О премии

Парламентская книжная премия (Parliamentary Book Awards) была учреждена Ассоциацией книготорговцев и Ассоциацией издателей (the Booksellers Association and the Publishers Association) в 2016 году для защиты лучших произведений о политике и признания важной связи между политикой и книжным миром.

Премией отмечаются литературные работы в трех номинациях:
- лучшая биография, мемуары или автобиография парламентария;
- лучшая небиографическая книга парламентария;
- лучшая политическая книга непарламентария.

Каждый год издателям предлагается номинировать названия и авторов для присуждения наград, при этом продавцы книг выбирают шорт-листы, а парламентарии голосуют за победителя в каждой категории.

Жанры: Биографии и мемуары, Публицистическая литература Страны: Великобритания, Ирландия Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2016 г. Последнее вручение: 2023 г. Официальный сайт: https://www.booksellers.org.uk/industryinfo/eventsandawards/ParliamentaryBookAwards


Лучшая политическая книга непарламентария
Best Political Book by a Non-Parliamentarian
Лучшая научно-популярная книга парламентария
Best Non-Fiction Book by a Parliamentarian
Лучшая биография, мемуары или автобиография парламентария
Best Biography, Memoir or Autobiography by a Parliamentarian
Лучшая художественная литература парламентария
Best Fiction by a Parliamentarian

Номинация присуждалась только в 2016 году.

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The sensational inside story of Boris Johnson’s last days in power.

Sebastian Payne, Whitehall Editor for the Financial Times , tells the essential behind-the-scenes story, charting the series of scandals that felled from the blocked suspension of Owen Paterson to Partygate, and, finally, the Chris Pincher allegations, which were the final death blow.

This is the full narrative of the betrayals, rivalries, and resignations that led to the dramatic Conservative coup. With unparalleled access to those who were in the room when key decisions were made, Payne tells of the miscalculations and mistakes that led to Boris’s downfall, only two years after he first entered No.10 Downing Street.

This is a gripping and timely look at how power is gained, wielded, and lost in Britain today.
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The Intelligence Corps is one of the smallest and most secretive elements of the British Army. It has existed in various guises since the early twentieth century, but it was only formally constituted in July 1940. In this book, Michael Ashcroft tells the astonishing stories of some of its most courageous and ingenious figures, who have operated all over the world from the First World War to the present day.

Whether carrying out surveillance work on the street, monitoring and analysing communications, working on overseas stakeouts, receiving classified information from a well-placed contact or interrogating the enemy in the heat of war, a hugely diverse range of people have served in the Corps, often supplementing their individual professional skills with original thinking and leadership in the name of the Crown. This book pays tribute to them and shows why, in the words of the 1st Duke of Marlborough, 'No war can be conducted successfully without early and good intelligence.'
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Флоэлла Бенджамин 0.0
Floella Benjamin was the little girl from the Caribbean who became a British household name, and along the way received some of the highest accolades around, including a BAFTA Lifetime Achievement Award, a Damehood, and became a Peer in the House of Lords.

Born in Trinidad, she came to England in 1960 with her family as part of the Windrush generation. She was shocked to find a cold and unwelcoming Britain, her first and by no means her last experience of racism. Benjamin quickly realised that if she was going to survive, she had to learn how to live in two cultures. Forced to leave school at sixteen, she resolved to become Britain’s first black woman bank manager, but a successful audition for a national musical put her on the path to a decades-spanning career in entertainment.

From Playschool to pantomime, television documentaries and singing with orchestras all over the world, Floella’s entertainment work was only one string to her bow. Over the last thirty years, she has dedicated herself to charitable causes, lobbying prime ministers on behalf of children, building her Touching Success foundation, and advocating for more representation across the media.

Benjamin also set up her own television company, was the Chancellor of the University of Exeter for a decade, and ran ten London Marathons for Barnardos. A natural storyteller, What Are You Doing Here? is her incredibly moving and honest account of her remarkable life and her refusal to be defined by others.
