Вручение 18 апреля 2018 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 18 апреля 2018 г.

Литературная премия Европейского банка реконструкции и развития

Бурхан Сёнмез 3.9
Глубоко под древними улицами Стамбула в одной камере сидят четыре пленника: студент Демиртай, Доктор, парикмахер Камо и дядя Кюхейлан. В ожидании своей участи, томясь от скуки, они рассказывают друг другу забавные и странные истории. Постепенно из этих подземных сказаний рождается картина иной жизни, недоступной заключенным. Однако страдания и надежды людей из тех историй мало чем отличаются от страданий и надежд четырех пленников, силой своего воображения соединивших в одно целое два великих Стамбула: тот, что скрывается в недрах земли, и тот, что лежит на ее поверхности.

Впервые на русском языке.
Борис Акунин 4.0
Действие нового романа Бориса Акунина «Весь мир театр» происходит в 1911 году. Эраст Фандорин расследует преступления, совершенные в одном из московских театров.
Даша Дрндич 0.0
Andreas Ban je pisac i psiholog, nadasve intelektualac prepun empatije, no njegov se svijet već godinama urušava, a kada odlazi u bijednu mirovinu i sazna da je bolestan iznova sagledava krhotine svoga života i života svojih prijatelja. U borbi s bolešću i starošću Andreas Ban je i ciničan i moćan, i dok prekapa po vlastitoj prošlosti susreće se s pričama obespravljenih, proganjanih, bespomoćnih... te se pritom beskompromisno razračunava s najrazličitijim tabuima.

U "Belladonni" Daša Drndić ispituje i do krajnjih granica dovodi teme bolesti i (ne)mogućnosti življenja (i umiranja) u današnjem, potpuno dehumaniziranom svijetu i u vremenima kada su starost i bolest nešto sramotno te kada se propagiraju isključivo vječna mladost i bezgranična ljepota.

"Belladonna" je djelo u kojem se isprepliću stvarno i fikcionalno, autobiografsko i izmišljeno, a Andreas Ban je istinski junak našeg doba – on je intelektualac odbačen od društva koje pod krinkom korektnosti zatire mogućnost kritičkog mišljenja.
Alawiya Sobh 0.0
This acclaimed novel is set during the Lebanese Civil War and offers a rare depiction of women’s experiences amid this sprawling, region-defining conflict. In Alawiya Sobh’s hands, the details of everyday life mix with female voices from across classes, sects, and generations to create an indelible picture of a climate where violence and war are the overt outbreak of a simmering tension that underlies the life in the region. Here, stories struggle to survive the erasure of war and rescue the sweetness of living, trying to connect the tellers and their audience while transforming pain and love into abiding, sustaining art. Rendered sensitively into English through a close collaboration between author and translator, Maryam offers an unforgettable picture of conflict and its costs.
Тахар Бенджеллун 0.0
Since she’s been ill, Lalla Fatma has become a frail little thing with a faltering memory.

Lalla Fatma thinks she’s in Fez in 1944, where she grew up, not in Tangier in 2000, where this story begins. She calls out to family members who are long dead and loses herself in the streets of her childhood, yearning for her first love and the city she left behind.

By her bedside, her son Tahar listens to long-hidden secrets and stories from her past: married while still playing with dolls and widowed for the first time at the age of sixteen. Guided by these fragments, Tahar vividly conjures his mother’s life in post-war Morocco, unravelling the story of a woman for whom resignation was the only way out.

Tender and compelling, About My Mother maps the beautiful, fragile and complex nature of human experience, while paying tribute to a remarkable woman and the bond between mother and son.
Андрей Курков 3.3
Роман-фантасмагория «Бикфордов мир» — произведение необычное, не вписывающееся в рамки одного жанра. Оно одновременно предназначено для поклонников приключенческой, исторической, философской и фантастической литературы. Главный герой, военнослужащий, идет через всю страну с востока на запад, волоча за собой бесконечный бикфордов шнур. Сначала читатель знает, к чему привязан другой конец шнура, но к середине романа и герой, и читатель, и автор начинают сомневаться: а что же взорвется, если этот шнур поджечь?
Tea Tulic 0.0
Hair Everywhere is the story of one family and how they manage to cope when the mother is diagnosed with cancer. It is a delicate tale that balances itself between the generations, revealing their strengths and weaknesses in times of trouble. It is also a story about how roles within a family can change when things become challenging, due to sickness or death, allowing some to grow and others to fade. Ultimately, this is a book about life; full of humour and absurdity as well as sadness, and set against an everyday background where the ordinary takes on new significance and colour. Tea Tulic’s debut novel is a brave glance at the human condition.
Балла 0.0
Balla is often described as “the Slovak Kafka” for his depictions of the absurd and the mundane. In the Name of the Father features a nameless narrator reflecting on his life, looking for someone else to blame for his failed relationship with his parents and two sons, his serial adultery, the breakup of his marriage and his wife’s descent into madness. Against the backdrop of their stiflingly grey provincial lives, he completely fails to act against “the thing” growing in the cellar of the house he built with his brother. The book won numerous awards in Slovakia and in this edition is accompanied by three additional short stories, which share its unique dark humour, satire and truth.
Уршуля Ковалык 0.0
Shortlisted for the Anasoft Litera 2014

It is 1984 and a small town somewhere in the east of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic is in the firm grip of totalitarianism. Unruly teenager Karolína is growing up in an unconventional all-female household including her hot-blooded, knife-wielding grandmother.

Repelled by her Mum’s serial love affairs, Karolína runs away and stumbles upon a riding school on the edge of town. There, she befriends Romana, a girl with one leg shorter than the other and Matilda, a rider and trainer who helps the two girls overcome their physical limitations. Together they found a successful trick riding team and soon it seems that half flags, mills and scales are not the only tricks flashing like blades up her sequinned sleeve as Karolína explores Pink Floyd and smoking, and discovers her knack for seeing deep into others’ souls.

The fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 and the subsequent arrival of capitalism threatens to destroy the riding school. The team has to turn professional. But in a sport of perfect scores is there still room for Romana and Karolína…?

The Equestrienne is a poetic, caustic coming-of-age novel about the desire of one young girl to realise her dreams before and after Velvet Revolution; it is a celebration of friendship between women and also a bitter acknowledgement that greed the desire for power can destroy any relationship.

I lived several lives in the brief instant before my feet touched the ground. The music stopped. I landed on the hard surface like an accomplished equestrienne. The equestrienne bowed. The audience applauded.