and her brother Nour are children of fire, born in an Afghanistan fractured by war. When their parents, their Atay and Abay, decide to leave, they spin fairy tales of their destination, the mythical land and opportunities of Australia.
As the family journeys from Pakistan to Indonesia to Nauru, heading toward a hope of home, they must rely on fragile and temporary shelters, strangers both mercenary and kind, and friends who vanish as quickly as they’re found.
When they arrive in Australia, what seemed like a stable shore gives way to treacherous currents. Neighbors, classmates, and the government seek their own ends, indifferent to the family’s fate. For Firuzeh, her fantasy worlds provide some relief, but as her family and home splinter, she must surface from these imaginings and find a new way.
Лорена Салазар 0.0
« Pourquoi je suis noir et toi blanche ? » Au fil de l’eau et au gré des souvenirs, un garçon et sa mère adoptive descendent le fleuve Atrato. L’enfant ne le sait pas encore, mais la pirogue doit les mener jusqu’à Bellavista, où habite sa mère biologique. La jungle colombienne est mystérieuse, âpre, parfois agressive, les conditions de la traversée ne sont pas idéales et l’embarcation doit s’arrêter pour que les voyageurs puissent passer la nuit sur la terre ferme. Le trajet durera quelques jours, l’occasion pour la mère adoptive de l’enfant de se confier à d’autres femmes et de replonger dans son passé afin de comprendre ce qui l’a amenée jusqu’ici.
Alors que la narratrice voudrait ne jamais arriver à destination, que l’expédition s’étire au fil des diverses étapes et des rencontres, une angoisse sourde s’installe. Au milieu de cette région bercée par la violence des luttes armées, les passagers croisent de plus en plus de personnes aux prises avec leur douloureux destin – un accouchement tragique, un incendie qui dévaste un village. Puis des coups de feu retentissent peu avant l’arrivée à Bellavista, où l’enfant retrouve finalement sa mère biologique qui l’avait abandonné à la naissance. Voudra-t-il rester avec elle ou bien faire le chemin inverse pour rester avec sa famille adoptive ? À moins que la décision finale ne revienne aux Forces armées révolutionnaires de Colombie, les FARC…
Considérée comme l’étoile montante des lettres sud-américaines, Lorena Salazar nous offre ici un voyage lyrique, à la fois sensuel, tendre et d’une grande cruauté. Avec ce premier roman qui interroge toutes les facettes de la maternité, la jeune écrivaine fait une entrée fracassante en littérature.

Traduit de l'espagnol (Colombie) par Isabelle Gugnon.
Донателла Ди Пьетрантонио 3.0
È il momento più buio della notte, quello che precede l'alba, quando Adriana tempesta alla porta con un neonato tra le braccia. Non si vedevano da un po', e sua sorella nemmeno sapeva che lei aspettasse un figlio. Ma da chi sta scappando? È davvero in pericolo? Adriana porta sempre uno scompiglio vitale, impudente, ma soprattutto una spinta risoluta a guardare in faccia la verità. Anche quella più scomoda, o troppo amara. Così tutt'a un tratto le stanze si riempiono di voci, di dubbi, di domande. Entrando nell'appartamento della sorella e di suo marito, Adriana, arruffata e in fuga, apparente portatrice di disordine, indicherà la crepa su cui poggia quel matrimonio: le assenze di Piero, la sua tenerezza, la sua eleganza distaccata, assumono piano piano una valenza tutta diversa. Anni dopo, una telefonata improvvisa costringe la narratrice di questa storia a partire di corsa dalla città francese in cui ha deciso di vivere. Inizia una notte interminabile di viaggio – in cui mettere insieme i ricordi –, che la riporterà a Pescara, e precisamente a Borgo Sud, la zona marinara della città. È lì, in quel microcosmo cosí impenetrabile eppure così accogliente, con le sue leggi indiscutibili e la sua gente ospitale e rude, che potrà scoprire cos'è realmente successo, e forse fare pace col passato. Donatella Di Pietrantonio torna dopo "L'Arminuta" con un romanzo teso e intimo, intenso a ogni pagina, capace di tenere insieme emozione e profondità di sguardo.
Кэти Китамура 3.7
An interpreter has come to The Hague to escape New York and work at the International Court.
She's drawn into simmering personal dramas. Her lover, Adriaan, is separated from his wife but still entangled in his marriage.
Her friend Jana witnesses a seemingly random act of violence, a crime the interpreter becomes increasingly obsessed with as she befriends the victim's sister.
And she's pulled into an explosive political controversy when she's asked to interpret for a former president accused of war crimes.
She is soon pushed to the precipice, where betrayal and heartbreak threaten to overwhelm her, forcing her to decide what she wants from her life.
Дипти Капур 0.0
This is the age of vice, where money, pleasure, and power are everything,
and the family ties that bind can also kill.

New Delhi, 3 a.m. A speeding Mercedes jumps the curb and in the blink of an eye, five people are dead. It’s a rich man’s car, but when the dust settles there is no rich man at all, just a shell-shocked servant who cannot explain the strange series of events that led to this crime. Nor can he foresee the dark drama that is about to unfold.

Deftly shifting through time and perspective in contemporary India, Age of Vice is an epic, action-packed story propelled by the seductive wealth, startling corruption, and bloodthirsty violence of the Wadia family — loved by some, loathed by others, feared by all.

In the shadow of lavish estates, extravagant parties, predatory business deals and calculated political influence, three lives become dangerously intertwined: Ajay is the watchful servant, born into poverty, who rises through the family’s ranks. Sunny is the playboy heir who dreams of outshining his father, whatever the cost. And Neda is the curious journalist caught between morality and desire. Against a sweeping plot fueled by loss, pleasure, greed, yearning, violence and revenge, will these characters’ connections become a path to escape, or a trigger of further destruction?

Equal parts crime thriller and family saga, transporting readers from the dusty villages of Uttar Pradesh to the urban energy of New Delhi, Age of Vice is an intoxicating novel of gangsters and lovers, false friendships, forbidden romance, and the consequences of corruption. It is binge-worthy entertainment at its literary best