Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Художественная литература

Питер Свенсон 4.0
Непредсказуемый классический английский детектив-триллер в стиле Хичкока, который умел мастерски создавать в своих фильмах атмосферу тревожной неопределенности и напряженного ожидания.
Два незнакомца - мужчина и женщина - случайно оказываются рядом в баре аэропорта. Уверенные, что встречаются в первый и в последний раз в жизни, они открывают друг другу больше, чем можно доверить самому близкому человеку. Он, молодой, богатый и успешный, накануне узнал, что любимая жена его обманывает. Она, молодая, красивая и обаятельная, предлагает радикальное решение. Идея захватывающая, и они договариваются о следующей встрече...
Эта книга моментально вошла в ТОП-продаж, переведена на 20 языков. Первая книга автора "Девушка с часами вместо сердца" (The Girl with a Clock for a Heart) была названа Washington Post лучшим дебютным криминальным романом 2014 года.

Историческая документальная литература

Специальная книга

Дональд Холл 0.0
Former poet laureate Donald Hall selects the essential work from a moving and brilliant life in poetry.

Long-Listed for the 2016 National Book Award

Donald Hall was an American master, one of the nation’s most beloved and accomplished poets. Here, in his eighties, having taken stock of the body of his work—rigorous, gorgeous verse that is the result of seventy years of “ambition and pleasure”—he strips it down.

The Selected Poems of Donald Hall reflects the poet’s handpicked, concise selection, showcasing work rich with humor and eros and “a kind of simplicity that succeeds in engaging the reader in the first few lines” (Billy Collins).

From the enduring “My Son My Executioner” to “Names of Horses” to “Without,” Donald Hall’s best poems deliver “a banquet in the mouth” (Charles Simic) and an “aching elegance” (Baltimore Sun). For the first-time reader or an old friend, these are, above all others, the poems to read, reread, and remember. “However wrenching [Hall’s poems] may be from line to line, they tell a story that is essentially reassuring: art and love are compatible, genius is companionable, and people stand by one another in the end” (New York Times Book Review).

Современная документальная литература

Максин Кумин 0.0
Maxine Kumin left an unrivaled legacy as a pioneering poet and feminist. The Pawnbroker s Daughter charts her journey from a childhood in the Jewish community in Depression-era Philadelphia, where Kumin s father was a pawnbroker, to Radcliffe College, where she comes into her own as an intellectual and meets the soldier-turned Los Alamos scientist who would become her husband; to her metamorphosis from a poet of light verse to a poet of witness; to her farm in rural New England, the subject and setting of much of her later work.

Against all odds, Kumin channels her dissatisfaction with the life that is expected of her as a wife and a mother into her work as a feminist and one of the most renowned and remembered twentieth-century American poets."