Вручение 1991 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1991 г.

Книжная премия «Парящий орёл»

Ричард Пек 0.0

Для учащихся 10-12 классов.

A newcomer at Crestwood High, Chelsea is perfectly willing to view sophomore year from the sidelines. But she is stunned when out of the blue, beautiful, powerful Ashley Packard handpicks her as a member of the group, a magic circle in a school full of strangers.
Chelsea is charmed and amazed at her sudden insider status, and ignores her mother's warnings about Ashley and the world she rules.

But as senior year draws near, Chelsea becomes disillusioned with her role as follower. Can she stop Ashley's manipulations and avert the tragedy looming ahead?
Билл Уоллес 0.0

Для учащихся 7-9 классов.

Everybody thinks Gary's grampa died in a fishing accident. But from a note Grampa left, Gary suspects he was murdered. The note tells of a million dollars in gold hidden in a cave and an old Indian curse promising that anyone who touches it will die! Gary and his friend Brian are sure that if they find the gold, they will also find Grampa's killer.
But treasure hunting can be deadly. Now they are stuck in a dark cavern full of tangled skeletons, restless Indian spirits, and a murderer out for their blood! Will Brian and Gary ever get out of Death Cave alive?
Орсон Скотт Кард 4.4
Земная цивилизация под угрозой. Уже семь десятилетий человечество ведет безвыигрышную войну с чуждой инопланетной расой, и шансы на победу всё тают. Неужели нет никакой надежды и человечеству придется погибнуть? И такая надежда появляется. На Земле рождается гений, ребенок, которому суждено стать спасителем человечества. Имя его Эндрю Виггин, или Эндер, что значит победитель.
«Игра Эндера» — абсолютный шедевр современной фантастики, и редкий случай в истории жанра, когда роман завоевывает в один год две высшие фантастические награды – премии «Хьюго» и «Небьюла». То есть получает одновременно и читательское и писательское признание.
Пирс Энтони 4.0
Эту книгу составил первый роман фантастической эпопеи о Воплощениях Бессмертия - сверхъестественных силах, правящих нашей жизнью.

Главным героем романа станет Смерть, скачущая на бледном коне и собирающая жатву душ.
Christopher Pike 1.0
hey all shared the same secret...now they would share the same terror

When Alison first read the chain letter signed 'Your Caretaker', she thought it was some terrible sick joke. Someone, somewhere knew about that awful night when she and six other friends committed an unthinkable crime in the desolate California desert. And now that person was determined to make them pay for it.

One by one, the chain letter came to each of them... demanding dangerous, impossible deeds... threatening violence if the demands were not met.

No one out of the seven wanted to believe that this nightmare was really happening to them.

Until the accidents started happening - and the dying...
Elizabeth Winthrop 0.0
One of the classic fantastical adventures of all time!

William has just received the best present of his life—an old, real-looking stone and wooden model of a castle, with a drawbridge, a moat, and a fingerhigh knight to guard the gates. It’s the mysterious castle his housekeeper has told him about, and even though William is sad she’s leaving, now the castle is his! William can’t wait to play with the castle—he’s certain there’s something magical about it. And sure enough, when he picks up the tiny silver knight, it comes alive in his hand! Sir Simon tells William a mighty story of wild sorcery, wizards, and magic. And suddenly William is off on a fantastic quest to another land and another time—where a fiery dragon and an evil wizard are waiting to do battle. . . .