Вручение 1995 г.

Страна: Германия Дата проведения: 1995 г.

Лучший интернациональный детективный роман

Lawrence Block 0.0
Bernie Rhodenbarr is actually trying to earn an honest living. It's been an entire year since he's entered anyone's abode illegally to help himself to their valuables. But now an unscrupulous landlord's threat to increase Bernie's rent by 1,000% is driving the bookseller and reformed burglar back to a life of crime -- though, in all fairness, it's a very short trip. And when the cops wrongly accuse him of stealing a priceless collection of baseball cards, Bernie's stuck with a worthless alibi since he was busy burgling a different apartment at the time . . . one that happened to contain a dead body locked inside a bathroom.

So Bernie has a dilemma. He can trade a burglary charge for a murder rap. Or he can shuffle all the cards himself and try to find the joker in the deck -- someone, perhaps, who believes that homicide is the real Great American Pastime.

Лучший национальный детективный роман

Тея Дорн 0.0
Alles beginnt mit einem Mord am philosophischen Institut der Universität Berlin: Der allseits unbeliebte Professor Rudolf Schreiner liegt sauber portioniert in den Postfächern seiner Kollegen. Als Rebecca Lux, die scharfzüngige Direktorin des Instituts, unter Mordverdacht gerät, ruft sie ihre ehemalige Studentin Anja Abakowitz zu Hilfe. Doch die will mit der Angelegenheit nichts zu tun haben. Erst als weiteres Denkerblut fließt, sieht sie sich gezwungen einzugreifen...