Вручение 1990 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1990 г.

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Роджер Пенроуз 4.1
Монография известного физика и математика Роджера Пенроуза посвящена изучению проблемы искусственного интеллекта на основе всестороннего анализа достижений современных наук. Возможно ли моделирование разума? Чтобы найти ответ на этот вопрос, Пенроуз обсуждает широчайший круг явлений: алгоритмизацию математического мышления, машины Тьюринга, теорию сложности, парадоксы квантовой физики, энтропию.
Анатоль Абрагам 0.0
Anatole Abragam was born in Russia in 1915 and emigrated to Paris at the age of ten, where he proved to be a highly gifted pupil. In 1945 he gained a place in a laboratory in Saclay, and his career in physics really began. His contributions to the field of nuclear magnetism have won him high distinctions.
Jillyn Smith 0.0
A Guided Tour Through the Fascinating World of the Human Senses ... Senses & Sensibilities Have you ever wondered what causes color blindness? Or whether the attraction between couples depends at all on smell? Or why we like ice cream better than green peas? If you're curious about the phenomena of the human senses, here is a highly readable, nontechnical guide to the physiology and functioning of the human faculties. In this revealing examination of the intricate spheres of our senses, you will find intriguing and often surprising facts about the origin of the sensory structures, their functions and dysfunctions, and artificial augmentations of human sensation. Each of the five senses--hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch--is covered in its own chapter, with thorough discussion of how each sense is involved in your interaction with your environment and with other people. Throughout, Senses and Sensibilities offers a fascinating blend of science, research, history, folklore, and personal anecdotes that together provide a finely textured and detailed portrait of how our senses work to define our world. "From its witty title to the last page, the book is entertaining. Chock full of lore, both scientific and literary, about human sensation, and all presented in clear, simple terms." --Richard Selzer, M.D. author of Confessions of a Knife "Jillyn Smith's book confirms the notion that the essay, in particular, the natural history essay, is the most exciting kind of writing today. Unexpected insights and feeling arise throughout. I learned new things about the human condition and the natural world on every page, and came away feeling brighter...." --Thomas J. Lyon editor of This Incomperable Lande: A Book of American Nature Writing
Paul C.W. Davies 0.0
Physics affects the way we live and, ultimately, how life itself functions. This new take on a classic text investigates key frontiers in modern physics. Exploring our universe, from the particles within atoms to the stars making up galaxies, it reveals the vital role invisible mechanisms play in the world around us, and explains new techniques, from nano-engineering and brain research to the latest advances in high-speed data networks and custom-built materials. Written by leading international experts, each of the nineteen chapters will fascinate scientists in all disciplines, as well as anyone wanting to know more about the world of physics.