Колсон Уайтхед3.9 Элвуд Кертис, шестнадцатилетний афроамериканский подросток, хорошо учится, после школы подрабатывает в магазине, готовится к поступлению в колледж: он мечтает стать учителем. Но из-за нелепой случайности его обвиняют в преступлении, которого он не совершал, и приговаривают к сроку в исправительном учреждении.
Академия Никеля оказывается настоящим адом, где воспитанники подвергаются физическому и эмоциональному насилию и эксплуатации. Тех, кто оказывает сопротивление, уводят "на задворки", откуда они уже не возвращаются. Выжить в этом аду Элвуду помогает дружба с Тернером, который является его полной противоположностью. Элвуд наивен и верит в возможность торжества справедливости, а Тернер убежден в том, что мир был, есть и будет жесток и несправедлив, и так будет всегда.
Отчаянная попытка друзей изменить порядки, царящие в "Никеле", заканчивается трагедией.
В основу романа легла история реальной исправительной школы во Флориде, за сто с лишним лет существования покалечившей жизни тысяч подростков.
Теперь каждый гражданин обязан строго соблюдать определенные правила: отказаться от поливки газона, от наполнения бассейна, ограничить время принятия душа.
День за днем, снова и снова.
До тех пор, в кранах не останется ни капли влаги.
И тихая улочка в пригороде, где Алисса живет со своими родителями и младшим братом, превращается в зону отчаяния. Соседи, прежде едва кивавшие друг другу, вынуждены как-то договариваться перед лицом общей беды.
Родители Алиссы, отправившиеся на поиски воды, не вернулись домой, и девушка-подросток вынуждена взять ответственность за свою жизнь и жизнь малолетнего брата в свои руки.
Адиб Хоррам4.3 В отличие от своего тезки-царя Дарий вовсе не Великий. Он наполовину перс, но всю жизнь прожил в Портленде. В раннем возрасте Дарию диагностировали клиническую депрессию, и, несмотря на лечение, ему все еще сложно найти общий язык со сверстниками. Узнав, что его дедушка серьезно болен, Дарий вместе с семьей впервые отправляется в Иран. Там он знакомится с соседским мальчиком Сухрабом, дружба с которым навсегда меняет его жизнь.
Тахира Мафи3.8 Шестнадцатилетняя Ширин отличается от своих сверстниц только одним — она носит хиджаб. И этого вполне достаточно, чтобы бросать ей едкие замечания и колючие взгляды, превращая умную, талантливую и яркую девушку в изгоя. Все, что Ширин может сделать, — возвести вокруг себя высокие стены, отгородившись от окружающих...
По крайней мере до тех пор, пока в ее жизни не появляется Оушен, звезда баскетбольной команды, любимец всей школы. И кажется, он действительно интересуется Ширин и хочет узнать ее лучше.
Но сможет ли она вновь научиться доверять людям и впускать их в свою жизнь? Или их еще не начавшиеся отношения обречены на провал и непонимание со стороны семьи и друзей?
Мэгги Стивотер3.9 "Чудеса лучше всего слышны после заката — в темноте они далеко разносятся". Именно за чудесами приезжают пилигримы со всей Америки в городок Бичо Раро. Люди отчаянно жаждут получить кусочек магии и избавиться от того, что их мучает. Но мало кто знает, что и сами святые, кузены Сория: Беатрис, Даниэль и Хоакин, не менее нуждаются в чудесах, чем те паломники, которые к ним приходят. Восемнадцатилетняя Беатрис отвергает любые чувства, живя лишь разумом. Шестнадцатилетний Хоакин мечтает о музыке, а пока лишь устраивает подпольные радиоэфиры. Двадцатилетний Даниэль прощает любые слабости, кроме своих. Все они жаждут чуда. Вот только чудеса Бичо Раро совсем не те, на которые стоит надеяться.
Морин Джонсон3.8 Академия Эллингэма – престижная закрытая школа, известная своими выдающимися выпускниками. Основатель школы Альберт Эллингэм отбирал исключительно талантливых детей, чтобы обучать их по принципу "учеба – это чудесная игра".
В 1936 году в стенах академии мрачные события: жена и маленькая дочь Эллингэма были похищены загадочным злодеем, называющим себя Лукавый. Это похищение стало одним из величайших нераскрытых преступлений в истории, известным под названием "Дело Эллингэма".
Стиви Белл поступает в академию Эллингэма с амбициозной целью – раскрыть преступление восьмидесятилетней давности. Но как только она начинает расследование, в школе вновь появляется Лукавый… и Стиви вступает в опасную игру с похитителем и убийцей.
Брайан Блисс0.0 Uniquely told through letters from death row and third-person narrative, Bryan Bliss’s hard-hitting third novel expertly unravels the string of events that landed a teenager in jail. Luke feels like he’s been looking after Toby his entire life. He patches Toby up when Toby’s father, a drunk and a petty criminal, beats on him, he gives him a place to stay, and he diffuses the situation at school when wise-cracking Toby inevitably gets into fights. Someday, Luke and Toby will leave this small town, riding the tails of Luke’s wrestling scholarship, and never look back.
But during their senior year, they begin to drift apart. Luke is dealing with his unreliable mother and her new boyfriend. And Toby unwittingly begins to get drawn into his father’s world, and falls for an older woman. All their long-held dreams seem to be unraveling. Tense and emotional, this heartbreaking novel explores family, abuse, sex, love, friendship, and the lengths a person will go to protect the people they love. For fans of NPR’s Serial podcast, Jason Reynolds, and Matt de la Peña.
Джордж Такей, Джастин Эйзингер, Стивен Скотт, Хармони Бекер3.5 A stunning graphic memoir recounting actor/author/activist George Takei's childhood imprisoned within American concentration camps during World War II. Experience the forces that shaped an American icon -- and America itself -- in this gripping tale of courage, country, loyalty, and love.
George Takei has captured hearts and minds worldwide with his captivating stage presence and outspoken commitment to equal rights. But long before he braved new frontiers in Star Trek, he woke up as a four-year-old boy to find his own birth country at war with his father's -- and their entire family forced from their home into an uncertain future.
In 1942, at the order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, every person of Japanese descent on the west coast was rounded up and shipped to one of ten "relocation centers," hundreds or thousands of miles from home, where they would be held for years under armed guard.
They Called Us Enemy is Takei's firsthand account of those years behind barbed wire, the joys and terrors of growing up under legalized racism, his mother's hard choices, his father's faith in democracy, and the way those experiences planted the seeds for his astonishing future.
What is American? Who gets to decide? When the world is against you, what can one person do? To answer these questions, George Takei joins co-writers Justin Eisinger & Steven Scott and artist Harmony Becker for the journey of a lifetime.
Бритни Моррис0.0 By day, seventeen-year-old Kiera Johnson is an honors student, a math tutor, and one of the only Black kids at Jefferson Academy. But at home, she joins hundreds of thousands of Black gamers who duel worldwide as Nubian personas in the secret multiplayer online role-playing card game, SLAY. No one knows Kiera is the game developer, not her friends, her family, not even her boyfriend, Malcolm, who believes video games are partially responsible for the "downfall of the Black man."
But when a teen in Kansas City is murdered over a dispute in the SLAY world, news of the game reaches mainstream media, and SLAY is labeled a racist, exclusionist, violent hub for thugs and criminals. Even worse, an anonymous troll infiltrates the game, threatening to sue Kiera for "anti-white discrimination."
Driven to save the only world in which she can be herself, Kiera must preserve her secret identity and harness what it means to be unapologetically Black in a world intimidated by Blackness. But can she protect her game without losing herself in the process?
Тод Штрассер0.0 From award-winning author Todd Strasser comes a gripping new novel that explores the struggles of war, the price paid by those who fight in them, and what it really means to be a hero.
Jake Liddell is a hero.
At least, that’s what everyone says he is. The military is even awarding him a Silver Star for his heroic achievements—a huge honor for the son of a military family. Now he’s home, recovering from an injury, but it seems the war has followed him back. He needs pills to get any sleep, a young woman is trying to persuade him into speaking out against military recruitment tactics, and his grandfather is already urging him back onto the battlefield. He doesn’t know what to do; nothing makes sense anymore.
There is only one thing that Jake knows for certain: he is no hero.
Randy Ribay3.5 A powerful coming-of-age story about grief, guilt, and the risks a Filipino-American teenager takes to uncover the truth about his cousin's murder.
Jay Reguero plans to spend the last semester of his senior year playing video games before heading to the University of Michigan in the fall. But when he discovers that his Filipino cousin Jun was murdered as part of President Duterte's war on drugs, and no one in the family wants to talk about what happened, Jay travels to the Philippines to find out the real story.
Hoping to uncover more about Jun and the events that led to his death, Jay is forced to reckon with the many sides of his cousin before he can face the whole horrible truth -- and the part he played in it.
Allison Britz0.0 A brave teen recounts her debilitating struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder—and brings readers through every painful step as she finds her way to the other side—in this powerful and inspiring memoir.
Until sophomore year of high school, fifteen-year-old Allison Britz lived a comfortable life in an idyllic town. She was a dedicated student with tons of extracurricular activities, friends, and loving parents at home.
But after awakening from a vivid nightmare in which she was diagnosed with brain cancer, she was convinced the dream had been a warning. Allison believed that she must do something to stop the cancer in her dream from becoming a reality.
It started with avoiding sidewalk cracks and quickly grew to counting steps as loudly as possible. Over the following weeks, her brain listed more dangers and fixes. She had to avoid hair dryers, calculators, cell phones, computers, anything green, bananas, oatmeal, and most of her own clothing.
Unable to act “normal,” the once-popular Allison became an outcast. Her parents questioned her behavior, leading to explosive fights. When notebook paper, pencils, and most schoolbooks were declared dangerous to her health, her GPA imploded, along with her plans for the future.
Finally, she allowed herself to ask for help and was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. This brave memoir tracks Allison’s descent and ultimately hopeful climb out of the depths.
Set in a horrifying near-future United States, seventeen-year-old Layla Amin and her parents are forced into an internment camp for Muslim American citizens.
With the help of newly made friends also trapped within the internment camp, her boyfriend on the outside, and an unexpected alliance, Layla begins a journey to fight for freedom, leading a revolution against the internment camp's Director and his guards.
Heart-racing and emotional, Internment challenges readers to fight complicit silence that exists in our society today.
Джарретт Крозочка4.2 Hey, Kiddo is the graphic memoir of author-illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka. Raised by his colorful grandparents, who adopted him because his mother was an incarcerated heroin addict, Krosoczka didn't know his father's name until he saw his birth certificate when registering for a school ski trip. Hey, Kiddo traces Krosoczka's search for his father, his difficult interactions with his mother, his day-to-day life with his grandparents, and his path to becoming an artist.
To date, nearly one million people have viewed Krosoczka's TED Talk about his experience. Artwork from his childhood and teen years will be incorporated into the original illustrations for the book.
Минди МакГиннис4.5 Three screws in her hip.
Two months until spring training.
One answer to all her problems.
Mickey Catalan is no stranger to the opioid epidemic in her small town. There are obituaries of classmates who “died suddenly” and stories of overdoses in gas station bathrooms—but none of that is her. No, Mickey is a star softball catcher—one part of a dynamic duo with her best friend and pitcher Carolina—about to start her senior season with hopes of college recruitment. Until a car accident shatters that plan, along with her hip and Carolina’s arm.
Now Mickey is hurting. She can barely walk, much less crouch behind the plate. Yet a little white pill can make it better. After all, it is doctor prescribed. But when the prescription runs out, Mickey turns to an elderly woman who pushes hot meatloaf and a baggie full of oxy across the kitchen counter. It’s there Mickey makes new friends—other athletes in pain, others with just time to kill—and finds peaceful acceptance, a place where she can find words more easily than she ever has before. But as the pressure to be Mickey Catalan heightens, her desire for pills becomes less about pain and more about want, something that could send her spiraling out of control.
Деб Калетти3.3 Год назад жизнь Аннабель не казалась идеальной, но тогда у нее было все: друзья, семья, любовь. И парень, внимание которого льстило ей и тревожило одновременно. До тех пор, пока это не привело к ужасной трагедии.
Теперь невыносимая боль заставляет Аннабель бежать. Она бежит через всю страну, из Сиэтла в Вашингтон, с единственной целью – достичь места назначения. С каждым шагом, с каждым ударом сердца Аннабелль приближается к исцелению и находит в себе внутреннюю силу, чтобы позволить любви и надежде вернуться в ее жизнь.
Сунджу Ли0.0 Every Falling Star, the first book to portray contemporary North Korea to a young audience, is the intense memoir of a North Korean boy named Sungju who is forced at age twelve to live on the streets and fend for himself. To survive, Sungju creates a gang and lives by thieving, fighting, begging, and stealing rides on cargo trains. Sungju richly re-creates his scabrous story, depicting what it was like for a boy alone to create a new family with his gang, his “brothers”; to be hungry and to fear arrest, imprisonment, and even execution. This riveting memoir allows young readers to learn about other cultures where freedoms they take for granted do not exist.
Кортни Стивенс2.0 As the tomboy daughter of the town’s preacher, Billie McCaffrey has always struggled with fitting the mold of what everyone says she should be. She’d rather wear sweats, build furniture, and get into trouble with her solid group of friends: Woods, Mash, Davey, Fifty, and Janie Lee.
But when Janie Lee confesses to Billie that she’s in love with Woods, Billie’s filled with a nagging sadness as she realizes that she is also in love with Woods…and maybe with Janie Lee, too.
Always considered “one of the guys,” Billie doesn’t want anyone slapping a label on her sexuality before she can understand it herself. So she keeps her conflicting feelings to herself, for fear of ruining the group dynamic. Except it’s not just about keeping the peace, it’s about understanding love on her terms—this thing that has always been defined as a boy and a girl falling in love and living happily ever after. For Billie—a box-defying dynamo—it’s not that simple.
Readers will be drawn to Billie as she comes to terms with the gray areas of love, gender, and friendship, in this John Hughes-esque exploration of sexual fluidity.
С.Ф. Хенсон0.0 Killing isn’t supposed to be easy. But it is. It’s the after that’s hard to deal with.
Nate was eight the first time he stabbed someone; he was eleven when he earned his red laces—a prize for spilling blood for “the cause.” And he was fourteen when he murdered his father (and the leader of The Fort, a notorious white supremacist compound) in self-defense, landing in a treatment center while the state searched for his next of kin. Now, in the custody of an uncle he never knew existed, who wants nothing to do with him, Nate just wants to disappear.
Enrolled in a new school under a false name, so no one from The Fort can find him, he struggles to forge a new life, trying to learn how to navigate a world where people of different races interact without enmity. But he can’t stop awful thoughts from popping into his head, or help the way he shivers with a desire to commit violence. He wants to be different—he just doesn’t know where to start.
Then he meets Brandon, a person The Fort conditioned Nate to despise on sight. But Brandon’s also the first person to treat him like a human instead of a monster. Brandon could never understand Nate’s dark past, so Nate keeps quiet. And it works for a while. But all too soon, Nate’s worlds crash together, and he must decide between his own survival and standing for what’s right, even if it isn’t easy. Even if society will never be able to forgive him for his sins.
Like a teen American History X, S.F. Henson’s Devils Within is gut-wrenching, thought-provoking, no-holds-barred look at the plague of white supremacy in contemporary American culture that may have you examining your own soul.
Ibi Zoboi0.0 Edited by National Book Award finalist Ibi Zoboi, Black Enough is an essential collection of captivating stories about what it’s like to be young and black in America.Black is maleBlack is femaleBlack is straightBlack is gayBlack is urbanBlack is ruralBlack is rich. And poorBlack is mixed-raceBlack is immigrantsBlack is moreThere are countless ways to be BLACK ENOUGH.Featuring some of the most acclaimed bestselling American black authors writing for teens today, Black Enough is an essential collection of captivating stories about what it’s like to be young and black in America.Stories from: Renee Watson, Varian Johnson, Leah Henderson, Lamar Giles, Kekla Magoon, Jason Reynolds, Brandy Colbert, Tochi Onyebuchi, Liara Tamani, Jay Coles, Rita Williams-Garcia, Tracey Baptiste, Dhonielle Clayton, Justina Ireland, Coe Booth, Nic Stone and Ibi Zoboi