Вручение 1999 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 1999 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor 5.0
"The final volume in what is certain to become a classic trilogy, "Saving Shiloh" completes the story of Marty Preston; his beagle, Shiloh; and his neighbor, Judd Travers, begun in (Newbery Medal-winning) "Shiloh" and continued in "Shiloh Season". Marty and his family try to help Judd change his mean ways, treating him with respect and trusting him, even while rumors persist in the community that he has murdered a man. . . .
Элейн Лобл Конигсбург 4.3
Учительница Эва-Мари Олински знает: хорошая команда — это не просто четыре отдельно взятых умника; чтобы победить в интеллектуальном турнире, они должны стать единым целым.

Ноа, фанатик фактов. Итан, гений молчания. Надя, впервые в жизни увидевшая осень. Загадочный Джулиан. Как вышло, что они, такие разные, понимают друг друга без слов? И, кстати, кто кого выбрал, Эва-Мари этих четверых — или они её?
Эндрю Клементс 4.5
From bestselling and award-winning author Andrew Clements, a quirky, imaginative tale about creative thought and the power of words that will have readers inventing their own words.

Is Nick Allen a troublemaker? He really just likes to liven things up at school -- and he's always had plenty of great ideas. When Nick learns some interesting information about how words are created, suddenly he's got the inspiration for his best plan ever...the frindle. Who says a pen has to be called a pen? Why not call it a frindle? Things begin innocently enough as Nick gets his friends to use the new word. Then other people in town start saying frindle. Soon the school is in an uproar, and Nick has become a local hero. His teacher wants Nick to put an end to all this nonsense, but the funny thing is frindle doesn't belong to Nick anymore. The new word is spreading across the country, and there's nothing Nick can do to stop it.
Карен Гессе 0.0
A girl raised by dolphins must choose between two worlds in this critically acclaimed novel about what it means to be a human being.
Барбара Уильямс 0.0
Albert is sailing to America on the world's biggest boat -- the Titanic. When the ship hits an iceberg, Alfred is faced with grownup decisions of life and death.