Вручение 1985 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Balticon 19, Хант-Валли, штат Мэриленд (7 - 9 апреля 1985 года) Дата проведения: 1985 г.

Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука

Дэвид Р. Палмер 0.0
Candidia Maria Smith-Foster, an eleven-year-old girl, is unaware that she's a Homo post hominem, mankind's next evolutionary step.

With international relations rapidly deteriorating, Candy's father, publicly a small-town pathologist but secretly a government biowarfare expert, is called to Washington. Candy remains at home.

The following day a worldwide attack, featuring a bionuclear plague, wipes out virtually all of humanity (i.e., Homo sapiens). With her pet bird Terry, she survives the attack in the shelter beneath their house. Emerging three months later, she learns of her genetic heritage and sets off to search for others of her kind.
Джон Уиллет 0.0
The almost mythic story of two brothers, one of whom wants to midwife the new race of immortals, and the other, Gamelon Waugh, who wants to be the savior of the old race.
Патриция Кеннели-Моррисон 0.0
When lore became legend on ancient Earth and the powers of magic waned, the Kelts and their allies fled the planet for the freedom of distant star realms.
But the stars were home to dangerous foes, and millenia later, the worlds of Keltia still maintained uneasy truce with two enemy empires -the Imperium and the Phalanx. Then, at the start of the reign of Aeron, mistress of high magic and queen of all the Kelts, an Earthship made contact with her long-fled children. And while Earth and Keltia reached out to form alliance, the star fleets of the enemy mobilized for final, devastating war....
Ллойд Артур Эшбах 0.0
Two Against Lucifer

Three times Alan MacDougall had passed through the strange Gates in the ruined Scottish tower to find himself in the worlds of Lucifer, where the demon-gods lived on. There, unknown to them, Ahriman ruled as lieutenant to the Prince of Evil—and sought to entrap Alan into serving his Master’s foul plots of conquest.

Now the fourth Gate waited. Alan’s only friend in Lucifer’s twisted lands, the Bard Taliesin, had already passed it. But Alan lingered beside his beloved Elspeth. Then he stepped through.

This time, as he and Taliesin made their way through the realms of the fourth land, the dark magics of forbidden mysteries were shown Alan, but nothing he could use against Ahriman’s determined effort to force Alan to lead Lucifer’s legion to universal domination.

When Alan sought to flee back through the Gate, he found that it had vanished. For him and Taliesin, there was now no escape!
Howard Waldrop 0.0
Этот роман о перемещениях во времени. Мэдисон Лейк, член Специального отдела, перемещается назад во времени, пытаясь остановить разрушения человечества. Однако, он попадает не в Луизиану 30-х годов двадцатого столетия, а в мир где Арабские страны исследуют Америку, Римская империя никуда не исчезала, а Ацтекская империя простирается до берегов Миссисипи.