Вручение 7 июля 2006 г.

Грегори Бенфорд (Gregory Benford) — известный писатель-фантаст, профессор кафедры физики и астрономии.
Пол Картер (Paul Allen Carter) — литературовед и писатель-фантаст, профессор истории.
Джеймс Ганн (James Gunn) — известный писатель-фантаст, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA) — председатель жюри.
Элизабет Энн Халл (Elizabeth Anne Hull) — литературовед и критик, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA), профессор английского языка.
Кристофер Маккитрик (Chris McKitterick) — писатель, директор Центра по изучению научной фантастики при Канзасском университете.
Фара Мендлесон (Farah Mendlesohn) – британская писательница и популяризатор фантастики, доктор исторических наук, профессор.
Памела Сарджент (Pamela Sargent) — писательница, редактор и исследователь фантастики, магистр философии.
Томас Шиппи (Thomas A. Shippey) — британский литературовед, специалист по древнеанглийской литературе, исследователь творчества Дж.Р.Р. Толкина.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лоуренс, Канзас Дата проведения: 7 июля 2006 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Robert J. Sawyer 4.2
Robert J. Sawyer's Hominids, the first volume of his bestselling Neanderthal Parallax trilogy, won the 2003 Hugo Award, and its sequel, Humans, was a 2004 Hugo nominee. Now he's back with a pulse-pounding, mind-expanding standalone novel, rich with his signature philosophical and ethical speculations, all grounded in cutting-edge science.
Jake Sullivan has cheated death: he's discarded his doomed biological body and copied his consciousness into an android form. The new Jake soon finds love, something that eluded him when he was encased in flesh: he falls for the android version of Karen, a woman rediscovering all the joys of life now that she's no longer constrained by a worn-out body either.
But suddenly Karen's son sues her, claiming that by uploading into an immortal body, she has done him out of his inheritance. Even worse, the original version of Jake, consigned to die on the far side of the moon, has taken hostages there, demanding the return of his rights of personhood. In the courtroom and on the lunar surface, the future of uploaded humanity hangs in the balance.
Mindscan is vintage Sawyer -- a feast for the mind and the heart.
Роберт Чарльз Уилсон 4.1

2-е место

Однажды поздним октябрьским вечером двенадцатилетний Тайлер вышел во двор и посмотрел на небо. Как будто дожидаясь этого, звезды вдруг все разом ярко вспыхнули и погасли. Их поглотила тьма. Тайлер и его друзья, Джейсон и Диана, стали свидетелями явления, которое получило название "Спин" и определило течение их жизни.
Мир изменился.
Ian R. MacLeod 0.0

3-е место

Winner of the World Fantasy Award and the Sidewise Award for Alternate History: A pastel-hued yet chilling alternate vision of England, The Summer Isles views the nightmare that the country has become since Germany’s victory in the Great War, through the eyes of a man whose life lies close to the heart of history

In 1918 the Allies were defeated. A closeted gay teacher, Griffin Brooke has witnessed the monumental changes his nation has undergone since being crushed by Germany’s superior fighting forces twenty-two years earlier. First came the financial collapse and crippling inflation, then the fascist uprising in the thirties that brought John Arthur to power. Now, in 1940, England has resurrected itself—but at a terrible cost. With homosexuality decreed a serious crime against the state by the dictator who was once his most avid student, Griffin has remained silent while England’s gay population has mysteriously dwindled . . . along with the nation’s Jews.

But in the twilight of his years, elevated to the role of tutor in an Oxford college, Griffin is getting anxious. Thinking back on a life lived in shadow—and on his one great love affair with a young soldier during the height of the Great War—Griffin knows that revealing a secret he has guarded for decades could have devastating consequences for Britain, the world, and especially for the fascist tyrant Arthur, who cites his former teacher as a mentor and major influence.
Charles Stross 3.8


Stross' latest novel follows several generations of the Macx family through the rapidly transforming, Internet-enabled global economy of the early twenty-first century to the human and transhuman populated worlds of the outer solar system a half century later. The saga begins with Macx patriarch Manfred, a freelance "venture altruist," giving away patentable high-tech ideas in exchange for endless handouts while looking forward to the day when nanotech-programmed smart matter surpasses humanity in intelligence and productivity. Fifteen years later, his adolescent daughter Amber is an indentured astronaut trolling the orbit of Jupiter, and by 2070, Sirhan is Amber's permanently space-bound offspring, paying witness to the fruits of his grandfather's early innovations as something ominous and nonhuman is systematically dismantling the planets from Pluto to Earth.
David Gerrold 0.0


Book one of the Sea of Grass trilogy

Want to visit another world? It might not be as easy as you think.

When Kaer’s extended family signs up to emigrate to Linnea, a planet known for horses as large as houses and dangerously mistrustful natives, Kaer is certain the move will bring the divided household closer together. What none of them are prepared for is the grueling emigration training in the Linnean dome, a makeshift environment designed to be like Linnea in every possible way, from the long, brutally harsh winters to the deadly kacks— wolf-like creatures as tall as men.The training is tough, but Kaer’s family is up to the challenge. Soon they begin working like Linneans, thinking like Linneans, even accepting Linnean gods as their own. The family’s emigration seems to be just around the corner.

But then, a disaster on Linnea itself changes everything.
Дэвид Марусек 3.6


...В этом будущем искусственные интеллекты имеют равные права с людьми, города защищают непроницаемые биокуполы, благонадежные граждане практически бессмертны, а неблагонадежных наказывают "прижиганием клеток".
Именно здесь ведется "охота за головой" наследницы колоссальной финансовой империи. Голова не должна быть приживлена к новому телу. Почему? Это уже другая история...
Ken MacLeod 0.0


Humanity has spread to every star within 500 light-years of its half-forgotten origin, coloring the sky with a haze of habitats. Societies rise and fall. Incautious experiments burn fast and fade. On the fringes, less modified humans get on with the job of settling a universe that has, so far, been empty of intelligent life.The ancient starship But the Sky, My Lady! The Sky! is entering orbit around a promising new system after a four hundred year journey. For its long-lived inhabitants, the centuries have been busy. Now a younger generation is eager to settle the system. The ship is a seed-pod ready to burst.Then they detect curious electromagnetic emissions from the system's Earth-like world. As the nature of the signals becomes clear, the choices facing the humans become stark.On Ground, second world from the sun, a young astronomer searches for his system's outermost planet. A moving point of light thrills, then disappoints him. It's only a comet. His physicist colleague Orro takes time off from trying to invent a flying-machine to calculate the comet's trajectory. Something is very odd about that comet's path.They are not the only ones for whom the world has changed."We are not living in the universe we thought we lived in yesterday. We have to start learning the world all over again."
Стив Кэш 0.0


In every generation, a fantasy novel is published that captures something essential and enduring about life that no other book has expressed in quite the same way. Here unfolds a journey of discovery–in a story that surprises us on every page. . . .


On May 4, 1881, the day that Zianno Zezen–Z, for short–turns twelve, his life changes forever. Amid the confusion of a tragic train wreck, he has the first inkling that he is no ordinary boy . . . that he is not human at all, but instead a member of a race known as the Meq. The Meq have lost all memory of their origins; they do not know why they heal with astonishing speed, or why, once they turn twelve, they stop aging unless they meet the single other member of their race destined to join with them.

Certain Meq possess even more amazing powers, thanks to mysterious Stones they have carried since before the dawn of recorded history. Z’s father carried such a Stone, the Stone of Dreams. Now that Stone is Z’s to bear . . . and to protect.

The Meq are far-flung and elusive, but Z finds allies. He will need them; for a challenge comes from the renegade Meq called the Fleur-du-Mal–the Flower of Evil. A sadistic assassin in the body of a twelve-year-old boy, the Fleur-du-Mal will become Z’s archenemy in a story that spans decades and continents and features an unforgettable cast of characters, human and Meq alike.
Paul J. McAuley 0.0


When he chances upon a strange piece of grafitti daubed on the walls of a north London restaurant, the violence of his reaction takes Alfie Flowers by suprise. The thorny circle of dashes and zigzags seems to reach right inside his brain - and provokes a flashback to a terrifying childhood incident.
Джек Макдевит 4.1


От издателя
Все началось с обычной керамической чашки, ничем особо не примечательной, кроме того, что она с легендарного звездного корабля «Искатель», вывезшего когда-то с Земли беженцев из Соединенных Штатов. За время, прошедшее после этого события, таинственная колония Марголия, которую основали беженцы, стала для всех неким подобием Атлантиды - никто не знает ни где она находится, ни какова судьба ее обитателей. Но чем безнадежнее задача, которую ставит перед собой Алекс Бенедикт, торговец антиквариатом, тем сильнее азарт и желание докопаться до истины, какой бы неприглядной она в результате не оказалась…
На русском языке роман публикуется впервые.
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