Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Кассандра Клэр, Холли Блэк 4.3
Новая фэнтеэи-серия от двух популярных авторов книг для подростков Кассандры Клэр и Холли Блэк.
Действие разворачивается в Магистериуме - специальном месте, где обучаются будущие маги.

12-летний Коллум Хант рос с недоверием к магии. Маги убили его мать, и отец предупреждал его, что Магистериум, школа, где обучаются молодые маги - это гиблое место.
Попытки Коллума провалить вступительный экзамен терпят неудачу, и его вместе с однокурсниками Аароном и Тамарой принимают в ученики под руководством мастера Руфуса.
Когда Коллум, Тамара, Аарон и их одноклассники начинают свой первый год обучения в Магистериуме, Коллум осознаёт, как мало он знает о своём наследии.
Dan Smith 0.0

Второе место.

Summer, 1941. For Peter in rural Britain, the war is a long way away, being fought by a faceless enemy. Until the night a German plane is shot down over woods that his missing dad looked after before he went off to fight.

Peter rushes to the crash site to see if there’s something he can keep, but what he finds instead is an injured young German airman. The enemy. Here.

And helping him seems like the right thing to do...
Кимберли Ньютон Фаско 0.0

Третье место.

Bee is an orphan who lives with a carnival and sleeps in the back of a tractor trailer. Every day she endures taunts for the birthmark on her face—though her beloved Pauline, the only person who has ever cared for her, tells her it is a precious diamond. When Pauline is sent to work for another carnival, Bee is lost.

Then a scruffy dog shows up, as unwanted as she, and Bee realizes that she must find a home for them both. She runs off to a house with gingerbread trim that reminds her of frosting. There two mysterious women, Mrs. Swift and Mrs. Potter, take her in. They clothe her, though their clothes are strangely out of date. They feed her, though there is nothing in their house to eat. They help her go to school, though they won't enter the building themselves. And, strangely, only Bee seems able to see them.

Whoever these women are, they matter. They matter to Bee. And they are helping Bee realize that she, too, matters to the world--if only she will let herself be a part of it.

This tender novel beautifully captures the pain of isolation, the healing power of community, and the strength of the human spirit.
Пэм Муньос Райан 4.5
Однажды юный Отто заблудился в лесу. На выручку ему пришли три таинственные девушки., которые подарили мальчику музыкальный инструмент и пообещали, что придет день, и он спасет чью-то душу от неминуемой гибели.

Германия, 30-е годы. Фридрих - талантливый музыкант, который мечтает поступить в консерваторию и когда-нибудь дирижером. Но когда его отца арестовывают и забирают в Дахау, жизнь Фридриха разбивается на тысячу осколков. И вот уже у него единственная цель - вызволить отца и не допустить, чтобы подобное повторилось с его дядей.

США, 30-е годы. Майк - виртуозный пианист, живущий со своим младшим братом Фрэнки в сиротском приюте. Старое пианино, на котором ему разрешают из милости, - это все, на что может рассчитывать мальчик, а об учебе не стоит и мечтать. Но когда над братьями нависает угроза разлуки, Майк решает пожертвовать своей жизнью, чтобы помочь Фрэнки обрести дом.

США, 40-е годы. Айви музыкально одаренная девочка. Освоить новый инструмент для нее пара пустяков. Вот только переезд в другой город лишает ее шанса выступить по радио и получить признание. Однако лишившись собственной мечты, Айви, не раздумывая, спасает чужую.

Поможет ли музыка каждому из них спасти чью-то душу, или пророчеству не суждено сбыться?
Кирби Ларсон 0.0
New from Newbery Honor author Kirby Larson, the moving story of a Japanese-American girl who is separated from her dog upon being sent to an incarceration camp during WWII.

Although Mitsi Kashino and her family are swept up in the wave of anti-Japanese sentiment following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Mitsi never expects to lose her home—or her beloved dog, Dash. But, as World War II rages and people of Japanese descent are forced into incarceration camps, Mitsi is separated from Dash, her classmates, and life as she knows it. The camp is a crowded and unfamiliar place, whose dusty floors, seemingly endless lines, and barbed wire fences begin to unravel the strong Kashino family ties. With the help of a friendly neighbor back home, Mitsi remains connected to Dash in spite of the hard times, holding on to the hope that the war will end soon and life will return to normal. Though they've lost their home, will the Kashino family also lose their sense of family? And will Mitsi and Dash ever be reunited?
Стив Шейнкин 0.0
A true crime thriller -- the first book for teens to tell the nearly unknown tale of the brazen attempt to steal Abraham Lincoln's body!

The action begins in October of 1875, as Secret Service agents raid the Fulton, Illinois, workshop of master counterfeiter Ben Boyd. Soon after Boyd is hauled off to prison, members of his counterfeiting ring gather in the back room of a smoky Chicago saloon to discuss how to spring their ringleader. Their plan: grab Lincoln's body from its Springfield tomb, stash it in the sand dunes near Lake Michigan, and demand, as a ransom, the release of Ben Boyd --and $200,000 in cash. From here, the action alternates between the conspirators, the Secret Service agents on their trail, and the undercover agent moving back and forth between the two groups. Along the way readers get glimpses into the inner workings of counterfeiting, grave robbing, detective work, and the early days of the Secret Service. The plot moves toward a wild climax as robbers and lawmen converge at Lincoln's tomb on election night: November 7, 1876.
Джали Джонсон 0.0
For fans of The City of Ember and The School of Good and Evil, The Mark of the Dragonfly is a fast - paced adventure story about a mysterious girl and a fearless boy, set in a magical world that is both exciting and dangerous.
Piper has never seen the Mark of the Dragonfly until she finds the girl amid the wreckage of a caravan in the Meteor Fields.
The girl doesn't remember a thing about her life, but the intricate tattoo on her arm is proof that she's from the Dragonfly Territories and that she's protected by the king. Which means a reward for Piper if she can get the girl home.
The one sure way to the Territories is the 401, a great old beauty of a train. But a ticket costs more coin than Piper could make in a year. And stowing away is a difficult prospect - everyone knows that getting past the peculiar green-eyed boy who stands guard is nearly impossible.
Life for Piper just turned dangerous. A little bit magical. And very exciting, if she can manage to survive the journey.
Эми Тимберлейк 3.0
“An adventure, a mystery, and a love song to the natural world. . . . Run out and read it. Right now.”—Newbery Medalist Karen Cushman

In the town of Placid, Wisconsin, in 1871, Georgie Burkhardt is known for two things: her uncanny aim with a rifle and her habit of speaking her mind plainly.

But when Georgie blurts out something she shouldn't, her older sister Agatha flees, running off with a pack of "pigeoners" trailing the passenger pigeon migration. And when the sheriff returns to town with an unidentifiable body—wearing Agatha's blue-green ball gown—everyone assumes the worst. Except Georgie. Refusing to believe the facts that are laid down (and coffined) before her, Georgie sets out on a journey to find her sister. She will track every last clue and shred of evidence to bring Agatha home. Yet even with resolute determination and her trusty Springfield single-shot, Georgie is not prepared for what she faces on the western frontier.
Майкл Нортроп 0.0
When a young slugger gets hit by a pitch, he needs more than practice to get back his game.

Sixth grader Jack Mogens has it all figured out: He's got his batting routine down, and his outfielding earns him a starting spot alongside his best friend Andy on their Little League team, the Tall Pines Braves. He even manages to have a not-totally-embarrassing conversation with Katie, the team's killer shortstop. But in the first game of the season, a powerful stray pitch brings everything Jack's worked so hard for crashing down around his ears. How can he explain to his parents and friends why he WON'T be playing? Readers will root for Jack as he finds the courage to step back up to the plate.
Льюис Джон Вертхейм 0.0
Using the tips, truths, and stats they explore in their New York Times bestseller Scorecasting, two dads pack super sports savvy and important math and financial concepts into a fun and heartwarming first novel for kids.

New kid Mitch Sloan wants to fit in, but his nerdy love of statistics and making money isn't winning him any friends in his sports-loving town--until he finds the perfect way to attain instant popularity. But running a football betting ring at school eventually turns sour, and Mitch loses the only real friend he's made. He'll have to win her back by using his brainpower for good and helping the school football team achieve victory--if they'll listen to the advice of a former bookie!
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