Вручение март 2009 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: март 2009 г.

Премия Ребекки Каудилл

Рик Риордан 4.4
Не только в хогвартской Школе чародейства и волшебства происходят события загадочные и страшные. И не с одним только Гарри Поттером. Перси Джексон, двенадцатилетний американский школьник, едва не становится жертвой учительницы по математике. Хорошо, что ручка, которую дал ему мистер Браннер, учитель латинского языка, превращается в настоящий меч и поражает обезумевшую математичку. Но на этом беды Перси Джексона не кончаются. На побережье, куда они уезжают с мамой, на них нападает чудовище Минотавр. И друг Перси по школе, Гроувер, неожиданно пришедший на помощь, оказывается не мальчиком, а сатиром. Но главные приключения начинаются позже, когда они с Гроувером добираются до Лагеря полукровок...
Цикл Рика Риордана о Перси Джексоне стал одним из супербестселлеров последних лет.
Брайан Селзник 4.3
История, которую я хочу вам поведать, дорогие мои, произошла в 1931 году во Франции, в Париже. Жил-был на свете мальчик по имени Хьюго Кабре. Жил не тужил. И вот в один прекрасный день к нему попал загадочный рисунок, который навсегда переменил его жизнь, - почти как в сказке.
Перед вами книга, книга необычная. Прежде чем открыть ее, зажмурьтесь и представьте, будто вы пришли в кино. Свет погас, и вы видите первые кадры: восходит солнце, перед вами разворачивается панорама Парижа, и вот, наконец, камера выхватывает красивое старинное здание вокзала. Словно по мановению волшебной палочки двери его распахиваются, и вы попадаете в огромный гулкий зал, заполненный пассажирами. Вы пробираетесь сквозь толпу, и вдруг ваше внимание привлекает мальчик-оборвыш, который куда-то спешит. Советую не отставать от него, потому что это и есть Хьюго Кабре. Без него никаких приключений не будет...
А теперь открывайте глаза и приступайте к чтению. И вы сами поймете, чем удивительна эта книга.
Синтия Лорд 4.4
"Если не хочешь отвечать, задай вопрос.
Не используй два слова, если достаточно одного.
Иногда люди смеются. А иногда насмехаются.
Маму обнимать можно и нужно, а кассира в видеопрокате - ни в коем случае".
Это правила, которые Кэтрин сочинила для своего младшего брата Дэвида. Без них он совсем слетает с катушек.
"Почему бы нет?"
"Само собой!"
А это карточки со словами, которые Кэтрин нарисовала для своего друга Джейсона. С помощью них он общается с остальными людьми. Вообще-то Кэтрин приходится нелегко: ведь мир потихоньку переворачивается с ног на голову, когда тебе 12 лет.
Книга была удостоена рекордного количества литературных наград, в частности Медали Джона Ньюбери - американской ежегодной литературной премии за выдающийся вклад в развитие литературы для детей.

Как быть, если твой младший брат - аутист? Если в самый неподходящий момент он позорит тебя перед друзьями и из-за него тебя не зовут в гости? Дэвид просто достал Кэтрин. Но ведь она так любит брата и так хочет помочь ему научиться хотя бы немного жить по законам этого мира. Поэтому Кэтрин сочиняет игру в правила, которые Дэвид может усвоить - в отличие от криков и замечаний. Это история двенадцатилетней девчонки - о ее мечтах и печалях, о том, как добиться внимания собственного отца, о том, каково это, влюбиться в мальчика в инвалидном кресле.

Синтия Лорд – американская детская писательница. "Правила, не снимай штаны в аквариуме" – дебютный роман автора, написанный в 2006 году. Частично книга основывается на реальных событиях: у Синтии трое детей, и у одного из них аутизм. Это произведение о принятии себя и окружающих, о торжестве дружбы и любви.
Мишель Пейвер 4.4
"Брат Волк" - первая из шести книг "Хроник темных времен".

История, рассказанная этнографом и писательницей М.Пейвер, переносит читателя на много тысячелетий назад. В первобытном Лесу, населенном племенами охотников, волками и зубрами, духами деревьев и камней, появился гигантский медведь. Он подкрадывается неслышно, как дыхание, и уничтожает все живое на своем пути. Спасти обитателей Леса от неумолимого зла призван мальчик Торак и его провожатый - осиротевший волчонок.
Дайан Л. Уилсон 0.0
WANTED: Young, skinny, wiry fellows not over eighteen. Must be expert riders. Willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.

When Colton Wescott sees this sign for the Pony Express, he thinks he has the solution to his problems. He's stuck with his ma and two younger sisters on the wrong side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, with no way to get across. They were on the wagon train heading to California when Pa accidentally shot Colton and then galloped away. Ma is sick, and Colton needs money to pay the doctor. He'd make good money as a Pony rider. He also needs to get to California to deliver freedom papers to Ma's sister, a runaway slave. The Pony Express could get him there too...

Does Colton have what it takes to be a Pony Express rider? And if so, will traveling the dangerous route over the mountains bring him closer to family, freedom, and everything he holds dear?
Лаура Эми Шлитц 0.0
Maud Flynn is known at the orphanage for her impertinence. So when the charming Miss Hyacinth chooses her to take home, the girl is pleased but baffled, until she learns of her new role: helping to stage elaborate seances for bereaved patrons. As Maud is drawn deeper into the deception, playing the "secret child", she is torn between her need to please and her growing conscience. It takes a shocking betrayal to make clear just how heartless her so-called guardians are. Filled with fascinating details of turn-of-the-century spiritualism and page-turning suspense, this novel from Newbery Medallist Laura Amy Schlitz features a feisty heroine whom readers will not soon forget.
Сьюзан Бет Пфеффер 4.2
В тот миг, когда астероид врезался в Луну и сбил ее с орбиты, жизнь шестнадцатилетней Миранды полностью изменилась.

Теперь Луна пугающе близка, такая огромная, серая и холодная...

Как выжить, когда огромные цунами сносят с лица земли целые города и страны, землетрясения сотрясают континенты, вулканический пепел блокирует солнце, а укус комара может быть смертелен?

Когда лето превращается в арктическую зиму, Миранда, ее братья и мама прячутся в относительно безопасном доме, где единственный источник тепла - дровяная печь, воды ограниченное количество, а запасов еды может не хватить на всех...

Каждый день этой новой и пугающе неизвестной жизни Миранда описывает в своем дневнике.
Линда Сью Парк 0.0
Julia Song and her friend Patrick want to team up to win a blue ribbon at the state fair, but they can't agree on the perfect project. Then Julia's mother suggests they raise silkworms as she did years ago in Korea. The optimistic twosome quickly realizes that raising silkworms is a lot tougher than they thought. And Julia never suspected that she'd be discussing the fate of her and Patrick's project with Ms. Park, the author of this book!
Альберт Маррин 0.0
Able to claw straight up a brick wall, squeeze through a pipe the width of a quarter, and gnaw through iron and concrete, rats are also revealed in this fascinating book to be incredibly intelligent and capable of great compassion. Weaving science, history, culture, and folklore, awardwinning writer Albert Marrin offers a look at rats that goes from curious to repulsive, horrifying to comic, fearsome to inspiring. Arresting blackand- white scratchboard illustrations with bold red accents add visual punch to this study of a creature that has annoyed, disgusted, nourished, and intrigued its human neighbors throughout the centuries.
Mike Lupica 0.0
Michael Arroyo has a pitching arm that throws serious heat along with aspirations of leading his team all the way to the Little League World Series. But his firepower is nothing compared to the heat Michael faces in his day-to-day life. Newly orphaned after his father led the family's escape from Cuba, Michael's only family is his seventeen-yearold brother Carlos. If Social Services hears of their situation, they will be separated in the foster-care system--or worse, sent back to Cuba. Together, the boys carry on alone, dodging bills and anyone who asks too many questions. But then someone wonders how a twelve-year-old boy could possibly throw with as much power as Michael Arroyo throws. With no way to prove his age, no birth certificate, and no parent to fight for his cause, Michael's secret world is blown wide open, and he discovers that family can come from the most unexpected sources.

Perfect for any Little Leaguer with dreams of making it big--as well as for fans of Mike Lupica's other New York Times bestsellers Travel Team, The Big Field, The Underdogs, Million-Dollar Throw, and The Game Changers series, this cheer-worthy baseball story shows that when the game knocks you down, champions stand tall.
Lois Lowry 0.0
Where do dreams come from? What stealthy nighttime messengers are the guardians of our most deeply hidden hopes and our half-forgotten fears? Drawing on her rich imagination, two-time Newbery winner Lois Lowry confronts these questions and explores the conflicts between the gentle bits and pieces of the past that come to life in dream, and the darker horrors that find their form in nightmare. In a haunting story that tiptoes between reality and imagination, two people—a lonely, sensitive woman and a damaged, angry boy—face their own histories and discover what they can be to one another, renewed by the strength that comes from a tiny, caring creature they will never see.

Gossamer is perfect for readers not quite ready for Lois Lowry's Newbery-Award winner The Giver and also for readers interested in dreams, nightmares, spirits and the dream world.
Джанет Лайл 0.0
When Ruben and Jed find the dead body on the Rhode Island shore, they are certain it has something to do with smuggling liquor. It is the 1920’s, Prohibition is in full swing, and almost everyone in the shore community is involved. Suddenly, the boys find themselves involved as well: Didn’t the dead man have something on him, and didn’t they take it? It isn’t long before Ruben is actually on the legendary Black Duck itself, caught in a war between two of the most ferocious prohibition gangs.
Filled with resounding mystery and suspense by Newbery Honor winner Janet Taylor Lisle, Black Duck is original, gripping historical fiction.
Кирби Ларсон 0.0
Alone in the world, teen-aged Hattie is driven to prove up on her uncle's homesteading claim.
For years, sixteen-year-old Hattie's been shuttled between relatives. Tired of being Hattie Here-and-There, she courageously leaves Iowa to prove up on her late uncle's homestead claim near Vida, Montana. With a stubborn stick-to-itiveness, Hattie faces frost, drought and blizzards. Despite many hardships, Hattie forges ahead, sharing her adventures with her friends--especially Charlie, fighting in France--through letters and articles for her hometown paper.

Her backbreaking quest for a home is lightened by her neighbors, the Muellers. But she feels threatened by pressure to be a "Loyal" American, forbidding friendships with folks of German descent. Despite everything, Hattie's determined to stay until a tragedy causes her to discover the true meaning of home.
Ellen Klages 3.0
It is 1943, and 11-year-old Dewey Kerrigan is traveling west on a train to live with her scientist father—but no one, not her father nor the military guardians who accompany her, will tell her exactly where he is. When she reaches Los Alamos, New Mexico, she learns why: he's working on a top secret government program. Over the next few years, Dewey gets to know eminent scientists, starts tinkering with her own mechanical projects, becomes friends with a budding artist who is as much of a misfit as she is—and, all the while, has no idea how the Manhattan Project is about to change the world. This book's fresh prose and fascinating subject are like nothing you've read before.
Уотт Ки 4.0
I could trap my own food and make my own clothes. I could find my way by the stars and make fire in the rain. Pap said he even figured I could whip somebody three times my size. He wasn't worried about me.

For as long as ten-year-old Moon can remember, he has lived out in the forest in a shelter with his father. They keep to themselves, their only contact with other human beings an occasional trip to the nearest general store. When Moon's father dies, Moon follows his father's last instructions: to travel to Alaska to find others like themselves. But Moon is soon caught and entangled in a world he doesn't know or understand, apparent property of the government he has been avoiding all his life. As the spirited and resourceful Moon encounters constables, jails, institutions, lawyers, true friends, and true enemies, he adapts his wilderness survival skills and learns to survive in the outside world, and even, perhaps, make his home there.

In this compelling, action-packed book, Watt Key gives us the thrilling coming-of-age story of the unique and extremely appealing Moon.

Alabama Moon is a 2007 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.
Jenny Han 4.4
Annemarie Wilcox, or Shug as her family calls her, is beginning to think there's nothing worse than being twelve. She's too tall, too freckled, and way too flat-chested. Shug is sure that there's not one good or amazing thing about her. And now she has to start junior high, where the friends she counts most dear aren't acting so dear anymore - especially Mark, the boy she's known her whole life through. Life is growing up all around her, and all Shug wants is for things to be like they used to be. How is a person supposed to prepare for what happens tomorrow when there's just no figuring out today?
Элиза Карбоне 0.0
Twelve-year-old Samuel Collier is a lowly commoner on the streets of London. So when he becomes the page of Captain John Smith and boards the Susan Constant, bound for the New World, he can’t believe his good fortune. He’s heard that gold washes ashore with every tide. But beginning with the stormy journey and his first contact with the native people, he realizes that the New World is nothing like he imagined. The lush Virginia shore where they establish the colony of James Town is both beautiful and forbidding, and it’s hard to know who’s a friend or foe. As he learns the language of the Algonquian Indians and observes Captain Smith’s wise diplomacy, Samuel begins to see that he can be whomever he wants to be in this new land.
Лесли М. М. Блум 0.0
Eleven-year-old Cornelia is the daughter of two world-famous pianists—a legacy that should feel fabulous, but instead feels just plain lonely. She surrounds herself with dictionaries and other books to isolate herself from the outside world. But when a glamorous neighbor named Virginia Somerset moves next door with her servant Patel and a mischievous French bulldog named Mister Kinyatta, Cornelia discovers that the world is a much more exciting place than she had originally thought.

An unforgettable story of friendship and adventure that takes readers around the world and back again, Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters is a dazzling first novel by Lesley M. M. Blume.
Патти Шерлок 0.0
Mark’s dog Wolfie is part malamute, part German shepherd, and all heart. Mark can hardly imagine life without his big, loving canine companion. But in 1969, the Vietnam War is still raging, and when Mark learns that the army needs scout dogs, he decides to send Wolfie. As his dad says, a smart dog like Wolfie could save a lot of soldiers—soldiers like Mark’s brother, Danny. Besides, it seems like the patriotic thing to do. Inspired by real events, this is a heartbreaking story about sacrifice, loyalty, and the complex meanings of patriotism.