Вручение 1977 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1977 г.

Художественная проза

Тони Моррисон 4.0
Роман принадлежит к числу наиболее интересных произведений американской прозы 1970-х гг.
Центральный конфликт, воплощенный в судьбе главного героя Мейкона Помера, отражает стремление автора понять исторические судьбы негритянской Америки.
Мейкон - герой-искатель, которому важно обрести себя как личность, понять и выразить заложенные в нем духовные стремления.
Джон Чивер 3.6
Роман "Фальконер" - книга о странствиях человеческой души, полной сомнений и страхов, гордыни и смирения, злости и милосердия. Герой романа Иезекиль Фаррагат осужден на тюремное заключение за убийство брата. Попадая в исправительную колонию, он вынужден искать в себе те нравственные качества, которые позволили бы выжить в этом грубом, жестоком мире. Чивер пишет о страдании и искуплении, о вере в чудесное воскресение души, о новом рождении человека, обреченного на смерть.
John Sayles 0.0
The setting is Boston, Fall 1969. Radical groups plot revolution, runaway kids prowl the streets, cops are at their wits end, and work is hard to get, even for hookers. Hobie McNutt, a seventeen year old runaway from West Virginia drifts into a commune of young revolutionaries. It's a warm, dry place, and the girls are very available. But Hobie becomes involved in an increasingly vicious struggle for power in the group, and in the mounting violence of their political actions. His father Hunter, who has been involved in a brave and dangerous campaign to unseat a corrupt union president in the coal miners union, leaves West Virginia to hunt for his runaway son. To make ends meet, he takes day-labor jobs in order to survive while searching for him. Living parallel lives, their destinies ultimately movingly collide in this sprawling classic of radicalism across the generations, in the vein of Pete Hamill, Jimmy Breslin, and Richard Price.
Филип Рот 3.7
Филип Рот - признанный классик американской литературы. Это единственный писатель, трижды награжденный премией Уильяма Фолкнера, он также является обладателем Пулицеровской премии и множества других самых престижных наград, а его произведения регулярно выдвигаются на Нобелевскую премию. Одна из самых известных книг Рота "Людское клеймо" легла в основу знаменитого кинобестселлера "Запятнанная репутация" с Николь Кидман и Энтони Хопкинсом в главных ролях. Роман "Профессор желания" входит в трилогию, посвященную Дэвиду Кипешу, одному из литературных альтер-эго автора. "Распутник меж ученых мужей и ученый муж меж распутниками" - такой девиз избрал для себя юный Дэвид, не подозревая, сколь пророческой и фатальной окажется эта формула. Путь будущего Профессора желания лежит из уютного семейного гнезда в дебри разнузданной сексуальности, от любви втроем в Лондоне к ледяному одиночеству в Нью-Йорке. Он должен разрешить загадку наслаждения: почему мы ищем его, зачем от него бежим, как разрываемся между ним и попытками сохранить достоинство?
Joan Didion 0.0
Writing with the telegraphic swiftness and microscopic sensitivity that have made her one of our most distinguished journalists, Joan Didion creates a shimmering novel of innocence and evil.A Book of Common Prayer is the story of two American women in the derelict Central American nation of Boca Grande. Grace Strasser-Mendana controls much of the country's wealth and knows virtually all of its secrets; Charlotte Douglas knows far too little. "Immaculate of history, innocent of politics," she has come to Boca Grande vaguely and vainly hoping to be reunited with her fugitive daughter. As imagined by Didion, her fate is at once utterly particular and fearfully emblematic of an age of conscienceless authority and unfathomable violence.

Документальная литература

Уолтер Джексон Бейт 0.0
W. Jackson Bate's Samuel Johnson has been hailed as a supreme example of the biographer's art and the first great modern life of Johnson. Bate's work is literary biography at its finest, delving into the character that formed Johnson's awesome intellect and fueled his prodigious output. When first published, this magisterial biography won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and the National Book Critics Circle Award.


Robert Lowell 0.0
The last book published before the poet's death, Day by Day was awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award prize for poetry in 1977 and cements Lowell's reputation as one of the great poetic voices of the century.
Джеральд Стерн 0.0
This Lamont Prize-winning book offers all the joy, sadness, humor, beauty, and song that typically characterizes the work of the well-respected but unfortunately lesser-known American poet Gerald Stern. Stern, who has been writing since the 1960s, made a name for himself in 1977 with the publication of Lucky Life, now his most renowned collection.
In Lucky Life Stern takes the reader on a journey, pausing everywhere from the streets of New York to post-Holocaust Germany to the soil of a lobelia plant. In an intimate and mature voice, he shares with us the lineage of his ancestors; his personal relationships; and bits of art, music, history--even the neighbors he chats with on the beach. His style is Whitmanesque, urging us to "listen a little for the spongy world" after it has rained, and reminding us how to "understand the power of maples."

Reading Stern's poetry is like listening to the words of a loving grandparent who has been through his or her share of painful experiences but has come to terms with them through wisdom gained from a long life. Stern offers several reasons for surviving in this often senseless world, but one of the most outstanding is found in the title poem: "Lucky you can be purified over and over again. / Lucky there is the same cleanliness for everyone."
У. Д. Снодграсс 0.0
Here, fifty years after the fall of the Nazi Third Reich and V-E Day, is W. D. Snodgrass's "The Fuehrer Bunker:The Complete Cycle." These dramatic monologues are spoken by members of the German High Command—Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Albert Speer, Hermann Goering—their wives and mistresses, including Eva Braun and Magda Goebbels, during the last month of the European campaign of World War II, before many of them, along with their Fuehrer, committed suicide in his bunker. Dramatizing the end of the horrible psycho-drama that was Hitler's Reich, "The Fuehrer Bunker" shows much of the paranoia, self-indulgence, degradation and rage that consumed the German leaders. Snodgrass uses a variety of forms—villanelles, letters and sonnets, and nonceforms—triangles, inverted triangles, platoons and squads, American popular songs and a game of solitaire—which intensify the internal conflicts. Albert Speer, Hitler's chief architect and minister of armaments, for example, speaks and thinks in geometric forms, which, as Hitler's mania and Germany's losses increase, break down. Framing the monologues are the songs of Old Lady Barkeep who is both Chorus and Mistress of Ceremonies. She sings of the High Command's deceit and of the people's disillusionment with their leaders
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