Вручение 3 марта 2018 г. — стр. 2

Премия за 2017 год.

Премия "Лучшее малое издательство" - Eraserhead Press
Премия "Серебряный молоток" - Кеннет У. Кейн (Kenneth W. Cain)
Киносценарий - лауреат: фильм "Прочь" (реж. Джордан Пил); номинанты: Форма воды (реж. Гильермо дель Торо) , Очень странные дела (реж. Мэтт Даффер, Росс Даффер, Шон Леви) Второй сезон. Первый эпизод; Твин Пикс (реж. Дэвид Линч) 8 серия; Оно (реж. Андрес Мускетти); Сплит (реж. М. Найт Шьямалан).
Публицистика - лауреат: Грейди Хендрикс "Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction"; номинанты:
Мишель Британи "Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre";
Кинитра Брукс "Searching for Sycorax: Black Women's Hauntings of Contemporary Horror";
Стивен Джонс "The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History";
Джо Майнхардт, Юджин Джонсон "Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre".

Страна: США Место проведения: Провиденс, Род-Айленд Дата проведения: 3 марта 2018 г.

Подростковый роман

Kim Liggett 3.4
“I plead the blood.”

Those were the last words seventeen-year-old golden boy quarterback Clay Tate heard rattling from his dad's throat when he discovered him dying on the barn floor of the Neely Cattle Ranch, clutching a crucifix to his chest.

Now, on the first anniversary of the Midland, Oklahoma slaughter, the whole town's looking at Clay like he might be next to go over the edge. Clay wants to forget the past, but the sons and daughters of the Preservation Society—a group of prominent farmers his dad accused of devil worship—won't leave him alone. Including Ali, his longtime crush, who suddenly wants to reignite their romance after a year of silence, and hated rival Tyler Neely, who’s behaving like they’re old friends.

Even as Clay tries to reassure himself, creepy glances turn to sinister stares and strange coincidences build to gruesome rituals—but when he can never prove that any of it happened, Clay worries he might be following his dad down the path to insanity...or that something far more terrifying lies in wait around the corner.
Джиллиан Френч 0.0
Ever since sixteen-year-old Natalie Payson moved away from her hometown of Bernier, Maine, she’s had nightmares. And not just the usual ones. These are inside her, pulling her, calling her back, drawing her to a door, a house, a place, a time. Full of fear, full of danger. So this summer, Natalie’s going back to Bernier to face up to a few things: the reason she left town in the first place, the boy she’s trying hard not to trust, and the door in her dreams.

But once she steps through the door, into a murky past, she’s entangled in someone else’s world. And only Natalie can help right the wrongs of both the past and the present.
Том Левин 0.0
Five years ago, Abby Booth’s mom, co-host of a ghost hunting reality show, went missing while filming in a ‘haunted’ cave in Arizona.

Since then, Abby’s life has all but fallen to pieces, most notably because of her dad’s deep depression and how they’ve drifted further and further apart.

But now, at seventeen, Abby has decided that things will change. She plans to go to the same cave where her mom and the crew went missing and to find out, once and for all, what happened there.

With the help of the co-host’s son Charlie and two of his friends, Abby sets off on a quest for answers…but what the group ends up finding, what they stumble across in that dark, primordial cave in Arizona, is nothing they could have ever imagined.

Abby was investigating a possible haunting… she never expected that there could be something worse.
Эми Лукавикс 0.0
From the outside, the Cane family looks like they have it all. A successful military father, a loving mother and five beautiful teenage daughters. But on the inside, life isn't quite so idyllic: the Cane sisters can barely stand each other, their father is always away, and their neglectful mother struggles with addiction and depression.

When their youngest and most beloved sister, Rose, dies in a tragic accident, Mona Cane and her sisters are devastated. And when she is brought back from the dead, they are relieved. But soon they discover that Rose must eat human flesh to survive, and when their mother abandons them, the sisters will find out just how far they'll go to keep their family together.
Сара Портер 0.0

Dashiell Bohnacker was hell on his family while he was alive. But it’s even worse now that he’s dead....

After her older brother, Dashiell, dies of an overdose, sixteen-year-old Ruby is overcome by grief and longing. She doesn’t know that Dashiell’s ghost is using her nightly dreams of him as a way to possess her body―and to persuade her twin brother, Everett, to submit to possession as well.

Dashiell tells Ruby and Everett that he’s returned from the Land of the Dead to tie up loose ends, but he’s actually on the run from forces crueler and more powerful than anything the Bohnacker twins have ever imagined....


Stephen Graham Jones 3.0
Walking through his own house at night, a twelve-year-old thinks he sees another person stepping through a doorway. Instead of the people who could be there, his mother or his brother, the figure reminds him of his long-gone father, who died mysteriously before his family left the reservation. When he follows it he discovers his house is bigger and deeper than he knew.

The house is the kind of wrong place where you can lose yourself and find things you'd rather not have. Over the course of a few nights, the boy tries to map out his house in an effort that puts his little brother in the worst danger, and puts him in the position to save them . . . at terrible cost.
Scott Edelman 0.0
A Vegan chef believes meat is murder. A determined waitress longs for stardom. He hopes to convince the world to abandon killing animals. She hopes to convince a director to make her a star. But both of those hopes are challenged when a zombie apocalypse traps them in small towns where their dreams might come true — or else be crushed under the weight of an invading undead horde. Join Tim and Shelley as they struggle to survive — and retain their sanity — in a world where death suddenly holds no dominion.
Caitlin R. Kiernan 3.0
A government special agent known only as the Signalman gets off a train on a stunningly hot morning in Winslow, Arizona. Later that day he meets a woman in a diner to exchange information about an event that happened a week earlier for which neither has an explanation, but which haunts the Signalman.

In a ranch house near the shore of the Salton Sea a cult leader gathers up the weak and susceptible — the Children of the Next Level — and offers them something to believe in and a chance for transcendence. The future is coming and they will help to usher it in.

A day after the events at the ranch house which disturbed the Signalman so deeply that he and his government sought out help from ‘other’ sources, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory abruptly loses contact with NASA's interplanetary probe New Horizons. Something out beyond the orbit of Pluto has made contact.

And a woman floating outside of time looks to the future and the past for answers to what can save humanity.
Люси Тейлор 0.0
"Sweetlings" by Lucy Taylor is about a small enclave of people living on the shrunken east coast of the United States, surviving and evolving as Earth's seas rise.
Тим Ваггонер 0.0
Lonny lost his beloved sister Delia thirty years ago. Since then, he’s sacrificed many lives in order to return her to the world of the living, but without success.

His next target is Julia, a young women with a unfulfilled marriage and a passion for ’80s horror films. She will soon discover that not only is real life more complicated than the movies, it’s far more terrifying.
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