Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Джоан Роулинг 4.7
Книга, покорившая мир, эталон литературы для читателей всех возрастов, синоним успеха. Книга, ставшая культовой уже для нескольких поколений. "Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня" - история продолжается.
Шарон Крич 3.9
Повесть "Голоса океана" была удостоена серебряной медали Джона Ньюбери (США) и вошла в шорт-лист медали Карнеги (Великобритания)!

Тринадцатилетняя Софи и её двоюродный брат Коди пересекают Атлантический океан на "Страннике", паруснике, который везёт их в Англию, в гости к дедушке.

Ребятам предстоит долгий водный путь через Коннектикут, Новую Шотландию и Ирландию, во время которого им нужно будет учиться договариваться друг с другом ради выживания в разбушевавшейся стихии. И кто бы мог подумать, что на пути в далёкую Англию они раскроют семейный секрет…
Гретель Эрлих 0.0
Life anywhere else but on her family's cattle ranch is unimaginable to Timmy. Being a rancher means continuous work: staying up late with calving cows, roping and branding, gardening and irrigating, and training horses and dogs. But it also means moments of great joy: the wonder of a foal being born, picnics with neighboring ranchers, Indian powwows in summer, and frosty mornings at sheepcamp. Through it all, there is the comforting predictability of the rhythms of the seasons. The weather, however, can be cruelly unpredictable. And the year of the great blizzards challenges Timmy and her family as never before. Timmy feels helpless -- what can a thirteen-year-old possibly do to raise enough money to save their ranch? But she loves it too much not to try.This gorgeous, engaging, and lyrical novel celebrates ranch life -- its beauty and demanding work, isolation and camaraderie, and its cumulative, rich rewards. It also celebrates the remarkable determination of people who, against all odds, struggle to live the life they love.
Гейл Карсон Ливайн 4.1
Элла живет в волшебном королевстве, но волшебство не всегда бывает в радость. По крайней мере, дар, которым наградила ее при рождении одна фея, основательно осложняет Элле жизнь. И Элла решает отправиться на поиски феи, чтобы уговорить ее забрать этот волшебный дар обратно…

Эта сказочная, остроумная и трогательная история принесла ее автору, Гейл Карсон Ливайн, мировую славу и любовь поклонников, а в 2004 году книга получила блистательное экранное воплощение с Энн Хэтэуэй в заглавной роли.
Christopher Paul Curtis 4.5
Bud (like a plant, not short for 'Buddy', as he determinedly tells everyone) is a motherless boy on the run. He's determined to find his father but doesn't really know where to start. The only clue his late mother left him was a bunch of flyers about Herman E Calloway and his famous jazz band, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression! Bud's search for his dad is a tough one but just occasionally he hits a note as high as even the Dusky Devastators can play! A superbly entertaining, prize-winning novel.
Джон Р. Эриксон 0.0
Sally May and Loper head off to visit the relatives, leaving Slim in charge of Little Alfred. Hank’s sure trouble will come knocking. First, Slim is struck down with the measles. Then a blizzard hits the ranch, trapping them in the house with no heat or electricity. Somehow, Hank’s got to find a way to get them out of this mess…before they’re snowed in for good!
Патриция Рейлли Гифф 0.0
Author Patricia Reilly Giff's Newbery Honor-winning Lily's Crossing is now available for the first time in paperback!

Every summer Lily and her father go to her family's house in Rockaway, near the Atlantic Ocean. But the summer of 1944 is different. World War II has called Lily's father overseas, Lily's best friend Margaret had to move with her family to a wartime factory town, and Lily is forced to live with her grandmother. But then a boy named Albert, a refugee from Hungary, comes to live in Rockaway. He has lost most of his family to the war. Soon he and Lily form a special friendship, and they have secrets to share. But they have both told lies, and Lily's lie may cost Albert his life.
Кимберли Уиллис Холт 0.0
Tiger Ann Parker is smart in school and good at baseball, but she's forever teased about her family by the girls in class. Tiger Ann knows her folks are different from others in their small town of Saitter, Louisiana. They are mentally slow, and Tiger Ann keeps her pain and embarrassment hidden as long as her strong and smart Granny runs the household. Then Granny dies suddenly and Aunt Dorie Kay arrives, offering Tiger Ann a way out. Now Tiger Ann must make the most important decision of her life
Беверли Клири 0.0
Amazon.comRamona Quimby is back! Beverly Cleary's best-loved and most exuberant character has been winning friends since the 1950s when she made her first appearance as Beezus's pesky little sister. Now, in Cleary's first Ramona book in 15 years,