Вручение 7 июля 2007 г.

Грегори Бенфорд (Gregory Benford) — известный писатель-фантаст, профессор кафедры физики и астрономии.
Пол Картер (Paul Allen Carter) — литературовед и писатель-фантаст, профессор истории.
Джеймс Ганн (James Gunn) — известный писатель-фантаст, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA).
Элизабет Энн Халл (Elizabeth Anne Hull) — литературовед и критик, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA), профессор английского языка.
Кристофер Маккитрик (Chris McKitterick) — писатель, директор Центра по изучению научной фантастики при Канзасском университете.
Фара Мендлесон (Farah Mendlesohn) – британская писательница и популяризатор фантастики, доктор исторических наук, профессор.
Памела Сарджент (Pamela Sargent) — писательница, редактор и исследователь фантастики, магистр философии.
Томас Шиппи (Thomas A. Shippey) — британский литературовед, специалист по древнеанглийской литературе, исследователь творчества Дж.Р.Р. Толкина.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лоуренс, Канзас Дата проведения: 7 июля 2007 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Ben Bova 0.0
Hugo Award-winning editor, author, scientist, and journalist, Ben Bova is a modern master of near-future science fiction and a passionate advocate of manned space exploration. For more than a decade, Bova has been chronicling humanity's struggles to colonize our solar system in a series of interconnected novels known as "The Grand Tour."

Now, with Titan, Ben Bova takes readers to one of the most intriguing destinations in near space: the extraordinary moon of Saturn which made international headlines last year when the Huygens probe sent back remarkable images of its strange landscapes.

2095. After long months of travel, the gigantic colony ship Goddard has at last made orbit around Saturn, carrying a population of more than of 10,000 dissidents, rebels, extremists, and visionaries seeking a new life. Among Goddard's missions is the study of Titan, which offers the tantalizing possibility that life may exist amid its windswept islands and chill black seas.

When the exploration vessel Titan Alpha mysteriously fails after reaching the moon's surface, long buried tensions surface among the colonists. Eduoard Urbain, the mission's chief scientist, is wracked with anxiety and despair as he sees his life's work unravel. Malcolm Eberly, Goddard's chief administrator, takes ruthless measures to hold onto power as a rash of suspicious incidents threaten to undermine his authority. Holly Lane, the colony's human-resources director, must confront the station's powerful leaders to protect the lives of its people. And retired astronaut Manuel Gaeta is forced to risk his life in a last, desperate attempt to salvage the lost probe.

Torn by intrigue, sabotage, and an awesome discovery that could threaten human space exploration, a handful of courageous men and women must fight for the survival of their colony, and for the destiny of the human race.
James Morrow 0.0

2-е место

Jennet is the daughter of the Witchfinder of Mercia and East Anglia. Whilst her father roams the countryside in search of heretics, Jennet is left behind to be schooled by her aunt Isobel in the New Philosophy principally expounded by Isaac Newton. But her aunt’s style of scientific enquiry soon attracts the attention of the witchfinders. To save her aunt, Jennet travels to Cambridge to seek the help of Newton himself. Isobel is burned at the stake but in her dying moments, begs Jennet to devote her life to overturning the Parliamentary Witchcraft Act.

This sweeping novel follows Jennet as she travels to America and witnesses the Salem witch trials; is abducted by Indians; begins an affair with Benjamin Franklin; travels back to England and finally meets the real Newton; is shipwrecked; then ends up back in America where her brother is now the Witchfinder Royal. In a great final showdown between old superstition and new science, Jennet decides to have herself accused of witchcraft in order to disprove its existence.
Питер Уоттс 4.1

3-е место

В 2082 году человечество убедилось, что оно не одиноко во Вселенной. Бесчисленные зонды светя­щейся паутиной окутали Землю. На установление контакта с внеземной цивилизацией направлен ко­рабль «Тезей», несущий на борту наспех собранную команду специалистов. Но, по достижении цели, ис­следователям предстоит понять, что самые невероят­ные фантазии об инопланетном разуме меркнут по сравнению с реальностью, и на кон поставлена судь­ба Земли и всего человечества.
Jo Walton 4.2

3-е место

One summer weekend in 1949 - but not our 1949 - the well-connected "Farthing set", a group of upper-crust English families, enjoy a country retreat. Lucy is a minor daughter in one of those families; her parents were both leading figures in the group that overthrew Churchill and negotiated peace with Herr Hitler eight years before.
Despite her parents' evident disapproval, Lucy is married - happily - to a London Jew. It was therefore quite a surprise to Lucy when she and her husband David found themselves invited to the retreat. It's even more startling when, on the retreat's first night, a major politician of the Farthing set is found gruesomely murdered, with abundant signs that the killing was ritualistic.
It quickly becomes clear to Lucy that she and David were brought to the retreat in order to pin the murder on him. Major political machinations are at stake, including an initiative in Parliament, supported by the Farthing set, to limit the right to vote to university graduates. But whoever's behind the murder, and the frame-up, didn't reckon on the principal investigator from Scotland Yard being a man with very private reasons for sympathizing with outcasts…and looking beyond the obvious.
As the trap slowly shuts on Lucy and David, they begin to see a way out - a way fraught with peril in a darkening world.
Barbara Sapergia 0.0


A powerful literary thriller about a frighteningly near future where myth and adventure intersect, Dry weaves its fable around the lethal conflict between two families. In this futuristic world, plant scientists Signy Nilsson and her brother Tomas search for a way to reclaim the land. Their virulent enemy, Magnus Dragland, one of the oldest and richest men on earth, tries to destroy them and steal their work. Signy and Tomas live at Sunterra, their great-grandmother's farm in the Old Swedish Colony, with Signy's twelve-year-old son, David, deaf from birth, who hears something no one else can: the voice of the land. Sunterra's untouched prairie is surrounded by Dragland's empire - almost a hundred square miles, all of it poisoned by his attempts to tame it. After a violent incident, Signy and David confront Dragland, and long-buried secrets are lifted out of the dust of the past and brought into light.
Charles Stross 4.0


When Robin wakes up in a clinic with most of his memories missing, it doesn’t take him long to discover that someone is trying to kill him. It’s the twenty-seventh century, when interstellar travel is by teleport gate and conflicts are fought by network worms that censor refugees’ personalities and target historians. The civil war is over and Robin has been demobilized, but someone wants him out of the picture because of something his earlier self knew.

On the run from a ruthless pursuer and searching for a place to hide, he volunteers to participate in a unique experimental polity, the Glasshouse, constructed to simulate a pre-accelerated culture. Participants are assigned anonymized identities: It looks like the ideal hiding place for a posthuman on the run. But in this escape-proof environment, Robin will undergo an even more radical change, placing him at the mercy of the experimenters—and at the mercy of his own unbalanced psyche...
David Louis Edelman 0.0


How far should you go to make a profit?

Infoquake, the debut novel by David Louis Edelman, takes speculative fiction into alien territory: the corporate boardroom of the far future. It's a stunning trip through the trenches of a technological war fought with product demos, press releases, and sales pitches.

Natch is a master of bio/logics, the programming of the human body. He's clawed and scraped his way to the top of the bio/logics market using little more than his wits. Now his sudden notoriety has brought him to the attention of Margaret Surina, the owner of a mysterious new technology called MultiReal. Only by enlisting Natch's devious mind can Margaret keep MultiReal out of the hands of High Executive Len Borda and his ruthless armies.

To fend off the intricate net of enemies closing in around him, Natch and his apprentices must accomplish the impossible. They must understand this strange new technology, run through the product development cycle, and prepare MultiReal for release to the public—all in three days.

Meanwhile, hanging over everything is the specter of the infoquake, a lethal burst of energy that's disrupting the bio/logic networks and threatening to send the world crashing back into the Dark Ages.

With Infoquake, David Louis Edelman has created a fully detailed world that's both as imaginative as Dune and as real as today's Wall Street Journal.
Justina Robson 0.0


Metropolis is a city of superheroes where you can become anyone you like - fight all day, party all night...Sankhara is a universe where everything is remade by night, according to the inhabitants' deepest, darkest dreams...Koker Ai is a city of another time and space, where Intana, courtesan to the court of a decaying empire, has just discovered a warrior who cannot die...Jalaeka has been many things in his short lifetime: a war captive, a prostitute, a pilgrim, a pirate, a princess in a glass coffin and a physics student at MIT. Now he's looking for someone to make him into something that can duel a god, for the all-powerful entity which created him is coming to take him back. Francine is a fifteen-year-old runaway, out to find a definition of love she can believe in. She finds a Palace whose rooms are made of bone, flowers and the hearts of heroes. She finds a scientist looking for the lost light of the universe. She finds herself at the centre of an unstoppable conflict that began long before she was born.
М. Джон Гаррисон 3.9


Майкл Джон Гаррисон – британский писатель-фантаст, умеющий гармонично соединять фантасмагорические картины, хореографически отточенное действие и глубокий психологизм. Его трилогию, начатую неподражаемым «Светом», продолжает столь же прихотливая и многогранная «Нова Свинг».
Через несколько лет после судьбоносного путешествия Эда Читайца к Тракту Кефаучи Гало стало туристическим маршрутом, а Тракт начал расширяться и изменяться, задевая своими областями Землю и создавая Зоны, где Вселенная решила отдохнуть от законов физики. Оттуда просачиваются загадочные артефакты и организмы, сбегают живые алгоритмы, способные спровоцировать непредсказуемые изменения. Для предотвращения этих бедствий существует Полиция Зоны, противостоящая авантюристам и так называемым «турагентам», которые могут управлять — или думают, что могут, — искаженной физикой, перекошенной географией и психическими атаками Зоны. И однажды загадочный и в лучшем случае лишь наполовину биологический феномен находит лазейку в нормальный мир.
Джек Макдевит 4.0


У Космической программы очередной кризис. Неплохо развивается лишь космический туризм. Во время одной из экскурсий к Солнцескребу, газовому гиганту с орбитой проходящей в солнечной атмосфере и горящий как метеор, пассажиры замечают так называемых лунных всадников . Выяснить кто это такие ,а за одно проверить не мешает ли кому вынесенный в наиболее разреженное космическое пространство гиганский адронный коллайдер берется Присцилла Хатчинсон.
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