Вручение 2000 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2000 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Вернор Виндж 4.4
Действие романа происходит в том же регионе пространства, но на 30 000 лет раньше, чем в романе «Пламя над бездной», получившем премию Хьюго. Новый роман исследует столкновение культур в масштабах галактик. Два разных космических флота человечества движутся к отдаленной планете с различными целями — один ищет торговых связей, другой — новых рабов. Когда столкновение лишает их способности передвигаться, они вынуждены дрейфовать в космосе многие годы, пока чужая раса, населяющая планету, не создаст достаточно продвинутых технологий, чтобы спасти их. Но у чужих свои планы.
Greg Bear 0.0

2-е место

All the best thrillers contain the solution to a mystery, and the mystery in this intellectually sparkling scientific thriller is more crucial and stranger than most. Why are people turning against their neighbors and their newborn children? And what is causing an epidemic of still births? A disgraced paleontologist and a genetic engineer both come across evidence of cover-ups in which the government is clearly up to no good. But no one knows what's really going on, and the government is covering up because that is what, in thrillers as in life, governments do. And what has any of this to do with the discovery of a Neanderthal family whose mummified faces show signs of a strange peeling?
Greg Bear has spent much of his recent career evoking awe in the deep reaches of space, but he made his name with Blood Music, a novel of nanotechnology that crackled with intelligence. His new book is a workout for the mind and a stunning read; human malignancy has its role in his thriller plot, but its real villain, as well as its last best hope, is the endless ingenious cruelty of the natural world and evolution. --Roz Kaveney, Amazon.co.uk
Norman Spinrad 0.0

3-е место

Greenhouse Summer is an ambitious new SF novel about ecology, international politics, the media, and young passion. The world of the future is in a lot of trouble. Pollution, overpopulation, and ecological disasters have left the rich nations still rich, and the poor nations dying. Still, for international businesses it is business as usual. It is better to be rich. But is it all coming to a terrible end? A scientist has predicted Condition Venus, the sudden greenhouse end of the planet -- but she can't say when. So the attention of the world is on a UN conference in Paris, where all hell is about to break loose. Filled with sex, science, politics, tough moral choices, and great parties, this book will be one of the most read SF books of the year.
Jack Williamson 0.0

"Похвальный отзыв" (Honorable Mention)

When his reporter brother is murdered, Clay Barstow ravels to a small Kentucky town to investigate and discovers a hotbed of conspiracy. As the number of suspects mounts, the truth remains hidden behind a storm of lies, and soon he finds himself framed for murder and hunted by the murderous local militia.Everything centers around a new technology hinted at in the notes of Clay's brother, something called "the silicon dagger" -- a technology of astonishing power. As Clay desperately seeks his brother's killer and the secrets of the silicon dagger, he finds that it may just allow the people of this small town to do what no one has dared in a hundred and fifty years -- declare independance from the United States of America....
Питер Уоттс 4.1

"Похвальный отзыв" (Honorable Mention)

На дне Тихого океана проходит странный эксперимент — геотермальная подводная станция вместила в себя необычный персонал. Каждый из этих людей модифицирован для работы под водой и... психически нездоров. Жертва детского насилия и маньяк, педофил и суицидальная личность... Случайный набор сумасшедших, неожиданно проявивших невероятную способность адаптироваться к жизни в непроглядной тьме океанских глубин, совсем скоро встретится лицом к лицу с Угрозой, медленно поднимающейся из гигантского разлома в тектонической плите Хуан де Фука. © Goshak