О премии

Премия Брэма Стокера — награда, присуждаемая Horror Writers Association за выдающиеся достижения в жанре литературы хоррора. Награждения проводятся ежегодно, начиная с 1988 года, и их лауреаты выбираются путём голосования среди действительных членов ассоциации.

Премия Брэма Стокера — самая в этом направлении литературы. Внешний вид приза — восьмидюймовая копия темного страшного старого дома — частого героя романов-ужасов. Дверь дома открывается, и внутри видна медная пластинка с выгравированным на ней именем победившего автора и его произведения.

картинка Rosio

Страна: США Первое вручение: 1988 г. Последнее вручение: 2019 г. Официальный сайт: http://www.horror.org/awards/stokers.htm


Несколько членов ассоциации (включая Дина Кунца) со скепсисом относятся к данной награде, считая, что её присуждение может стимулировать нездоровую конкуренцию вместо того, чтобы являться выражением дружеского восхищения. В итоге ассоциация пришла к следующему решению — премия присуждается не за лучшее произведение года, а за «первоклассные достижения» («for superior achievement»). Работы могут быть рекомендованы любым из членов ассоциации. Затем проводится предварительное голосование, а после сужения круга произведений — окончательное.


Superior Achievement in a Novel
Дебютный роман
Superior Achievement in a First Novel
Подростковый роман
Superior Achievement in Young Adult Novel
Superior Achievement in a Novella

Номинация устарела. Вручалась только в 1993 году.

Короткая повесть
Superior Achievement in a Novelet

Номинация устарела. Вручалась только в 1993 году.

Повесть / Короткая повесть
Superior Achievement in Long Fiction [Novella/Novelette]

Номинация в 1994 году была разделена на две номинации "Повесть" и "Короткая повесть". Однако уже в следующем 1995 году организаторы вновь вернулись к объединенной форме.

Superior Achievement in Short Fiction [Short Story]
Авторский сборник
Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection
Superior Achievement in an Anthology
Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction
Иллюстрированное произведение
Superior Achievement in an Illustrated Narrative

Номинация устарела. Вручалась с 1998 по 2004 годы. В 2011 году была преобразована в номинацию "Графический роман" (Superior Achievement in Graphic Novel).

Графический роман
Superior Achievement in Graphic Novel
Подростковое произведение
Superior Achievement in a Work for Young Readers

Номинация устарела - в 2011 году была преобразована в номинацию "Подростковый роман (Young Adult Novel)".

Сборник поэзии
Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection
Альтернативная форма
Superior Achievement in Alternative Forms

Номинация устарела. Вручалась с 2001 по 2004 годы.

Другие СМИ
Superior Achievement in Other Media

Номинация устарела. Вручалась в 1993, 1998 – 2000 годах, а в 2001 году была преобразована в номинацию "Альтернативная форма (Superior Achievement in Alternative Forms)".

Superior Achievement in a Screenplay
Специальная Опекунская Награда
Special Trustees Award

Номинация устарела. Вручалась в 1993, 1997, 2003 годы, а в 2006 году была преобразована в номинацию "Серебряный молоток (The Silver Hammer Award)".

Президентская премия
The Richard Laymon Award

Была учреждена в 2000 году и названа в честь президента HWA Ричарда Лаймона. Награда вручается волонтеру, который оказал особую помощь HWA и выказал исключительную преданность организации.

Серебряный молоток
The Silver Hammer Award

За работу в "Horror Writers Association". Награда вручается добровольцам HWA, которые сделали поистине огромное количество работы для организации. Учреждена в 1996 году и присуждается Советом попечителей HWA.

Наставник года
Mentor of the Year
Лучшее малое издательство
Special Small Press Award
Заслуги перед жанром
Life Achievement
Вампирский роман столетия
Vampire Novel of the Century Award
Paul G. Tremblay 2.9
Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.
As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, “None of what’s going to happen is your fault”. Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out: “Your dads won’t want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world.”
So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.
The Cabin at the End of the World is a masterpiece of terror and suspense from the fantastically fertile imagination of Paul Tremblay.
Дебютный роман
Гвендолин Кисте 4.0
Something’s happening to the girls on Denton Street.
It’s the summer of 1980 in Cleveland, Ohio, and Phoebe Shaw and her best friend Jacqueline have just graduated high school, only to confront an ugly, uncertain future. Across the city, abandoned factories populate the skyline; meanwhile at the shore, one strong spark, and the Cuyahoga River might catch fire. But none of that compares to what’s happening in their own west side neighborhood. The girls Phoebe and Jacqueline have grown up with are changing. It starts with footprints of dark water on the sidewalk. Then, one by one, the girls’ bodies wither away, their fingernails turning to broken glass, and their bones exposed like corroded metal beneath their flesh.
As rumors spread about the grotesque transformations, soon everyone from nosy tourists to clinic doctors and government men start arriving on Denton Street, eager to catch sight of “the Rust Maidens” in metamorphosis. But even with all the onlookers, nobody can explain what’s happening or why—except perhaps the Rust Maidens themselves. Whispering in secret, they know more than they’re telling, and Phoebe realizes her former friends are quietly preparing for something that will tear their neighborhood apart.
Alternating between past and present, Phoebe struggles to unravel the mystery of the Rust Maidens—and her own unwitting role in the transformations—before she loses everything she’s held dear: her home, her best friend, and even perhaps her own body.
Подростковый роман
Кирстен Уайт 3.8
Семнадцатилетняя Элизабет Лавенца, живущая в семье судьи Франкенштейна на берегу Женевского озера, отправляется на поиски его сына, молодого ученого. Виктор не подает о себе вестей с тех пор, как уехал учиться в университет. Элизабет, будучи единственной близкой подругой Виктора, готова поддерживать его во всем, ведь от младшего Франкенштейна зависит будущее девушки. Однако чудовищное открытие, от которого кровь стынет в жилах, а сердце замирает от ужаса, ставит Элизабет перед непростым выбором...
Авторский сборник
Эрик Дж. Гиньяр 0.0
That Which Grows Wild collects sixteen dark and masterful short stories by award-winning author Eric J. Guignard. Equal parts whimsy and weird, horror and heartbreak, this debut collection traverses the darker side of the fantastic through vibrant and harrowing tales that depict monsters and regrets, hope and atonement, and the oddly changing reflection that turns back at you in the mirror.

Discover why, after only several years, Eric J. Guignard has developed an ardent following and earned praise by masters of the craft such as Ramsey Campbell (“Guignard gives voice to paranoid vision that’s all too believable.”) and Rick Hautala (“No other young horror author is better, I think, than Eric J. Guignard.”)
It’s only water, so why should we fear large bodies of it, such as the sea or the ocean? However, when you’re all alone, you realize how scary a place it can be.

In Devil and the Deep, award-winning editor Ellen Datlow shares an original anthology of horror that covers the depths of the deep blue sea. Whether its tales of murderous pirates who stalk the waters in search of treasure and blood, creatures that haunt the depths below―ones we’ve only seen in our nightmares, or storms that can swallow you whole, the open water can be a dangerous and terrifying place.

With new stories from New York Times-bestsellers and award-winning authors such as Seanan McGuire, Christopher Golden, Stephen Graham Jones, and more, Devil and the Deep guarantees you’ll think twice before going back into the water.
Joe Mynhardt, Eugene Johnson 0.0
Nightmares come to life in this comprehensive how-to guide for new and established authors…

Book two in Crystal Lake Publishing’s The Dream Weaver series picks up where the Bram Stoker Award-nominated Where Nightmares Come From: The Art Of Storytelling In The Horror Genre left off.

It’s Alive: Bringing your Nightmares to Life focuses on learning the craft in order to take your story from concept to completion.

With an introduction by Richard Chizmar and cover art by Luke Spooner. Featuring interior artwork from horror master Clive Barker!

Table of Contents:

Introduction by Richard Chizmar Confessions of a Professional Day Dreamer by Jonathan Maberry What is Writing and Why Write Horror by John Skipp Tribal Layers by Gene O’Neill Bake That Cake: One Writer’s Method by Joe R. Lansdale and Kasey Lansdale Ah-Ha: Beginning to End with Chuck Palahniuk and Michael Bailey (Discussing the Spark of Creativity) They Grow in the Shadows: Exploring the Roots of a Horror Story by Todd Keisling Sell Your Script, Keep Your Soul and Beware of Sheep in Wolves' Clothing by Paul Moore The Cult of Constraint (or To Outline or Not) by Yvonne Navarro Zombies, Ghosts and Vampires─Oh My! by Kelli Owen The Many Faces of Horror: Craft Techniques by Richard Thomas Giving Meaning to the Macabre by Rachel Autumn Deering The Horror Writer’s Ultimate Toolbox by Tim Waggoner Sarah Pinborough Interview by Marie O’Regan Conveying Character by F. Paul Wilson Sympathetic Characters Taste Better: Creating Empathy in Horror Fiction by Brian Kirk Virtue & Villainy: The Importance of Character by Kealan Patrick Burke How to write Descriptions in a story by Mercedes Yardley “Don’t Look Now, There’s a Head in That Box!” She Ejaculated Loudly (or Creating Effective Dialogue in Horror Fiction) by Elizabeth Massie Point of View by Lisa Mannetti What Came First the Monster or the Plot? In Conversation with Stephen Graham Jones by Vince A. Liaguno Building Suspense by David Wellington Conveying Horror by Ramsey Campbell Unveiling Theme Through Plot: An Analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark” by Stephanie M. Wytovich Interview with Clive Barker by Tim Chizmar World Building (Building a terrifying world) by Kevin J. Anderson Speak Up: The Writer’s Voice by Robert Ford Writing for a Better World by Christopher Golden Shaping the Ideas: Getting Things from Your Head to the Paper or on Screen. Interview with Steve Niles, Mick Garris, Heather Graham, Mark Savage, and Maria Alexander by Del Howison On Research by Bev Vincent Editing Through Fear: Cutting and Stitching Stories by Jessica Marie Baumgartner Leaping into the Abyss by Greg Chapman Edit Your Anthology in Your Basement for Fun and Profit! . . . or Not by Tom Monteleone When It’s Their World: Writing for the Themed Anthology by Lisa Morton Roundtable Interview by John Palisano The Tale of the Perfect Submissions by Jess Landry Turning the Next Page: Getting Started with the Business of Writing
Графический роман
Victor LaValle 3.0
The legacy of Frankenstein’s monster collides with the sociopolitical tensions of the present-day United States.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein beseeched his creator for love and companionship, but in 2017, the monster has long discarded any notions of peace or inclusion. He has become the Destroyer, his only goal to eliminate the scourge of humanity from the planet. In this goal, he initially finds a willing partner in Dr. Baker, a descendant of the Frankenstein family who has lost her teenage son after an encounter with the police. While two scientists, Percy and Byron, initially believe they’re brought to protect Dr. Baker from the monster, they soon realize they may have to protect the world from the monster and Dr. Baker’s wrath.

Written by lauded novelist Victor LaValle (The Devil In Silver, The Ballad of Black Tom), Destroyer is a harrowing tale exploring the legacies of love, loss, and vengeance placed firmly in the tense atmosphere and current events of the modern-day United States.
Сборник поэзии
Сара Тантлингер 0.0
H.H. Holmes committed ghastly crimes in the late 19th century. Many of which occurred within his legendary “Murder Castle” in Chicago, Illinois. He is often considered America’s first serial killer. In her second book of poetry from Strangehouse Books, Sara Tantlinger (Love For Slaughter) takes inspiration from accounts and tales which spawned from the misdeeds of one Herman Webster Mudgett, better known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes. Fact and speculation intertwine herein, just as they did during the man’s own lifetime. There’s plenty of room in the cellar for everyone in The Devil’s Dreamland.
Брэд С. Ходсон
Президентская премия
Брэд С. Ходсон / Brad C. Hodson
1 книга
1 в избранном
Джесс Лэндри
Серебряный молоток
Джесс Лэндри / Jess Landry
1 книга
1 в избранном
