О премии

Международная премия Уильяма Сарояна в области письма — это литературная премия, присуждаемая раз в два года начинающим писателям за недавно опубликованные художественные и документальные книги, написанные в духе американского писателя Уильяма Сарояна.

Премия была учреждена в 2003 году библиотеками Стэнфордского университета и Фондом Уильяма Сарояна (1908 - 1981) с целью «поощрения новых или начинающих писателей, а не признавать уже известных литературных деятелей».

Первая премия была присуждена одному лауреату. С 2005 года присуждается две отдельные награды за художественную и научно-популярную литературу. На конкурс принимаются только бумажные книги.

Каждому лауреату вручается 5000 долларов США.

Другие названия: Премия Сарояна Жанры: Зарубежная литература, Научно-популярная литература Страны: США Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2003 г. Последнее вручение: 2022 г. Официальный сайт: https://library.stanford.edu/projects/william-saroyan-international-prize-writing


Художественная литература
William Saroyan International Prize for Writing for Fiction
Документальная литература
William Saroyan International Prize for Writing for Nonfiction
Художественная литература
Клэр Ошецки 5.0
An exhilarating, provocative novel of motherhood in extremis

Tiny is pregnant. Her husband is delighted. “You think this baby is going to be like you, but it’s not like you at all,” she warns him. “This baby is an owl-baby.”

When Chouette is born small and broken-winged, Tiny works around the clock to meet her daughter’s needs. Left on her own to care for a child who seems more predatory bird than baby, Tiny vows to raise Chouette to be her authentic self. Even in those times when Chouette’s behaviors grow violent and strange, Tiny’s loving commitment to her daughter is unwavering. When she discovers that her husband is on an obsessive and increasingly dangerous quest to find a “cure” for their daughter, Tiny must decide whether Chouette should be raised to fit in or to be herself—and learn what it truly means to be a mother.

Arresting, darkly funny, and unsettling, Chouette is a brilliant exploration of ambition, sacrifice, perceptions of ability, and the ferocity of motherly love.
Документальная литература
Вайету Мур 4.0
An engrossing memoir of escaping the First Liberian Civil War and building a life in the United States

When Wayétu Moore turns five years old, her father and grandmother throw her a big birthday party at their home in Monrovia, Liberia, but all she can think about is how much she misses her mother, who is working and studying in faraway New York. Before she gets the reunion her father promised her, war breaks out in Liberia. The family is forced to flee their home on foot, walking and hiding for three weeks until they arrive in the village of Lai. Finally, a rebel soldier smuggles them across the border to Sierra Leone, reuniting the family and setting them off on yet another journey, this time to the United States.

Spanning this harrowing journey in Moore’s early childhood, her years adjusting to life in Texas as a black woman and an immigrant, and her eventual return to Liberia, The Dragons, the Giant, the Women is a deeply moving story of the search for home in the midst of upheaval. Moore has a novelist’s eye for suspense and emotional depth, and this unforgettable memoir is full of imaginative, lyrical flights and lush prose. In capturing both the hazy magic and the stark realities of what is becoming an increasingly pervasive experience, Moore shines a light on the great political and personal forces that continue to affect many migrants around the world, and calls us all to acknowledge the tenacious power of love and family.
