Вручение 13 июня 2018 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк, Down Town Association Дата проведения: 13 июня 2018 г.

Художественная литература

Кристина Бейкер Клайн 4.3
Роман-документари об удивительной женщине, ставшей для выдающегося художника XX века Эндрю Уайета музой. Для Кристины Олсон весь мир помещался в старинный дом на семейной ферме в маленьком городке Кушинг, штат Мэн. В детстве у девочки развилась болезнь, с годами парализовавшая нижнюю часть тела. Эндрю Уайет, который со временем станет величайшим американским художником столетия, снимал под студию дом недалеко от фермы Олсонов. Однажды он увидел из окна, как по полю ползет женщина. После того, как ноги окончательно отказали, Кристина ползала по окрестностям фермы. Она могла бы передвигаться в коляске, но тогда оказалась бы в полной зависимости от близких. Кристина хотела пусть даже таким образом, но сохранить и свободу передвижения, и в целом личную свободу. С того дня она стала для художника музой и источником вдохновения. Дружба Кристины и великого Эндрю Уайета продлилась более двадцати лет и подарила миру десятки картин, написанных Уайетом на ферме Олсонов. Сама же Кристина, муза и ангел-хранитель Уайета, обрела бессмертие на картине «Мир Кристины». «Картина мира» – литературное осмысление этой неповторимой истории.

Искусство и фотография

Каллен Мерфи 0.0
A poignant history of the cartoonists and illustrators from the Connecticut School

For a period of about fifty years, right in the middle of the American Century, many of the the nation's top comic-strip cartoonists, gag cartoonists, and magazine illustrators lived within a stone's throw of one another in the southwestern corner of Connecticut--a bit of bohemia in the middle of those men in their gray flannel suits.

Cullen Murphy's father, John Cullen Murphy, drew the wildly popular comic strips Prince Valiant and Big Ben Bolt, and was at the heart of this artistic milieu. Comic strips and gag cartoons read by hundreds of millions were created in this tight-knit group--Superman, Beetle Bailey, Snuffy Smith, Rip Kirby, Hagar the Horrible, Hi and Lois, Nancy, Sam & Silo, Amy, The Wizard of Id, The Heart of Juliet Jones, Family Circus, Joe Palooka, and The Lockhorns, among others. Cartoonists and their art were a pop-cultural force in a way that few today remember. Anarchic and deeply creative, the cartoonists were independent spirits whose artistic talents had mainly been forged during service in World War II.

Illustrated with never-before-seen photographs, cartoons, and drawings, Cartoon County brings the postwar American era alive, told through the relationship of a son to his father, an extraordinarily talented and generous man who had been trained by Norman Rockwell. Cartoon County gives us a glimpse into a very special community--and of an America that used to be.
Diane Waggoner, Russell Lord, Jennifer Raab 0.0
An important reconsideration of landscape photography in 19th-century America, exploring crucial but neglected geographies, practitioners, and themes

Although pictures of the West have dominated our perception of 19th-century American landscape photography, many photographers were working in the eastern half of the United States during that period. Their pictures, with the exception of Civil War images, have received relatively scant attention. Redressing this imbalance is East of the Mississippi, the first book to focus exclusively on the arresting eastern photographs that helped shape America’s national identity. Celebrating natural wonders such as Niagara Falls and the White Mountains as well as capturing a cultural landscape fundamentally altered by industrialization, these works also documented the impact of war, promoted tourism, and played a role in an emerging environmentalism.

Showcasing more than 180 photographs from 1839 to 1900 in a rich variety of media and formats—from daguerreotypes, salted paper prints, tintypes, cyanotypes, and albumen prints to stereo cards and photograph albums—this volume traces the evolution of eastern landscape photography and introduces the artists who explored this subject. Also considered are the dynamic ties with other media—for instance, between painters and photographers such as the Bierstadt and Moran brothers—and the distinctive development of landscape photography in America.

Специальная книга

Jen Rose Smith 0.0
Hit the Road with Moon Travel Guides!

Discover an America brimming with culture and history, both old and new! Moon New England Road Trip can do everything but change the radio station. Inside you'll find:

Maps and Driving Tools: 70 easy-to-use maps keep you oriented on and off the highway, along with site-to-site mileage, driving times, and detailed directions for the entire route

Eat, Sleep, Stop and Explore: You'll know exactly what you want to do at each stop with lists of the best hikes, views, and more. Sample farm-fresh cuisine in the Berkshires, or hit up the famous Tanglewood music festival in the summer. Dive into Boston's revolutionary history, or cruise down bucolic lanes of Woodstock. Take to the sea off the coast of Maine to spot humpback whales and puffin colonies, or lounge on the beach and snag a buttery lobster roll

Itineraries for Every Traveler: Drive the entire two-week route or follow strategic routes like "A Tour of the Fall Foliage," as well as suggestions for spending time in Boston, New York City, Coastal Maine, The Berkshires, Southern Vermont, New Hampshire's White Mountains, Newport, Cape Cod, and Acadia National Park

Local Expert: Local New Englander and road warrior Jen Rose Smith shares the highway secrets of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island

Planning Your Trip: Know when and where to get gas, how to avoid traffic, tips for driving in different road and weather conditions, and suggestions for LGBTQ travelers, seniors, and road trippers with kids

With Moon New England Road Trip's practical tips, detailed itineraries, and insider's view, you're ready to fill up the tank and hit the road.

Looking to explore more of America on wheels? Try Moon Blue Ridge Parkway Road Trip! Doing more than driving through? Check out Moon Boston, Moon Vermont, or Moon New York State.

Современная документальная литература

Дуглас Л. Винярски 0.0
This sweeping history of popular religion in eighteenth-century New England examines the experiences of ordinary people living through extraordinary times. Drawing on an unprecedented quantity of letters, diaries, and testimonies, Douglas Winiarski recovers the pervasive and vigorous lay piety of the early eighteenth century. George Whitefield's preaching tour of 1740 called into question the fundamental assumptions of this thriving religious culture. Incited by Whitefield and fascinated by miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit--visions, bodily fits, and sudden conversions--countless New Englanders broke ranks with family, neighbors, and ministers who dismissed their religious experiences as delusive enthusiasm. These new converts, the progenitors of today's evangelical movement, bitterly assaulted the Congregational establishment.

The 1740s and 1750s were the dark night of the New England soul, as men and women groped toward a restructured religious order. Conflict transformed inclusive parishes into exclusive networks of combative spiritual seekers. Then as now, evangelicalism emboldened ordinary people to question traditional authorities. Their challenge shattered whole communities.