Вручение 1996 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Вашингтон Дата проведения: 1996 г.

Премия ПЕН/Фолкнер

Ричард Форд 3.6
Этот роман, получивший Пулитцеровскую премию и Премию Фолкнера, один из самых важных в современной американской и мировой литературе. Экзистенциальная хроника, почти поминутная, о нескольких днях из жизни обычного человека, на долю которого выпали и обыкновенное счастье, и обыкновенное горе и который пытается разобраться в себе, в устройстве своего существования, постигнуть смысл собственного бытия и бытия страны. Здесь циничная ирония идет рука об руку с трепетной и почти наивной надеждой. Фрэнк Баскомб ступает по жизни, будто она – натянутый канат, а он – неумелый канатоходец. Он отправляется в нескончаемую и одновременно стремительную одиссею, смешную и горькую, чтобы очистить свое сознание от наслоений пустого, добраться до самой сердцевины самого себя. Ричард Форд создал поразительной силы образ, вызывающий симпатию, неприятие, ярость, сочувствие, презрение и восхищение. «День независимости» – великий роман нашего времени.
Мэдисон Смарт Белл 0.0
In this first installment of his epic Haitian trilogy, Madison Smartt Bell brings to life a decisive moment in the history of race, class, and colonialism. The slave uprising in Haiti was a momentous contribution to the tide of revolution that swept over the Western world at the end of the 1700s. A brutal rebellion that strove to overturn a vicious system of slavery, the uprising successfully transformed Haiti from a European colony to the world’s first Black republic. From the center of this horrific maelstrom, the heroic figure of Toussaint Louverture–a loyal, literate slave and both a devout Catholic and Vodouisant–emerges as the man who will take the merciless fires of violence and vengeance and forge a revolutionary war fueled by liberty and equality.

Bell assembles a kaleidoscopic portrait of this seminal movement through a tableau of characters that encompass black, white, male, female, rich, poor, free and enslaved. Pulsing with brilliant detail, All Soul’s Rising provides a visceral sense of the pain, terror, confusion, and triumph of revolution.
William H. Gass 4.4
Thirty years in the making, William Gass's second novel first appeared on the literary scene in 1995, at which time it was promptly hailed as an indisputable masterpiece. The story of a middle aged professor who, upon completion of his massive historical study, Guilt and Innocence in Hitler's Germany, finds himself writing a novel about his own life instead of the introduction to his magnum opus. The Tunnel meditates on history, hatred, unhappiness, and, above all, language.
Клэр Мессуд 0.0
In this highly acclaimed novel, life isn’t all Emmy and Virginia Simpson anticipated. When Emmy’s marriage ends, she flees her home in Sydney to “find herself” on the island of Bali—only to become embroiled with a crew of international misfits and smugglers. Her prim and pious sister Virginia, meanwhile, has never wandered far outside of London. Struggling to find meaning, Virginia follows her aging mother’s advice to vacation on the Isle of Skye. On these two islands halfway around the world, the middle-aged sisters confront the costs of self-knowledge and their destinies with unexpected consequences.
А. Дж. Верделл 0.0
Harold D. Vursell Award, American Academy of Arts and Letters. The year is 1963 and young Denise Palms has rejoined her family in Detroit where she must work to make a place for herself and prepare for the arrival of her mother's new baby. The baby will mean the end of Denise's afterschool lessons with a stern teacher who insists that Denise learn to speak "proper" English to make herself heard. Verdelle's intuition and ear allow her to dramatize precise moments of Denise's self-recognition and, in the process, offer an inside look at a maturing intelligence. THE GOOD NEGRESS marks the arrival of an original voice in contemporary fiction. "Truly extraordinary."--Toni Morrison. A QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOK CLUB selection.