Вручение 1994 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Balticon 28, Балтимор, штат Мэриленд (1 - 3 апреля 1994 года) Дата проведения: 1994 г.

Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука

Мэри Розенблюм 0.0
After years without rain, disaster lay ahead for the Pacific Northwest—unless the strange talents born of the drought could stop it.

DROUGHT had come to the 21st century, and the land way dying. Crops failed, refugee camps over-flowed, and riots raged across the country—and the Army Corps of Engineers had the dirty job of rationing what little water was left.

Carter Voltaire, a Corps officer in charge of the Columbia Riverbed Pipeline, had orders to stop a group of desperate farmers sabotaging the Pipe—at any cost. Nita Montoya, a Drylands woman burdened with a strange mental talent, knew the farmers were being framed. She could help Carter expose the real saboteurs—but only by exposing her own abnormal ability.

In the Drylands, the few people strangely altered by the drought were feared and persecuted if their mutations came to light. But if Nita couldn't trust Carter with her secret, there was no way top stop the wave of violence that would sweep their lives away...
Sterling Blake 0.0
They were fighting death.

Through their scientific breakthroughs, one of humanity's oldest dreams could be coming true. With cryonics, the body could be preserved at superlow temperatures for future revival.

But Death was fighting back.

In the hospital there were senior staff determined to destroy careers and work.

And on the streets, Death's Agent heard the whispered commands of the preacher and knew he must seek out and kill the blasphemers...
Патриция Энтони 0.0
As the greenhouse effect wreaks havoc with Earth's atmosphere, leading to worldwide starvation, countries fight for land where crops can be grown. Above the battlefields, an alien force materializes with the power to change the tide of the war--but which side are they on?
Марта Уэллс 3.7
Приказ Роланда, повелителя земли Иль - Рьен, был ясен: капитан Томас Бонифас должен арестовать черного мага Грандье. Но Грандье бесследно исчезает - а в его доме Томас обнаруживает заточенного в магический кристалл волшебника Дубелла, некогда обучавшего тайнам своего искусства принцессу Кадье.
Но не Грандье ли принял облик Дубелла, чтобы разрушить защитные чары, оберегающие покой Иль - Рьена?
Не Грандье ли, возжелав абсолютной власти, вызвали из бездны Ада чудовищную силу - Орду черной нечести? Судьба целого мира висит на волоске - и зависит от бесстрашного Томаса и юной Кадье.