Вручение 1987 г.

Кингсли Эмис (Kingsley Amis) – видный британский прозаик, поэт и критик, а по совместительству историк фантастики.
Алгис Будрис (Algis Budrys) – известный писатель-фантаст, литературовед и критик, по происхождению литовец.
Джеймс Ганн (James Gunn) — известный писатель-фантаст, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA).
Элизабет Энн Халл (Elizabeth Anne Hull) — литературовед и критик, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA), профессор английского языка.
Сам Люндваль (Sam Lundwall) — известный шведский писатель, переводчик, издатель, редактор старейшего в стране «Журнала Жюля Верна».
Уолтер Мейерс (Walter Meyers) – американский художник, известен своими работами на тему космоса.
Томас Шиппи (Thomas A. Shippey) — британский литературовед, специалист по древнеанглийской литературе, исследователь творчества Дж.Р.Р. Толкина.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1987 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Joan Slonczewski 0.0
Joan Slonczewski's first novel, Still Forms on Foxfield, made the Locus list of distinguished first novels and was a nominee for best novel of the year. She continues the tradition with A Door into Ocean.

Thousands of years in the future in a distant part of the galaxy, lies the planet Shora, entirely covered by a world-spanning ocean. The huge and complex ecosystem of Shora is inhabited by the Sharers, an all female race who reproduce by parthenogensis, without males. The Sharers are immensely sophisticated in the life sciences, but have eschewed all unnatural technology. Over millennia of isolation, they have developed a complex philosophical and ethical system, idealistic, communal, and pacifist.

But now, as interstellar civilization rises again, the Sharers are faced with a technological and cultural invasion of man from space. They must develop a system of peaceful coexistence. Two of the travel to a nearby planet in the hope of gaining a better understanding of the male invaders. There they invite a young man, Spinel, to return with them so they can learn from each other. This is urgent, for in the space of a few short years, the traders who have set up shop on Shora have been reinforced by armed men from nearby Valedon, of which Shora is a satellite, and are preparing simply to take over.

So begins a war, protracted and graphic, in which one side cannot fight because the concept is inconceivable in their philosophy; a war in which the one fragile contact between Merwen, the Sharer, and Spinel, the man from Valedon, might well provide the only hope of true communication between two radically different cultures.

Every few years, a new author in the science-fiction field contributes a major work to the central tradition of world building. The planet Shora is such a contribution, an ecological system that deserves comparison with the greatest classic of all, Frank Herbert's Dune.
James Morrow 0.0

2-е место

James Morrow turns his wit and vision to the ultimate fate of our species in this seriocomic tale of one George Paxton: devoted husband, adoring father, Everyman par excellence. A happy tombstone carver in the sleepy little town of Wildgrove, Massachusetts, George lacks only one thing: an anti-radiation “scopas” suit—all the rage in America in 1995—to protect his daughter in the event of nuclear war. Then fate (or the devil) intervenes, and for the price of a mere signature, George secures the longed-for suit. Unfortunately, what he has signed is an admission of complicity in beginning World War Three—and as that war that could never happen happens, George is whisked off on a series of surreal adventures.

When the nuclear blast devastates Wildgrove, George is rescued by the mysterious crew of a U.S. submarine whose other passengers include a TV evangelist, the Assistant Secretary of Defense, a psychotherapist, and an Air Force general in despair over the end of his career. Journeying into the past and the future, with people who have died and people who will never be born, George grapples with the need to explain exactly why this is the way the world ends. Finally, on a deserted plain in the wastes of Antarctica, he is made to face the consequences of his complicity.
Орсон Скотт Кард 4.4

3-е место

Много лет прошло с момента уничтожения цивилизации жукеров. Во время колонизации планеты, названной Лузитания, на ней обнаружили еще одну расу разумных инопланетян — "свинксов", или "пеквенинос". Они намного уступают в развитии человечеству (равно как и уничтоженным жукерам), и люди видят в этом способ искупить вину за ту катастрофу. Главная заповедь новой колонии человечества — "Не причинять беспокойства свинксам!".