Вручение 2006 г.

Церемония вручения прошла в рамках конференции ThrillerFest.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 2006 г.

Лучший роман в твердом переплете

Кристофер Райх 3.2
Бестселлер из списка "Нью-Йорк таймс" №1!
Премия Международной ассоциации авторов детективов за 2006 год!
Кристофер Райх - один из лучших мастеров остросюжетного детектива! Его книги сравниваются с лучшими произведениями таких мастеров жанра, как Роберт Ладлэм, Фредерик Форсайт и Том Клэнси.
Герой романа Томас Болден - преуспевающий тридцатилетний банкир на Уолл-стрит, хотя в детстве судьба его не слишком баловала. Дерзкое нападение грабителей, заставившее его вспомнить полузабытые навыки уличных драк, неожиданно превращается в кошмар и наваждение: всего через несколько часов карьера и жизнь Болдена перечеркнуты, его разыскивает полиция - за убийство, которого он не совершал, и боевики тайной политической организации - за то, что он якобы представляет угрозу их далеко идущим планам... Однако у всего есть причины, и нередко они кроются в прошлом. Герою Райха предстоит сделать потрясающие открытия и раскрыть опасный заговор, у истоков которого стояли, возможно, отцы-основатели Соединенных Штатов! Но главное - Томасу Болдену предстоит узнать правду о себе самом.

Лучшая книга в мягкой обложке

Р. Камерон Кук 0.0
Shattered by the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, the U.S. is rebuilding its fleet while the badly damaged Submarine Division Seven holds the line against the Japanese Navy. The loss of even one more submarine could be devastating--and every enemy ship that slips through means more lives lost. But Lieutenant Commander Jack Tremain is determined to whip into shape a boat that's returned from a hellish patrol and make the Japanese pay--even if this is his last mission ever.
Рик Мофина 0.0
The Dying Hour introduces Jason Wade, a rookie crime reporter with The Seattle Mirror, a loner who grew up in the shadow of a brewery in one of the city's blue-collar neighborhoods. At The Seattle Mirror, he is competing for the single full-time job being offered through the paper's intense intern program. But unlike the program's other young reporters, who attended big name schools and worked at other big metro dailies, Wade put himself through community college, and lacked the same experience.

Wade struggles with his haunting past as he pursues the story of Karen Harding, a college student whose car was found abandoned on a lonely stretch of highway in the Pacific Northwest. How could this beloved young woman with the altruistic nature simply vanish?

Wade battles mounting odds and cut-throat competition to unearth the truth behind Karen Harding's disturbing case. Her disappearance is a story he cannot give up, never realizing the toll it could exact from him. The Dying Hour is a bone-chilling, mesmerizing page-turner that introduces readers to an all-too-human young hero who journeys into the darkest regions of the human heart to confront a nightmare.
Майкл Вичек 0.0
An assault on Blindside, a high-tech corporation dealing in computer espionage, leaves eight employees blown away. But the faceless killers made two mistakes: They left two witnesses.

Postal employee Molly Gannon and hacker Jeb Picot are suspected by authorities as accomplices. They have only one way to clear their names: unearth the secrets buried in the ashes of Blindside.

But deceit, deception, and betrayal run deep. And Molly and Jeb can't imagine how far into a shadowy world they'll have to go to get to the truth, and make it out alive
John Ramsey Miller 0.0
In the rain-slick streets of New Orleans, a twelve-year-old girl is running out of time. Hours before, Faith Ann Porter hid under a desk while her attorney mother was murdered for photographs that could rock the city. Now Faith Ann is being hunted by a pair of killers with a very powerful boss. Because she has the negatives of the photos her mother died for, Faith Ann has only hours to live-and only one person who can save her....

Winter Massey is an ex--U.S. marshal whose career pitted him against some of the world's most ruthless criminals. Now Massey is drawn by a horrifying cycle of murder-and the plea of one terrified young girl. But awaiting Massey is a chilling surprise...and an assassin with a secret mission, a secret motive, and the perfect plan....
Джеффри Андерсон 0.0
When people start dying of unexplainable symptoms in Los Angeles, the government turns to Biodefense, a top-secret agency against bioterrorism. For the five members of the team, what they thought could never happen has come to pass: a nanotechnological weapon of mass destruction has been set loose. And one thing becomes all too clear to Biodefense's Alan Thorpe: the virus was developed and spread here--by a sleeper cell within our own borders--and no one knows how to stop it.

Лучший дебютный роман

Адам Фауэр 4.0
Дэвид Кейн был одним из лучших профессиональных игроков Манхэттена - пока странный припадок не разрушил его карьеру и жизнь.
Официальная медицина бессильна.
В отчаянии он соглашается на участие в рискованном медицинском эксперименте.
Болезнь отступает, но неожиданно Дэвид замечает у себя необычные способности...
Дар свыше?
Скорее - проклятие.
Ведь теперь Кейна пытаются использовать в своих целях и могущественные политики, и представители спецслужб.
Но согласится ли он стать козырной картой в чужой игре?
Стюарт Макбрайд 4.0
Это был его первый рабочий день. Позади – целый год на больничной койке после тяжелого ранения. И этот день оказался настоящим кошмаром…
Найден труп четырехлетнего Дэвида Рида. Безжалостный убийца задушил ребенка и спрятал тело в дренажной канаве.
Как оказалось, это было только начало.
Исчезают дети. Трупы множатся. Убийца бесчинствует. Средства массовой информации подняли вой и жаждут крови…
На счету каждая минута. Сержант Логан Макрай должен найти маньяка как можно быстрее. Он понимает, что в скором времени может оказаться следующим в списке жертв.
Ранее книга издавалась под названием «Холодный гранит» и была номинирована на ряд детективных премий.
Уилл Стегер 0.0
With page-turning ferocity, Will Staeger delivers a stylistic blend of riveting action, thrilling suspense, and starkly alluring characters in this classic tale of espionage laced with a twist of modern-day terror . . .

The quasi-retired, Virgin Islands-based CIA operative known only as W. Cooper lives his life free-diving and philandering along a quarter-mile of white sand—a necessary slice of paradise for a man seeking to kill the pain of torturous memories. His life of leisure is rudely interrupted, however, when he's tapped by the local police to "dispose" of a bullet-ridden, mysteriously scarred body deposited on the island's shore by a passing hurricane. Sensing the cops are merely looking to duck the labor of a proper homicide investigation, Cooper declines—only to encounter a haunting form of déjà vu that brings with it a strange sense of comradeship with the anonymous victim. Knowing he'd be better off leaving well enough alone, Cooper decides to investigate where no one else seems willing.

At CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, junior analyst Julie Laramie discovers, almost by accident, evidence of a massive, clandestine military buildup in China—and elsewhere. Alerting her superiors in her typically alarmist fashion, she's reprimanded for violating Agency protocol and told to leave policymaking to the elected officials. Like Cooper, Laramie knows she should walk away, but her gut drives her on a course toward career suicide—and a bounty of evidence only she seems to see. What she sees? A labyrinthine, untraceable terrorist plot designed to cripple the United States.

Led down parallel paths littered with a uniquely dark and compelling cast of enemies—a zombifying Haitian witch doctor, a slave-trading albino serial killer, and a Creatine-boosted behemoth bodybuilder to name just three—Cooper and Laramie find themselves drawn together from opposite ends of a terrifying conspiracy. With the clock ticking down, the two realize they may be all that stands in the way of the annihilation of the existing world order.

A dynamic and complex story featuring powerful writing, magnetic characters, and a terrifyingly realistic premise, Will Staeger's debut marks him as the newest star on the thriller horizon. So beware . . . like the Caribbean cocktail with which this book shares its name, Painkiller is deceptively tasty—and exceedingly dangerous.
Дэвид Терренуар 0.0
One of the freshest thrillers in recent years is this unique blend of Stephen Hunter meets Carl Hiassen

WANTED: Private firm seeks former military personnel for overseas assignment. Must be proficient in firearms and explosives. Experience in special operations a plus. Successful candidate must also play piano. $1.5K/day. Compensation package includes death benefits to next of kin.

John Harper is the most reluctant spy in the history of the craft. He's retired, quit, run in from the cold, traded in his gun for a Steinway baby grand, and settled comfortably into D.C., where the only dangers are jealous husbands and underdone hors d'oeuvres. But men who know how to handle Gershwin and a Glock are rare, and when a Panamanian resort hotel advertises for a piano player with lethal skills, the government sends Harper into the twisted company of American mercenaries, camera-shy Colombians, and a revolution set for New Year's Eve, when Harper is scheduled to play his farewell performance before the fireworks begin.

Beneath a Panamanian Moon brings long-overdue humor to an often grim genre while crafting a razor-sharp thriller that's fast, funny, and unforgettable. John Harper will stay with you long after you've closed the book on the final, explosive scene.
Марк Хименес 0.0
A partner at a prominent law firm is forced to choose between his enviable lifestyle and doing the right thing. Former college football star Scott Fenney has worked his way to the top of the heap at the Dallas firm of Ford Stevens. But when Clark McCall, wayward son of a Texas politician, gets himself murdered after a night of booze, drugs, and rough sex, Scott is assigned to defend the prime suspect, a heroin-addicted hooker named Shawanda Jones. The powers that be want her convicted—and Scott’s future at the firm may depend on it. But unfortunately for Scott, Shwanada claims she’s innocent, and he believes her.
Jess Walter 0.0
Darkly hilarious and unexpectedly profound, Citizen Vince is an irresistible tale about the price of freedom and the mystery of salvation, by an emerging writer of boundless talent.

Eight days before the 1980 presidential election, Vince Camden wakes up at 1:59 A.M. in a quiet house in Spokane, Washington. Pocketing his stash of stolen credit cards, he drops by an all-night poker game before heading to his witness-protection job dusting crullers at Donut Make You Hungry. This is the sum of Vince's new life: donuts and forged credit cards—not to mention a neurotic hooker girlfriend.

But when a familiar face shows up in town, Vince realizes that his sordid past is still close behind him. During the next unforgettable week, on the run from Spokane to New York, Vince Camden will negotiate a maze of obsessive cops, eager politicians, and assorted mobsters, only to find that redemption might just exist—of all places—in the voting booth. Sharp and refreshing, Citizen Vince is the story of a charming crook chasing the biggest score of his life: a second chance.

Лучший роман

Дин Кунц 4.0
Кто-то таинственный и безжалостный устилал каждый его шаг трупами, старательно заботясь, чтобы все улики указывали именно на него. Билли Уайлс более не мог считать это просто "игрой" маньяка. Происходящее явно имело определенную цель. Но какую? Кто мог ненавидеть Билли такой лютой ненавистью? Час за часом перед ним разворачивалось дьявольское представление. Автору этого кровавого шоу маской служило лицо, срезанное с очередной жертвы, а ключом к разгадке стало случайно услышанное Билли слово. Он не мог обратиться в полицию. Единственный друг уже погиб от руки маньяка, и Билли оставалось одно - самому стать орудием возмездия.
Vince Flynn 5.0
For years, Mitch Rapp's bold actions have saved the lives of countless Americans. He has killed with impunity, tortured to avert disaster, and shown he will do whatever it takes to prevent terrorists from fulfilling their bloody wishes. His battles for peace and freedom have made him a hero to many, and an enemy to countless more. In the tangled, duplicitous world of espionage, there are those, even among America's allies, who want to see Mitch Rapp eliminated. They have decided the time has come.Now, the powerful father of a dead terrorist demands vengeance in its simplest form -- an eye for an eye, and Rapp instantly becomes the target of an international conspiracy. This time, he must use all of his vigilance and determination to save himself before he can turn his fury on those who have dared to betray him.
Jeff Abbott 1.8
Things are going well for young filmmaker Evan Casher -- until he receives an urgent phone call from his mother, summoning him home. He arrives to find her brutally murdered body on the kitchen floor and a hitman lying in wait for him.

It is then he realises his whole life has been a lie. His parents are not who he thought they were, his girlfriend is not who thought she was, his entire existence has been an ingeniously constructed sham. And now that he knows it, he is in terrible danger. Evan's only hope for survival is to discover the truth behind his past