Вручение 1984 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1984 г.

Художественная проза

Louise Erdrich 5.0
Set on and around a North Dakota reservation, ‘Love Medicine’ tells the story of the Lamartines and the Kashpaws – two extraordinary families whose fates are united and sustained in a harsh world by the strength and diversity of their love.

We meet the sensual Lulu Lamartine, whose children have different fathers, but whose passionate tie to her first love, Nector Kashpaw, intensifies over the years; June Kashpaw, who froze to death in a snowstorm; and the philosophical Lipsha Morrissey, June's abandoned son, who makes a love medicine to keep his grandparents together.
Harriet Doerr 0.0
Richard and Sara Everton, just over and just under forty, have come to the small Mexican village of Ibarra to reopen a copper mine abandoned by Richard's grandfather fifty years before. They have mortgaged, sold, borrowed, left friends and country, to settle in this remote spot; their plan is to live out their lives here, connected to the place and to each other.
The two Americans, the only foreigners in Ibarra, live among people who both respect and misunderstand them. And gradually the villagers--at first enigmas to the Evertons--come to teach them much about life and the relentless tide of fate.
Джейн Энн Филлипс 2.0
In her highly acclaimed debut novel, the bestselling author of Shelter introduces the Hampsons, an ordinary, small-town American family profoundly affected by the extraordinary events of history. Here is a stunning chronicle that begins with the Depression and ends with the Vietnam War, revealed in the thoughts, dreams, and memories of each family member. Mitch struggles to earn a living as Jeans becomes the main breadwinner, working to complete college and raise the family. While the couple fight to keep their marriage intact, their daughter Danner and son Billy forge a sibling bond of uncommon strength. When Billy goes off to Vietnam, Danner becomes the sole bond linking her family, whose dissolution mirrors the fractured state of America in the 1960s. Deeply felt and vividly imagined, this lyrical novel is "among the wisest of a generation to grapple with a war that maimed us all" (The Village Voice), by a master of contemporary fiction.
Элисон Лури 4.0
Профессору английской литературы Винни Майнер пятьдесят четыре, она не очень красива и давно поставила крест на своей личной жизни. Побывав замужем, Винни раз и навсегда отказалась от идеи брака. Изредка в ее постели появляются партнеры, но не более того. Она довольна своей жизнью, работой и собой. Но все меняется, когда Винни в очередной раз отправляется в Англию. И взбаламутил ее жизнь неотесанный мужлан Чак из американского захолустья...

Фред Тернер, молодой коллега Винни, неприлично красив и терпеть не может Англию. В этой стране его раздражает буквально все: еда, погода, аборигены. Его лондонская жизнь - сплошная тоска, пока в нее не врывается Розмари, блистательная звезда британских мыльных опер...

Ни Фред, ни Винни не помышляли об иностранных связях, отправляясь в Англию, но именно они опутали их плотным коконом из любви, тоски, легкого безумия и тонкого английского юмора.

"Иностранные связи" - роман о любви, роман об одиночестве, получивший Пулитцеровскую премию - самую престижную литературную премию США. Именно "Иностранные связи" принесли Элисон Лури славу, роман был переведен на очень многие языки и экранизирован.
Дэвид Ливитт 0.0
Tender, unsettling, and amusing, these stories present families all unhappy in their own different ways. A mother who presides over her local Parents of Lesbians and Gays chapter has trouble accepting her son's lover. A recently separated couple's compulsion to maintain a twenty-six-year tradition seems to magnify futility. The New York Times called this collection "astonishing - funny, eloquent, and wise."

Документальная литература


Шерон Олдс 3.0
From the Pulitzer Prize and T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry winner comes a beautifully realized collection of poems about childhood, love, marriage, children, and honoring the dead.

Larry Lewis say, “The Dead and the Living is an unignorable book, something truly rare. The feeling behind it is painful, but exquisitely so. Pain made into art or what, in another time, people called ‘beauty.’” It is an achievement of a poet writing in the full measure of her powers.

The Lamont poetry selection of the Academy of American Poets.
Джон Эшбери 0.0
First published in 1984 and now appearing in a new edition, A Wave is widely considered one of Ashbery's finest books of poetry. The 44 pieces collected here--particularly the long title-poem--find the poet applying his uniquely lyric, meditative, and often hilarious sensibility to the mysterious and incessant curves and crests of love, art, thought, experience, and selfhood.
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