Вручение 2011 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 2011 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Брендон Мулл 0.0
Four young friends are befriended by the owner of a new candy shop. However, the gray-haired, grandmotherly Mrs. White is not an ordinary candy maker. Her confections have magical side effects. Purposefully, she invites the kids on a special mission to retrieve a hidden talisman under Mt. Diablo Elementary School.
Псевдонимус Босх 4.5

Второе место.

Книга стала первой в серии «Секрет», «основанной» на 5 чувствах человека: зрении, обонянии, слухе, вкусовом восприятии и осязании. Главные герои романов — Кассандра (по прозвищу Касс) и Макс-Эрнест, хотя это и не их настоящие имена, — на протяжении всей пенталогии распутывают один страшный Секрет, созданный старым волшебником прежде, чем тот пропал.

Для детей среднего и старшего школьного возраста.
Ингрид Лоу 4.1

Третье место.

Уже несколько столетий семья Бомонт хранит свой секрет. У каждого в день его тринадцатилетия просыпается некий дар. Дедушка может двигать горы, старшие братья устраивают ураганы и испускают заряды электричества, а дар миссис Бомонт заключается в том, что она все делает идеально. И вот приближается день, когда тринадцать лет исполнится главной героине - Мибс. Накануне отец попадает в аварию. Мисс Бомонт с старшим сыном отправляются в тот город, куда папу доставила скорая, а сама Мибс, вместе с остальными членами семьи, остается дома. Однако в день своего рождения она решает, что ее дар способен вылечить папу. И вот Мибс, ее братья и дети местного священника тайком пробираются на разовый автобус, развозящий библии, который отправляется совсем не в ту сторону.
Джон Фланаган 4.2
Уилл — пятнадцатилетний подкидыш, который верит в то, что его отец много лет назад погиб в бою. Только Уилл не очень похож на воина — невысокого роста, слишком слабый для своего возраста, он с нетерпением и страхом ожидает Дня выбора, ведь в этот день решится, каким делом он будет заниматься всю жизнь. В память об отце он мечтает попасть с Школу ратников, но все понимают, что хорошего и сильного воина из мальчика не получится. Однако все же находится тот, кто берет Уилла в ученики, — таинственный и пугающий человек в темном плаще.
Ребекка Стед 4.3
Миранде двенадцать лет, и у нее, конечно, хватает проблем. Мама, которая не готовит завтраков и одевается как девочка, лучший друг, который больше не хочет быть другом, одноклассники, которые вдруг начинают вести себя не так, как раньше, полная опасностей дорога в школу и из школы. А тут еще непонятные записки, в которых говорится о том, что произойдет в будущем, и главное – о том, что она, Миранда, должна сделать, чтобы это произошло… Или не произошло

Книга Ребекки Стед «Когда мы встретимся», вышедшая в 2009 году, сразу же покорила читателей и критиков и попала в самые серьезные списки американских бестселлеров. А в 2010 году она получила престижную литературную премию Ньюбери за выдающийся вклад в американскую литературу для детей. Читатели любят этот роман за динамичный сюжет, живые характеры, легкий и ясный слог, а русскоязычные читатели, мы уверены, полюбят и за выдающиеся иллюстрации Виктории Тентлер.
Энн М. Мартин 0.0
In this companion to her acclaimed 2005 novel, "A Dog's Life," Ann M. Martin tells the parallel stories of a stray dog (the brother of the dog featured in "A Dog's Life"), a boy dealing with unspeakable loss, and a boy whose most ardent wish is to own a dog and everything for a dog.

Bone and his sister, Squirrel, are stray dogs born in a shed. Left motherless as puppies, the two dogs survive together for a while, but are soon wrenched apart. Bone doesn't know if his sister is still alive, and must now go on, alone.

Charlie is a boy who has suffered a terrible loss. And, as he's healing with the help of his dog, another tragedy occurs.

Henry's best friend has moved away. All Henry has wanted is a dog of his own. But his parents won't let him.

Bone, Charlie, and Henry live very different lives, but they are fated to intersect in surprising ways. Award-winning author Ann M. Martin has written a powerful, heartfelt novel that's perfect for anyone who has ever longed for a dog, or loved one."
Margaret Peterson Haddix 0.0
Thirteen-year-old Jonah has always known that he was adopted, and he's never thought it was any big deal. Then he and a new friend, Chip, who's also adopted, begin receiving mysterious letters. The first one says, "You are one of the missing." The second one says, "Beware! They're coming back to get you."

Jonah, Chip, and Jonah's sister, Katherine, are plunged into a mystery that involves the FBI, a vast smuggling operation, an airplane that appeared out of nowhere - and people who seem to appear and disappear at will. The kids discover they are caught in a battle between two opposing forces that want very different things for Jonah and Chip's lives.

Do Jonah and Chip have any choice in the matter? And what should they choose when both alternatives are horrifying?

With Found, Margaret Peterson Haddix begins a new series that promises to be every bit as suspenseful as Among the Hidden, and proves her, once again, to be a master of the page-turner.
Барбара О'Коннор 0.0
"Half of me was thinking," Georgina, don't do this. Stealing a dog is just plain wrong. "The other half of me was thinking," Georgina, you're in a bad fix and you got to do whatever it takes to get yourself out of it.

Georgina Hayes is desperate. Ever since her father left and they were evicted from their apartment, her family has been living in their car. With her mama juggling two jobs and trying to make enough money to find a place to live, Georgina is stuck looking after her younger brother, Toby. And she has her heart set on improving their situation. When Georgina spots a missing-dog poster with a reward of five hundred dollars, the solution to all her problems suddenly seems within reach. All she has to do is "borrow" the right dog and its owners are sure to offer a reward. What happens next is the last thing she expected.

With unmistakable sympathy, Barbara O'Connor tells the story of a young girl struggling to see what's right when everything else seems wrong.

"How to Steal a Dog" is a 2008 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.
Тики Барбер, Пол Мантелл, Ронде Барбер 0.0
"Hut! Hut! Go long, Tiki!"

Tiki and Ronde's twelfth summer is winding down -- the nights are getting shorter and the evenings cooler. That means two things: The first day of junior high is just a few days away, and it's almost the start of football season at last. With two championships and an 8-2 season last year, Tiki and Ronde are ready to graduate from the Peewee League and hit the field as starting players for the Hidden Valley Eagles.

But junior high is a lot bigger than elementary school. The competition for starting spots is stiff, and seniority rules. If Tiki and Ronde make it past tryouts and cuts, will they get the chance to play, or will they have to spend the season watching from the bench with the other seventh graders?

Inspired by the childhood of NFL superstars Tiki and Ronde Barber, Kickoff! is a story of teamwork, perseverance, and what it takes to be a champion.
Гари Полсен 0.0
Mudshark is the go-to guy for any mysteries that need solving. Lost your shoe? Can’t find your homework? Ask Mudshark. That is, until the Psychic Parrot takes up residence in the school library and threatens to overturn Mudshark’s position as the guy who knows all the answers. The word in school is that the parrot can out-think Mudshark. And right now, the school needs someone who’s good at solving problems. There’s an escaped gerbil running rampant, an emergency in the faculty restroom, and all the erasers are disappearing from the classrooms.

When Mudshark solves the mystery of who’s stealing the erasers, he discovers the culprit has the best of intentions. Now he has to think of a way to prevent the Psychic Parrot from revealing the eraser-thief’s identity. With a bit of misdirection and a lot of quick thinking, Mudshark restores order to the chaos . . . just for the moment.

From the Hardcover edition.
Gordon Korman 0.0
Homeschooled by his hippie grandmother, Capricorn (Cap) Anderson has never watched television, tasted a pizza, or even heard of a wedgie. But when his grandmother lands in the hospital, Cap is forced to move in with a school counselor and attend the local middle school. While Cap knows a lot about tie-dyeing and Zen Buddhism, no education could prepare him for the politics of public school.
Laura Gallego Garcia 5.0
Regardless of the fact that no one else can see her special friend, Kai, Dana is resolute in her bond with him, thus when the Maestro invites her to study sorcery at the great Tower in the Valley of the Wolves, Dana is more than willing to go and soon learns a great deal about herself, her powers, and the boy she has grown to trust with all her heart.
Патриция Рейлли Гифф 0.0
A contemporary and irresistible story from Patricia Reilly Giff

Lidie lives in Jales, Brazil, where she’s free to ride, to be a wild girl, and to dream of going to live with her father and older brother, Rafael, in New York City. Finally Lidie is 12—time to leave Brazil for New York.

Meanwhile, a filly is born and begins her journey to a new home. As Lidie’s story unfolds, so does the filly’s.

Lidie’s father runs a stable at a famous race track, and Rafael is training to be a jockey. As much as they want to make Lidie feel welcome, they still think of her as the little girl they left behind. They don’t even know what a strong rider she is, and that she’s determined to befriend and ride the wild filly her father has just bought: Wild Girl.