Вручение 2008 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Стэнфорд, штат Калифорния Дата проведения: 2008 г.

Художественная литература

Николь Краусс 4.1
"Хроники любви" - второй и самый известный на сегодняшний день роман Николь Краусс. Книга была переведена более чем на тридцать пять языков и стала международным бестселлером.
Лео Гурски доживает свои дни в Америке. Он болен и стар, однако помнит каждое мгновение из прошлого, будто все это случилось с ним только вчера: шестьдесят лет назад в Польше, в городке, где он родился, Лео написал книгу и посвятил ее девочке, в которую был влюблен. Их разлучила война, и все эти годы Лео считал, что его рукопись - "Хроники любви" - безвозвратно потеряна, пока однажды не получил ее по почте. Между тем четырнадцатилетняя Альма, названная в честь героини "Хроник", отправляется на поиски автора загадочной книги, которая когда-то изменила жизнь ее матери. Пути главных героев неизбежно пересекаются в этой захватывающей истории о любви и одиночестве. Одноименный фильм по книге снимает известный мексиканский кинорежиссер Альфонсо Куарон.
Памела Эренс 0.0
Set in New York City and in a Buddhist monastery in rural Vermont, The Understory is both a mystery and a psychological study and reveals that repression and self-expression can be equally destructive. Ex-lawyer Jack Gorse walls off his inner life with elaborate rituals and routines. Threatened with eviction from his longtime apartment and caught off-guard by an attraction to a near stranger, he takes steps that lead to the dramatic dissolution of the existence he's known.
Ричард Ланге 0.0
These hard-hitting, deeply felt stories trace men-- straight arrows and outlaws, have-it-alls and outcasts-- as they take stock of their lives and missteps and struggle to rise above their troubled pasts. A salesman considers his tenuous relationship with his sister after she has been brutally attacked. A house painter looks forward to moving his family out of their seedy neighborhood as he plans his last bank robbery. A drifter finds a chance at love when he delivers news of a barfly's death to the man's estranged daughter.

These are hard-boiled tales of life on the edge in a city where the sun hurts your eyes and dreams die more often than they come true. Full of heart and heartbreak, Dead Boys is the debut of an astonishingly talented new writer.

"The best debut collection we have read all year....you could shelve Lange between Denis Johnson, Richard Ford, and Richard Yates, and no fights would break out....Lange writes with tremendous heart, his characters' inner turmoil as rich and varied as any of the above masters. Dead Boys, we think, will live for a very long time." --E! Online, Tod Goldberg

"Superlative short fiction, and an arresting debut."
--Kirkus Reviews

Документальная литература

Кийо Сато 0.0
Dandelion Through the The Sato Family Quest for the American Dream tells of a real Japanese-American family, formed both by ancestry and by the American way of life. We see mother, father, and children, and their challenges over seven decades. There are the extraordinary times of the Depression, wartime emergency, internment in the Poston "relocation" camp in the Arizona desert, oppressive prejudice, and the struggle to recover from near-total loss. But there are also many simple, almost-pastoral moments. The wise fables of the author's father -- tales of his old and new homelands and his haiku poetry -- are interwoven throughout. This is Kiyo Sato's first-person account of the family's struggles and triumphs. The result is a work of literary grace, emotional power, and historical and social importance.
Адам Дэвид Миллер 0.0
Cultural Writing. Memoir. African American Studies. At age nineteen, A. D. Miller sat in a jail cell. His crime? He passed a white girl a note that read, "I would like to get to know you better." For this he was accused of attempted rape. TICKET TO EXILE recounts Miller's coming-of-age in Depression-era Orangeburg, South Carolina. A closet rebel who successfully evades the worst strictures of a racially segregated small town, Miller reconstructs the sights, sounds, and social complexities of the pre-civil rights South. By the time he is forced into exile, we realize that this fate was inevitable for a young man too intelligent and aware of the limitations of his society to remain there without disastrous consequences.
Джон Мойр 0.0
A gripping account of the dramatic race to preserve one of America's most imperiled birds.