
Paul G. Tremblay 2.9
Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.
As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, “None of what’s going to happen is your fault”. Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out: “Your dads won’t want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world.”
So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.
The Cabin at the End of the World is a masterpiece of terror and suspense from the fantastically fertile imagination of Paul Tremblay.
Дебютный роман
Гвендолин Кисте 4.0
Something’s happening to the girls on Denton Street.
It’s the summer of 1980 in Cleveland, Ohio, and Phoebe Shaw and her best friend Jacqueline have just graduated high school, only to confront an ugly, uncertain future. Across the city, abandoned factories populate the skyline; meanwhile at the shore, one strong spark, and the Cuyahoga River might catch fire. But none of that compares to what’s happening in their own west side neighborhood. The girls Phoebe and Jacqueline have grown up with are changing. It starts with footprints of dark water on the sidewalk. Then, one by one, the girls’ bodies wither away, their fingernails turning to broken glass, and their bones exposed like corroded metal beneath their flesh.
As rumors spread about the grotesque transformations, soon everyone from nosy tourists to clinic doctors and government men start arriving on Denton Street, eager to catch sight of “the Rust Maidens” in metamorphosis. But even with all the onlookers, nobody can explain what’s happening or why—except perhaps the Rust Maidens themselves. Whispering in secret, they know more than they’re telling, and Phoebe realizes her former friends are quietly preparing for something that will tear their neighborhood apart.
Alternating between past and present, Phoebe struggles to unravel the mystery of the Rust Maidens—and her own unwitting role in the transformations—before she loses everything she’s held dear: her home, her best friend, and even perhaps her own body.
Подростковый роман
Кирстен Уайт 3.8
Семнадцатилетняя Элизабет Лавенца, живущая в семье судьи Франкенштейна на берегу Женевского озера, отправляется на поиски его сына, молодого ученого. Виктор не подает о себе вестей с тех пор, как уехал учиться в университет. Элизабет, будучи единственной близкой подругой Виктора, готова поддерживать его во всем, ведь от младшего Франкенштейна зависит будущее девушки. Однако чудовищное открытие, от которого кровь стынет в жилах, а сердце замирает от ужаса, ставит Элизабет перед непростым выбором...
Авторский сборник
Эрик Дж. Гиньяр 0.0
That Which Grows Wild collects sixteen dark and masterful short stories by award-winning author Eric J. Guignard. Equal parts whimsy and weird, horror and heartbreak, this debut collection traverses the darker side of the fantastic through vibrant and harrowing tales that depict monsters and regrets, hope and atonement, and the oddly changing reflection that turns back at you in the mirror.

Discover why, after only several years, Eric J. Guignard has developed an ardent following and earned praise by masters of the craft such as Ramsey Campbell (“Guignard gives voice to paranoid vision that’s all too believable.”) and Rick Hautala (“No other young horror author is better, I think, than Eric J. Guignard.”)
It’s only water, so why should we fear large bodies of it, such as the sea or the ocean? However, when you’re all alone, you realize how scary a place it can be.

In Devil and the Deep, award-winning editor Ellen Datlow shares an original anthology of horror that covers the depths of the deep blue sea. Whether its tales of murderous pirates who stalk the waters in search of treasure and blood, creatures that haunt the depths below―ones we’ve only seen in our nightmares, or storms that can swallow you whole, the open water can be a dangerous and terrifying place.

With new stories from New York Times-bestsellers and award-winning authors such as Seanan McGuire, Christopher Golden, Stephen Graham Jones, and more, Devil and the Deep guarantees you’ll think twice before going back into the water.
Joe Mynhardt, Eugene Johnson 0.0
Nightmares come to life in this comprehensive how-to guide for new and established authors…

Book two in Crystal Lake Publishing’s The Dream Weaver series picks up where the Bram Stoker Award-nominated Where Nightmares Come From: The Art Of Storytelling In The Horror Genre left off.

It’s Alive: Bringing your Nightmares to Life focuses on learning the craft in order to take your story from concept to completion.

With an introduction by Richard Chizmar and cover art by Luke Spooner. Featuring interior artwork from horror master Clive Barker!

Table of Contents:

Introduction by Richard Chizmar Confessions of a Professional Day Dreamer by Jonathan Maberry What is Writing and Why Write Horror by John Skipp Tribal Layers by Gene O’Neill Bake That Cake: One Writer’s Method by Joe R. Lansdale and Kasey Lansdale Ah-Ha: Beginning to End with Chuck Palahniuk and Michael Bailey (Discussing the Spark of Creativity) They Grow in the Shadows: Exploring the Roots of a Horror Story by Todd Keisling Sell Your Script, Keep Your Soul and Beware of Sheep in Wolves' Clothing by Paul Moore The Cult of Constraint (or To Outline or Not) by Yvonne Navarro Zombies, Ghosts and Vampires─Oh My! by Kelli Owen The Many Faces of Horror: Craft Techniques by Richard Thomas Giving Meaning to the Macabre by Rachel Autumn Deering The Horror Writer’s Ultimate Toolbox by Tim Waggoner Sarah Pinborough Interview by Marie O’Regan Conveying Character by F. Paul Wilson Sympathetic Characters Taste Better: Creating Empathy in Horror Fiction by Brian Kirk Virtue & Villainy: The Importance of Character by Kealan Patrick Burke How to write Descriptions in a story by Mercedes Yardley “Don’t Look Now, There’s a Head in That Box!” She Ejaculated Loudly (or Creating Effective Dialogue in Horror Fiction) by Elizabeth Massie Point of View by Lisa Mannetti What Came First the Monster or the Plot? In Conversation with Stephen Graham Jones by Vince A. Liaguno Building Suspense by David Wellington Conveying Horror by Ramsey Campbell Unveiling Theme Through Plot: An Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” by Stephanie M. Wytovich Interview with Clive Barker by Tim Chizmar World Building (Building a terrifying world) by Kevin J. Anderson Speak Up: The Writer’s Voice by Robert Ford Writing for a Better World by Christopher Golden Shaping the Ideas: Getting Things from Your Head to the Paper or on Screen. Interview with Steve Niles, Mick Garris, Heather Graham, Mark Savage, and Maria Alexander by Del Howison On Research by Bev Vincent Editing Through Fear: Cutting and Stitching Stories by Jessica Marie Baumgartner Leaping into the Abyss by Greg Chapman Edit Your Anthology in Your Basement for Fun and Profit! . . . or Not by Tom Monteleone When It’s Their World: Writing for the Themed Anthology by Lisa Morton Roundtable Interview by John Palisano The Tale of the Perfect Submissions by Jess Landry Turning the Next Page: Getting Started with the Business of Writing
Графический роман
Victor LaValle 3.0
The legacy of Frankenstein’s monster collides with the sociopolitical tensions of the present-day United States.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein beseeched his creator for love and companionship, but in 2017, the monster has long discarded any notions of peace or inclusion. He has become the Destroyer, his only goal to eliminate the scourge of humanity from the planet. In this goal, he initially finds a willing partner in Dr. Baker, a descendant of the Frankenstein family who has lost her teenage son after an encounter with the police. While two scientists, Percy and Byron, initially believe they’re brought to protect Dr. Baker from the monster, they soon realize they may have to protect the world from the monster and Dr. Baker’s wrath.

Written by lauded novelist Victor LaValle (The Devil In Silver, The Ballad of Black Tom), Destroyer is a harrowing tale exploring the legacies of love, loss, and vengeance placed firmly in the tense atmosphere and current events of the modern-day United States.
Сборник поэзии
Сара Тантлингер 0.0
H.H. Holmes committed ghastly crimes in the late 19th century. Many of which occurred within his legendary “Murder Castle” in Chicago, Illinois. He is often considered America’s first serial killer. In her second book of poetry from Strangehouse Books, Sara Tantlinger (Love For Slaughter) takes inspiration from accounts and tales which spawned from the misdeeds of one Herman Webster Mudgett, better known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes. Fact and speculation intertwine herein, just as they did during the man’s own lifetime. There’s plenty of room in the cellar for everyone in The Devil’s Dreamland.
Брэд С. Ходсон
Президентская премия
Брэд С. Ходсон / Brad C. Hodson
1 книга
1 в избранном
Джесс Лэндри
Серебряный молоток
Джесс Лэндри / Jess Landry
1 книга
1 в избранном
Christopher Golden 3.4
When a newly engaged couple climbs Mount Ararat in Turkey, an avalanche forces them to seek shelter inside a massive cave uncovered by the snow fall. The cave is actually an ancient, buried ship that many quickly come to believe is really Noah’s Ark. When a team of scholars, archaeologists, and filmmakers make it inside the ark for the first time, they discover an elaborate coffin in its recesses. The artifact tempts their professional curiosity; so they break it open. Inside, they find an ugly, misshapen cadaver—not the holy man that they expected, a hideous creature with horns. A massive blizzard blows in, trapping them in that cave thousands of meters up the side of a remote mountain…but they are not alone.
Дебютный роман
Роберт Пейн Кабин 0.0
Two environmental scientists, one who takes his work and himself seriously, the other a pop culture geek with a junk food habit, struggle for survival when Québécois paramilitary fanatics demolish their remote science station in the frozen wasteland at the bottom of the world. Drs. Pratt and Eaton uncover The Order of the Red Wolf's Cold War Era nuclear reactor, but not before it has irradiated the Antarctic fauna and created hordes of ravenous mutations.

Can the oddball duo survive monstrosities that roam the ruins of their devastated science station?

Will they be able to overcome their own desperate appetites-- born of madness and starvation?

One thing is certain. They will learn the meaning of terror when the cold cuts deep.
Подростковый роман
Kim Liggett 3.4
“I plead the blood.”

Those were the last words seventeen-year-old golden boy quarterback Clay Tate heard rattling from his dad's throat when he discovered him dying on the barn floor of the Neely Cattle Ranch, clutching a crucifix to his chest.

Now, on the first anniversary of the Midland, Oklahoma slaughter, the whole town's looking at Clay like he might be next to go over the edge. Clay wants to forget the past, but the sons and daughters of the Preservation Society—a group of prominent farmers his dad accused of devil worship—won't leave him alone. Including Ali, his longtime crush, who suddenly wants to reignite their romance after a year of silence, and hated rival Tyler Neely, who’s behaving like they’re old friends.

Even as Clay tries to reassure himself, creepy glances turn to sinister stares and strange coincidences build to gruesome rituals—but when he can never prove that any of it happened, Clay worries he might be following his dad down the path to insanity...or that something far more terrifying lies in wait around the corner.
Stephen Graham Jones 3.0
Walking through his own house at night, a twelve-year-old thinks he sees another person stepping through a doorway. Instead of the people who could be there, his mother or his brother, the figure reminds him of his long-gone father, who died mysteriously before his family left the reservation. When he follows it he discovers his house is bigger and deeper than he knew.

The house is the kind of wrong place where you can lose yourself and find things you'd rather not have. Over the course of a few nights, the boy tries to map out his house in an effort that puts his little brother in the worst danger, and puts him in the position to save them . . . at terrible cost.
Авторский сборник
Joe Hill 3.5
Four short novels from the author of THE FIREMAN and HORNS, ranging from creepy horror to powerful explorations of our modern society.

One autumnal day in Boulder, Colorado, the clouds open up in a downpour of nails, splinters of bright crystal that tear apart anyone who isn't safely under cover. 'Rain' explores this escalating apocalyptic event, as clouds of nails spread out across the country and the world. Amidst the chaos, a girl studying law enforcement takes it upon herself to resolve a series of almost trivial mysteries . . . apparently harmless puzzles that turn out to have lethal answers.

In 'Loaded' a mall security guard heroically stops a mass shooting and becomes a hero to the modern gun movement. Under the hot glare of the spotlights, though, his story begins to unravel, taking his sanity with it...

'Snapshot, 1988' tells the story of an kid in Silicon Valley who finds himself threatened by The Phoenician, a tattooed thug who possesses a Polaroid that can steal memories...
Crystal Lake Publishing and Doug Murano, the Bram Stoker Award-nominated editor of GUTTED: BEAUTIFUL HORROR STORIES, are proud to present BEHOLD! ODDITIES, CURIOSITIES AND UNDEFINABLE WONDERS.

Embrace the odd. Satisfy your curiosity. Surrender to wonder. Witness as the finest talents of our time bring you tales of the strangeness at the edges of existence.

Featuring: Clive Barker, John Langan, Neil Gaiman, Ramsey Campbell, Lisa Morton, Brian Kirk, Hal Bodner, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Erinn Kemper, John F.D. Taff, Patrick Freivald, Lucy Snyder, Brian Hodge, Kristi DeMeester, Christopher Coake, Sarah Read, and Richard Thomas. With a foreword by Josh Malerman.
Графический роман
Октавия Батлер, Ннеди Окорафор, Джон Дженнигс, Damian Duffy 5.0
More than 35 years after its release, Kindred continues to draw in new readers with its deep exploration of the violence and loss of humanity caused by slavery in the United States, and its complex and lasting impact on the present day. Adapted by celebrated academics and comics artists Damian Duffy and John Jennings, this graphic novel powerfully renders Butler’s mysterious and moving story, which spans racial and gender divides in the antebellum South through the 20th century.

Butler’s most celebrated, critically acclaimed work tells the story of Dana, a young black woman who is suddenly and inexplicably transported from her home in 1970s California to the pre–Civil War South. As she time-travels between worlds, one in which she is a free woman and one where she is part of her own complicated familial history on a southern plantation, she becomes frighteningly entangled in the lives of Rufus, a conflicted white slaveholder and one of Dana’s own ancestors, and the many people who are enslaved by him.

Held up as an essential work in feminist, science-fiction, and fantasy genres, and a cornerstone of the Afrofuturism movement, there are over 500,000 copies of Kindred in print. The intersectionality of race, history, and the treatment of women addressed within the original work remain critical topics in contemporary dialogue, both in the classroom and in the public sphere.

Frightening, compelling, and richly imagined, Kindred offers an unflinching look at our complicated social history, transformed by the graphic novel format into a visually stunning work for a new generation of readers.
Сборник поэзии
Кристина Сндж 0.0
Hold your screams and enter a world of seasonal creatures, dreams of bones, and confessions modeled from open eyes and endless insomnia. Christina Sng’s A Collection of Nightmares is a poetic feast of sleeplessness and shadows, an exquisite exhibition of fear and things better left unsaid. Here are ramblings at the end of the world and a path that leads to a thousand paper cuts at the hands of a skin carver. There are crawlspace whispers, and fresh sheets gently washed with sacrifice and poison, and if you’re careful in this ghost month, these poems will call upon the succubus to tend to your flesh wounds and scars.

These nightmares are sweeping fantasies that electrocute the senses as much as they dull the ache of loneliness by showing you what’s hiding under your bed, in the back of your closet, and inside your head. Sng’s poems dissect and flower, her autopsies are delicate blooms dressed with blood and syntax. Her words are charcoal and cotton, safe yet dressed in an executioner’s garb.

Dream carefully.
You’ve already made your bed.
The nightmares you have now will not be kind.
And you have no one to blame but yourself.
Грег Чапмен
Президентская премия
Грег Чапмен / Greg Chapman
3 книги
1 в избранном
Анжела Ли Маккой
Наставник года
Анжела Ли Маккой / Angel Leigh McCoy
2 книги
1 в избранном
Линда Д. Аддисон
Заслуги перед жанром
Линда Д. Аддисон / Linda D. Addison
1 книга
1 в избранном
John Langan 3.6
Голландский ручей – прекрасное место для рыбалки, живописный лесной уголок вдали от бесконечной суеты современной цивилизации. С ним связаны причудливые легенды о таинственном Рыбаке и о чудовищах, которых он ловил. Когда сюда приезжают Эйб и Дэн, два вдовца, потерявшие все самое дорогое в жизни, эти слухи кажутся им лишь очередной байкой, но постепенно рассказ о страшных событиях, которые случились в городе поблизости около века назад, о Рыбаке, монстрах и мертвецах вовлекают героев в историю мрачнее любого омута. Друзья еще не знают, что местные воды гораздо глубже, чем кажутся, и ведут в пространства, неподвластные человеку; что древние тайны не умерли до сих пор; что ад всегда рядом, а тем, кто отчаялся, вскоре выпадет шанс встретиться со всем, что они потеряли. Вот только цена за эту встречу будет непомерной.
Дебютный роман
Том Диди 0.0
In 1961, the small town of Haven thought they'd gotten rid of their monster. After a series of child killings, Paul Greymore was caught carrying a wounded girl. His face, disfigured from a childhood accident, seemed to confirm he was the monster the community hoped to banish. With Paul in prison, the killings stopped. For seventeen years, Haven was peaceful again. But Paul served his time and has now returned to Haven--the town where he grew up, and the scene of his alleged crimes. Paul insists he didn't commit those crimes, and several townspeople believe him including the local priest, a young boy named Denny, and his best friend Billy. Trouble is, now that Paul is back home, the bizarre killings have started again--and the patterns match the deaths from Haven's past. If Paul isn't the killer, who is? Or WHAT is? An unlikely band of adventurers attempts to uncover the truth, delving into long-hidden tunnels that might actually be inhabited by a strange, predatory creature. Haven is a compelling horror epic in the spirit of It or Summer of Night, and a stunning debut novel from a gifted author who knows that the darkest horrors lurk inside human beings, even when there is a monster on the loose.
Подростковый роман
Мария Александр 0.0
Charity Jones is a 16-year-old engineering genius who’s much-bullied for being biracial and a skeptic at her conservative school in Oak County, California. Everything changes when Charity’s social worker mother brings home a sweet teen runaway named Aidan to foster for the holidays. Matched in every way, Charity and Aidan quickly fall in love. But it seems he’s not the only new arrival: Charity soon finds the brutally slain corpse of her worst bully and she gets hard, haunting evidence that the killer is stalking Oak County. As she and her Skeptics Club investigate this death and others, they find at every turn the mystery only grows darker and more deadly. One thing’s for certain: there’s a bloody battle coming this holiday season that will change their lives – and human history – forever.

Will they be ready?
Тим Ваггонер 0.0
It’s Todd and Heather’s twenty-first anniversary. A blizzard rages outside their home, but it’s far colder inside. Their marriage is falling apart, the love they once shared gone, in its place only bitter resentment. As the night wears on, strange things start to happen in their house—bad things. If they can work together, they might find a way to survive until morning…but only if they don’t open the Winter Box.
Авторский сборник
Joyce Carol Oates 4.7
From one of our most important contemporary writers, The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror is a bold, haunting collection of six stories.

In the title story, a young boy becomes obsessed with his cousin’s doll after she tragically passes away from leukemia. As he grows older, he begins to collect “found dolls” from the surrounding neighborhoods and stores his treasures in the abandoned carriage house on his family's estate. But just what kind of dolls are they? In “Gun Accident,” a teenage girl is thrilled when her favorite teacher asks her to house-sit, even on short notice. But when an intruder forces his way into the house while the girl is there, the fate of more than one life is changed forever. In “Equatorial,” set in the exotic Galapagos, an affluent American wife experiences disorienting assaults upon her sense of who her charismatic husband really is, and what his plans may be for her.

In The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror, Joyce Carol Oates evokes the “fascination of the abomination” that is at the core of the most profound, the most unsettling, and the most memorable of dark mystery fiction.
Thomas F. Monteleone 0.0
This non-themed anthology of horror features never-before-published works by: M. Louis Dixon, John McIlveen, Jack Ketchum, Rebecca J. Allred, Dan Waters, Michael Bailey, John Boden, Trent Zelazny & Brian Knight, Bob Pastorella, Peter Salomon, Carol Pierson Holding, Steve Rasnic Tem, Darren O. Godfrey, David Annandale, Anya Martin, G. Daniel Gunn & Paul Tremblay, Gordon White, Sean M. Davis, Tim Waggoner, Bradley Michael Zerbe, and Gary A. Braunbeck. Also included, one amazing previously published novelette by David Morrell.
Руфь Франклин 4.7
Still known to millions primarily as the author of the The Lottery, Shirley Jackson (1916–1965) has been curiously absent from the mainstream American literary canon. A genius of literary suspense and psychological horror, Jackson plumbed the cultural anxiety of postwar America more deeply than anyone. Now, biographer Ruth Franklin reveals the tumultuous life and inner darkness of the author of such classics as The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

Placing Jackson within an American Gothic tradition that stretches back to Hawthorne and Poe, Franklin demonstrates how her unique contribution to this genre came from her focus on "domestic horror." Almost two decades before The Feminine Mystique ignited the women’s movement, Jackson’ stories and nonfiction chronicles were already exploring the exploitation and the desperate isolation of women, particularly married women, in American society. Franklin’s portrait of Jackson gives us “a way of reading Jackson and her work that threads her into the weave of the world of words, as a writer and as a woman, rather than excludes her as an anomaly” (Neil Gaiman).

The increasingly prescient Jackson emerges as a ferociously talented, determined, and prodigiously creative writer in a time when it was unusual for a woman to have both a family and a profession. A mother of four and the wife of the prominent New Yorker critic and academic Stanley Edgar Hyman, Jackson lived a seemingly bucolic life in the New England town of North Bennington, Vermont. Yet, much like her stories, which channeled the occult while exploring the claustrophobia of marriage and motherhood, Jackson’s creative ascent was haunted by a darker side. As her career progressed, her marriage became more tenuous, her anxiety mounted, and she became addicted to amphetamines and tranquilizers. In sobering detail, Franklin insightfully examines the effects of Jackson’s California upbringing, in the shadow of a hypercritical mother, on her relationship with her husband, juxtaposing Hyman’s infidelities, domineering behavior, and professional jealousy with his unerring admiration for Jackson’s fiction, which he was convinced was among the most brilliant he had ever encountered.

Based on a wealth of previously undiscovered correspondence and dozens of new interviews, Shirley Jackson—an exploration of astonishing talent shaped by a damaging childhood and turbulent marriage—becomes the definitive biography of a generational avatar and an American literary giant.
Графический роман
Джеймс Чемберс 0.0
From tell-tale hearts and premature burials, to black cats and the Red Death, reporter Carl Kolchak grapples with deepening horror and madness, as events from Edgar Allan Poe's tales of mystery and imagination come to life in modern day Baltimore. Kolchak teams with a street magician who performs tricks and escapes inspired by Poe to expose the supernatural power bringing the author's deadly visions to life, and solve a series of terrifying occurrences...
Сборник поэзии
Стефани М. Уайтович 0.0
Wytovich plays madam in a collection of erotic horror that challenges the philosophical connection between death and orgasm. There's a striptease that happens in Brothel that is neither fact nor fiction, fantasy nor memory. It is a dance of eroticism, of death and decay. The human body becomes a service station for pain, for pleasure, for the lonely, the confused. Sexuality is hung on the door, and the act of love is far from anything that's decent. Her women spread their legs to violence then smoke a cigarette and get on all fours. They use their bodies as weapons and learn to find themselves in the climax of the boundaries they cross in order to define their humanity...or lack thereof.

Wytovich shows us that the definition of the feminine is not associated with the word victim. Her characters resurrect themselves over and over again, fighting stereotypes, killing expectations. She shows us that sex isn't about love; it's about control. And when the control is disproportionate to the fantasy, she shows us the true meaning of femme fatale.
Thomas F. Monteleone 3.0
The previous Pope died in his arms, blessing him with his last breath. He can perform miracles. His mother was a virgin. His DNA came from the Shroud of Turin. Peter Carenza is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy and a secret, Vatican-sponsored experiment. But is he the Second Coming, or something far, far worse?
Believers the world over hail Carenza as the new Pope and rejoice as he creates a new Church for the new Millennium. Few people know the truth -- that mixing science with the works of God has created not a Savior but the Anti-Christ.

Now the latest -- and last -- Pope scours the world for the human guardians of the Biblical seven seals, which must be destroyed before the final cataclysm can begin. Opposing him are a lone Archbishop, the female American journalist who chronicled Carenza's rise to power, and Peter's mother, a nun who truly hears the Word of the Lord.
Дебютный роман
Элизабет Мэсси 0.0
This grim, claustral story is about the consequences of a primitive form of Christianity practiced in the mountains of Virginia, the author's home state. The sineater is a man shunned by all, a man whose face should never be seen. He performs the valuable service of absorbing all the sins of each person who dies, by eating ritual food laid out on their corpses. When the sineater's son, Joel, is allowed to attend school, a series of violent omens convinces the fanatic locals that God is punishing them and that Judgment Day is nigh. As Joel searches for the real perpetrator of the crimes, along with other adolescents who reluctantly listen to him, the plot (the weakest part of the book) begins to resemble a wandering sort of whodunit. The focus of the novel, though, is on the well-evoked mood of fear and despair. Elizabeth Massie works her horror effects with an intimate approach, closing in on her characters as if she's trapping them. And her descriptions do justice to the rustic setting, where people live in four-room cabins and honeysuckle winds around the knotty rails of the fences.
Авторский сборник
Norman Partridge 0.0
Edward Bryant. Introduction
Norman Partridge. Mr. Fox
Norman Partridge. The Baddest Son Of A Bitch In The House
Norman Partridge. Black Leather Kites
Norman Partridge. Save The Last Dance For Me
Norman Partridge. Sandprint
Norman Partridge. Vessels
Norman Partridge. In Beauty, Like the Night: A Tale of the Living Dead
Роберт Маккаммон 4.5
Эта история о небольшом, но незабываемом периоде жизни 12-ти летнего мальчика — Кори Маккенсона, рассказанная им самим. Кори живет в небольшом, провинциальном городке на юге Америки – Зефире. Жизнь Кори проста и незатейлива: встать пораньше помочь отцу-молочнику, потом пойти в школу , вечером погулять с друзьями, но однажды ранним мартовским утром Кори и его отец случайно становятся свидетелями ужасного преступления... Пытаясь разгадать кто же этот таинственный преступник Кори проходит множество испытаний и сталкивается со множеством препятствий, зачастую связанных с риском для жизни. Сумеет ли Кори найти преступника и распутать весь клубок загадочных случаев, опутавших Зефир?
Дебютный роман
Kathe Koja 4.0
Nicholas is a would-be poet and video-store clerk with a weeping hole in his hand - weeping not blood, but a plasma of tears...

It began with Nakota and her crooked grin. She had to see the dark hole in the storage room down the hall. She had to make love to Nicholas beside it, and stare into its secretive, promising depths. Then Nakota began her experiments: First, she put an insect into the hole. Then a mouse...

Now from down the hall, the black hole calls out to Nicholas every day and every night. And he will go to it. Because it has already seared his flesh, infected his soul, and started him on a journey of obsession - through its soothing, blank darkness into the blinding core of terror...
Дебютный роман
Melanie Tem 0.0
A voice whispers in her ear at night, promising her a new life, urging her to let go of the reality she knows. The voice could only belong to one person, her brother Ethan, but his body, broken by drugs, lies cold in the morgue. An invisible hand has opened the door for Lucy and her sisters and though Lucy questions her parents they have receded into their private existence where nothing can touch them.
Lucy is quickly losing touch with her reality of white fences and pristine lawns. She is drawn beyond that door into the dark abyss where her brother waits and evil is hiding in the shadows. Each day the voice grows stronger, demanding that she journey far away to the place that stole her brother's mind and body. As the secret unfolds, the Prodigal emerges.
Повесть / Короткая повесть
Дэвид Моррелл 3.0
Разбирая документы своих погибших в автокатастрофе родителей, Джейкоб обнаруживает свидетельство об усыновлении, по которому его настоящей матерью является некая Мэри Дункан, а кроме того у него должен быть брат или сестра близнец.
Авторский сборник
Дэн Симмонс 3.6
Женщина восстает из мертвых — и несет беду обожающей ее семье…
Обреченный на адские муки возвращается в мир смертных — предупредить, что ожидает грешников…
В старомодной парикмахерской вершится средневековый вампирский ритуал...
Впервые на русском блестящий сборник таинственных историй от автора прославленного «Гипериона».
Клайв Баркер, Стивен Джонс 0.0
Barker is second only to Stephen King as a writer of horror fiction. He also writes plays (highly imaginative ones, judging by the summaries included here) and draws (but not as well, on the evidence of the many sketches also included). Editor Jones has assembled four dozen interviews and articles, some by Barker himself, to produce the first substantial work on the author. As Jones himself admits, there is some repetition; more damaging is the pieces' uniformly adulatory tone. But there's no mistaking the protean nature of Barker's talent, his enthusiasm, and his unbounded imagination: "I simply want to go as far as my mind will take me." Recommended for public libraries and popular culture collections.
Роберт Маккаммон 4.0
История опасной террористки по прозвищу Мэри-Террор, решившей спустя много лет взяться за старое и встретиться с лидером распавшейся группировки — своим любовником. Похитив младенца, которого она хочет выдать за своего сына, Мэри мчится через всю страну, оставляя за собой кровавый след. Ее преследует мать ребенка, намеренная вернуть его любой ценой. Чем закончится эта безумная погоня? © Karnosaur123
Дебютный роман
Бентли Литтл 3.6
Странное что-то происходит в маленьком городке, затерянном в аризонской глуши...
Исчез - точно в воздухе растворился - местный священник, и кровью написаны на церковных стенах древние, страшные, кощунственные слова...
Безумная старуха ждет ребенка, и Бог - один Бог! - знает, каким должно родиться это дитя...
Снова и снова находят в полях истерзанные, искромсанные трупы животных.
Снова и снова мечет гром и пламя с амвона неистовый, невесть откуда пришедший проповедник, пророчествующий о днях Искупления…
Читайте роман `ужасов`, самим Стивеном Кингом названный книгой, `которая действительно пугает и от которой невозможно оторваться!`
Элизабет Мэсси 0.0
Анна подрабатывает клиническим социальным работником в реабилитационном центре. Среди ее пациентов есть Стивен — самый изувеченный из всех. Анне придется пересилить себя, чтобы работать с ним. Но это ей удастся сделать легко... © Пиноккио
Авторский сборник
Stephen King 4.3
This item is eligible for our 4-for-3 promotion. Eligible products include select Books, Single Copy Magazines, and Home & Garden items. Buy any 4 eligible items and get the lowest-priced item free.
Дэн Симмонс 3.9
Раз в год они собирались втроем, чтобы помериться силами в странную игру — кто кем и как за прошедший год «кормился». Каждому из них было больше ста лет, и все они были энергетическими вампирами...
Основа одноименного романа «Утеха падали», 1989
Дебютный роман
Нэнси А. Коллинз 3.4
Ночами на улицы города выходят они. Убийцы. Ночные охотники. Хищники, не знающие жалости. Вампиры...
Кто из нас - следующая жертва?
Ночами на улицы города выходит она. Убийца убийц. Ночная охотница на ночных охотников. Проклятая, чья единственная цель и суть бытия - убивать. Убивать убивших ее. Мстить тем, кто отнял у нее жизнь и дал ей взамен - вечный голод, вечную жажду крови.
Нет лучшей охотницы на вампиров, чем вампир.
Кто из хищников - следующая жертва?..
Джо Лансдэйл 3.4
Уэйн охотится за Калхауном, насильником и убийцей. Он надеется сдать его в руки правосудия и получить заслуженную награду. Но вот, когда Калхаун в его руках и он уже едет через пустыню Кадиллаков по направлению к Городу Закона, на его пути возникает неожиданное препятствие, перечеркнувшее все планы Уэйна. © Кел-кор
Авторский сборник
Ричард Матесон 3.8
Ричард Матесон отдал литературе пятьдесят лет, был удостоен самых престижных премий и приобрел репутацию «разрушителя жанров». В его произведениях самым невероятным образом соединились мистика, хоррор, фэнтези, фантастика и даже детектив. Его считает своим учителем «король ужасов» Стивен Кинг. По его рассказу «Дуэль» снял свой первый полнометражный фильм Стивен Спилберг. Культовый роман «Я — легенда» был экранизирован дважды и послужил образцом для писателей, разрабатывающих «вампирскую» тему. Многие рассказы, вошедшие в этот том, впервые изданы на русском язык
Harlan Ellison 3.4
Most overviews of film are written from some high, sunlit mountaintop. In this first collection of Harlan Ellison's cinema criticism (with expanded, never-before-collected articles as well as an essay written especially for this volume) come from the darkened interiors of a thousand movie houses where this most peculiar of all Observers of the Passing Scene has spent much of his life. The view is guaranteed to make you grind your teeth in anger, nod your head in blessed agreement, and open your eyes in a manner of judging films that is definitely not plebeian. Harlan Ellison's love affair with movies is obvious. As an essayist, he has no equal; as a film critic he has no friends. Take care.
The top 100 horror books ever written, chosen by some of the top names in in the business today. King, Barker, Gallagher, Lansdale, Simmons, McCammon, Pratchett are some of the authors mentioned.

Cover artist not credited.
Томас Харрис 4.5
Мы все безумцы или, может быть, это мир вокруг нас сошел с ума?
Доктор Ганнибал Лектер — блестящий психиатр, но мир может считать себя в безопасности только до тех пор, пока он будет находиться за стальной дверью одиночной камеры в тюрьме строгого режима. Доктор Лектер — убийца. Он гурман-людоед. Клэрис Стерлинг — курсант академии ФБР. Она восприимчива к чужой беде, и именно это определяет все ее поступки.
Судьба заставляет героев действовать совместно в деле о поимке Буффало Билла — опаснейшего маньяка-убийцы.
Stephen King 4.5
Пол Шелдон — успешный писатель, автор цикла о Мизери. Однажды он встречает свою горячую поклонницу, однако в не совсем обычных обстоятельствах. Она спасла его от смерти, вытащив из машины после аварии, довезла домой, обработала раны... Вот только Энни вовсе не планирует отпускать Пола... Уж лучше бы он умер, чем пережил весь тот кошмар, который уготовила ему его читательница, потерявшая рассудок...
Маккамон Роберт 4.2
Другие названия: Наслаждение смертью; Лебединая песнь Постъядер с элементами мистики. В скоротечном ядерном конфликте уничтожены практически все города США. Уцелевших людей мало, почти все поражены радиацией. Главная героиня - девочка с необычными способностями. Она, ее друзья и сторонники вынуждены противостоять военизированной группировке, во главе которой - не совсем нормальные лидеры.
Дебютный роман
Lisa W. Cantrell 0.0
Happy Halloween!
Each Halloween, the Manse becomes a House of Horrors. Vampires, werewolves, ghouls and ghosts - not to mention Frankenstein's monster - stalk the premises. Bats and spiders drop upon the unwary. At every turn a new fright awaits - all in fun, of course. Happy Halloween
But the Manse's history of horror is ancient and terrible - more awful than the innocent Trick-or-Treaters can imagine. For twelve years it has been biding its time, feeding on the fear its unsuspecting visitors so willingly offered... Happy Halloween
Until tonight. Tomight is the Thirteenth Annual House of Horrors.
It will be the last.
Tonight, at the Witching Hour, all Hell will break loose.
Повесть / Короткая повесть
Джордж Мартин 3.8
Джесси, художник-оформитель, переехав в новую квартиру обнаруживает у себя в доме странного соседа, человека-в-форме-груши, имени которого не знает никто, что не мешает ему проявлять невиданный интерес к новой соседке...
Роберт Маккаммон 3.7
Когда в огромном открытом бассейне утонул его шестнадцатилетний сын, Гленн не помнил себя от горя. Но потом он стал добывать информацию, сопоставлять факты, изучать историю смертей в этом бассейне и пришел к единственному выводу: там что-то было. Там, на глубине…
Мюриэл Спарк 4.2
Оттого, что Мэри Шелли была дочерью великого Годвина и не менее великой Мэри Уолстонкрафт, по сути первой феминистки в Европе; оттого, что её окружением были самые блестящие люди столетия, сама её фигура долгое время оставалась в тени. Мир знал её, как автора готического романа "Франкенштейн", знал, конечно, о её скандальной связи с Шелли, но мало знал о личности этой выдающейся женщины. А ведь на примере судьбы Мэри Шелли можно узнать о природе романтического сознания больше, чем из многих теоретических работ.