Вручение 30 сентября 2021 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон, магазин Goldsboro Books Дата проведения: 30 сентября 2021 г.

Премия «Стеклянный колокол»

Клэр Уитфилд 3.4
Поспешное замужество - страсти до ужаса? Лондон, 1888: Сюзанна выходит замуж за молодого и богатого хирурга. После страстного медового месяца она возвращается домой... и все меняется. Поведение Томаса становится все более изменчивым и жестоким. Он пропадает ночами, возвращается весь в крови и отказывается отвечать на вопросы. Когда в газетах появляется новость об убийстве в Уайтчепеле - Сюзанна начинает подозревать своего мужа. И каждый раз, когда он не приходит домой ночью, находят новую жертву... Это совпадение? Или её муж тот, кого называют Джеком-потрошителем?
Стюарт Тёртон 3.7
Новейший роман Стюарта Тёртона, автора международного бестселлера «Семь смертей Эвелины Хардкасл», переведенного на 30 языков и удостоенного престижной премии Costa за лучший дебют. Если «Семь смертей Эвелины Хардкасл» называли «головоломной, и притом совершенно органичной смесью “Аббатства Даунтон” и “Дня сурка”, Агаты Кристи и сериалов типа “Квантовый скачок”» (Sunday Express), то «Дьявол и темная вода» — это «блистательное скрещение Конан Дойла с Уильямом Голдингом» (Вэл Макдермид).
Итак, добро пожаловать в 1634 год. Галеоны Ост-Индской компании везут мускатный орех и черный перец, специи и шелка из Батавии в Амстердам. Путь с островов Тихого океана в Европу ведет вокруг Африки и занимает восемь месяцев. До Амстердама добирались не все: свою долю взимали свирепые шторма и грозные пираты. И вот из Батавии готовится отплыть «Саардам». Среди пассажиров — генерал-губернатор Ян Хаан с семейством и любовницей; знаменитый «алхимический детектив» Сэмюэль Пипс, закованный в кандалы по неизвестному обвинению; его напарник лейтенант Арент Хейс. Знаки судьбы с самого начала складываются зловеще. На пристани прокаженный возглашает: «Груз “Саардама” отмечен печатью греха, и всех, осмелившихся подняться на борт, ждет ужасная погибель», — и вспыхивает ярким пламенем. Когда на грот-мачте поднимают парус, все видят на белом полотнище нарисованное углем хвостатое око — символ демона, известного по имени Старый Том. И хотя в отплывшем из Батавии конвое было семь кораблей, в ночном океане периодически загорается восьмой фонарь. А когда на борту случается убийство, функции детектива, вместо заключенного в каморке Сэма по прозванию Воробей, вынужден взять на себя Арент по прозванию Медведь…
Алекс Павези 3.6
Все истории об убийствах подчиняются правилам — как минимум, там есть жертва, детектив и подозреваемый.

Тридцать лет назад профессор математики Грант Макаллистер в этих правилах разобрался и написал семь прекрасных детективных историй. Но это было слишком давно, ведь теперь Грант живет отшельником на средиземноморском островке, подсчитывая остаток своих дней.

Вдруг, как чертик из табакерки, в жизни Гранта появляется Джулия Харт, амбициозный редактор, страстно желающая переиздать те самые детективные истории. Теперь писатель, который прячется от своего прошлого, и редактор, стремящийся его понять, должны работать рука об руку. Вот только в историях Гранта полно несоответствий — или, может быть, подсказок, которые приведут к новой, восьмой тайне?
Colum McCann 4.2
Colum McCann's most ambitious work to date, Apeirogon--named for a shape with a countably infinite number of sides--is a tour de force concerning friendship, love, loss, and belonging.

Bassam Aramin is Palestinian. Rami Elhanan is Israeli. They inhabit a world of conflict that colors every aspect of their daily lives, from the roads they are allowed to drive on to the schools their daughters, Abir and Smadar, each attend, to the checkpoints both physical and emotional that they must negotiate.

Their worlds shift irreparably after ten-year-old old Abir is killed by a rubber bullet and thirteen-year-old Smadar becomes the victim of suicide bombers. When Bassam and Rami learn of one another's stories, they recognize the loss that connects them and they attempt to use their grief as a weapon for peace.

McCann crafts Apeirogon out of a universe of fictional and non-fictional material. He crosses centuries and continents, stitching time, art, history, nature, and politics together in a tale both heartbreaking and hopeful. Musical, cinematic, muscular, delicate, and soaring, Apeirogon is a novel for our times.
Эби Даре 3.6
A powerful, emotional debut novel told in the unforgettable voice of a young Nigerian woman who is trapped in a life of servitude but determined to fight for her dreams and choose her own future.

Adunni is a fourteen-year-old Nigerian girl who knows what she wants: an education. This, her mother has told her, is the only way to get a “louding voice”—the ability to speak for herself and decide her own future. But instead, Adunni's father sells her to be the third wife of a local man who is eager for her to bear him a son and heir.

When Adunni runs away to the city, hoping to make a better life, she finds that the only other option before her is servitude to a wealthy family. As a yielding daughter, a subservient wife, and a powerless slave, Adunni is told, by words and deeds, that she is nothing.

But while misfortunes might muffle her voice for a time, they cannot mute it. And when she realizes that she must stand up not only for herself, but for other girls, for the ones who came before her and were lost, and for the next girls, who will inevitably follow; she finds the resolve to speak, however she can—in a whisper, in song, in broken English—until she is heard.
Кестер Грант 3.9
A diverse fantasy reimagining of Les Misérables and The Jungle Book.

In the dark days following a failed French Revolution, in the violent jungle of an alternate 1828 Paris, young cat-burglar Eponine (Nina) Thenardier goes head to head with merciless royalty, and the lords of the city's criminal underworld to save the life of her adopted sister Cosette (Ettie).

Her vow will take her from the city’s dark underbelly, through a dawning revolution, to the very heart of the glittering court of Louis XVII, where she must make an impossible choice between guild, blood, betrayal and war.

For fans of the gritty criminal underworlds of Six Of Crows, The Lies Of Locke Lamora, fierce alternate histories like The Gilded Wolves, And I Darken …and anyone who knows that Eponine deserved so much more.
Меган Камписи 4.0
Can you uncover the truth when you’re forbidden from speaking it?

A Sin Eater’s duty is a necessary evil: she hears the final private confessions of the dying, eats their sins as a funeral rite, and so guarantees their souls access to heaven. It is always women who eat sins – since it was Eve who first ate the Forbidden Fruit – and every town has at least one, not that they are publicly acknowledged. Stained by the sins they are obliged to consume, the Sin Eater is shunned and silenced, doomed to live in exile at the edge of town.

Recently orphaned May Owens is just fourteen, and has never considered what it might be like to be so ostracized; she’s more concerned with where her next meal is coming from. When she’s arrested for stealing a loaf of bread, however, and subsequently sentenced to become a Sin Eater, finding food is suddenly the last of her worries.

It’s a devastating sentence, but May’s new invisibility opens new doors. And when first one then two of the Queen’s courtiers suddenly grow ill, May hears their deathbed confessions – and begins to investigate a terrible rumour that is only whispered of amid palace corridors.

Set in a thinly disguised sixteenth-century England, The Sin Eater by Megan Campisi is a wonderfully imaginative and gripping story of treason and treachery; of secrets and silence; of women, of power – and, ultimately, of the strange freedom that comes from being an outcast with no hope of redemption for, as May learns, being a nobody sometimes counts for everything . . .
S.A. Cosby 4.0
A husband, a father, a son, a business owner...And the best getaway driver east of the Mississippi.

Beauregard “Bug” Montage is an honest mechanic, a loving husband, and a hard-working dad. Bug knows there’s no future in the man he used to be: known from the hills of North Carolina to the beaches of Florida as the best wheelman on the East Coast.

He thought he'd left all that behind him, but as his carefully built new life begins to crumble, he finds himself drawn inexorably back into a world of blood and bullets. When a smooth-talking former associate comes calling with a can't-miss jewelry store heist, Bug feels he has no choice but to get back in the driver's seat. And Bug is at his best where the scent of gasoline mixes with the smell of fear.

Haunted by the ghost of who he used to be and the father who disappeared when he needed him most, Bug must find a way to navigate this blacktop wasteland...or die trying.

Like "Ocean’s Eleven" meets "Drive", with a Southern noir twist, S. A. Cosby’s "Blacktop Wasteland" is a searing, operatic story of a man pushed to his limits by poverty, race, and his own former life of crime.
Эми Энджел 3.5
Set in the poorest part of the Missouri Ozarks, in a small town with big secrets, The Familiar Dark opens with a murder. Eve Taggert, desperate with grief over losing her daughter, takes it upon herself to find out the truth about what happened. Eve is no stranger to the dark side of life, having been raised by a hard-edged mother whose lessons Eve tried not to pass on to her own daughter. But Eve may need her mother's cruel brand of strength if she's going to face the reality about her daughter's death and about her own true nature. Her quest for justice takes her from the seedy underbelly of town to the quiet woods and, most frighteningly, back to her mother's trailer for a final lesson.
Линден Льюис 0.0
First Sister has no name and no voice. As a priestess of the Sisterhood, she travels the stars alongside the soldiers of Earth and Mars—the same ones who own the rights to her body and soul. When her former captain abandons her, First Sister’s hopes for freedom are dashed when she is forced to stay on her ship with no friends, no power, and a new captain—Saito Ren—whom she knows nothing about. She is commanded to spy on Captain Ren by the Sisterhood, but soon discovers that working for the war effort is so much harder to do when you’re falling in love.

Lito val Lucius climbed his way out of the slums to become an elite soldier of Venus, but was defeated in combat by none other than Saito Ren, resulting in the disappearance of his partner, Hiro. When Lito learns that Hiro is both alive and a traitor to the cause, he now has a shot at redemption: track down and kill his former partner. But when he discovers recordings that Hiro secretly made, Lito’s own allegiances are put to the test. Ultimately, he must decide between following orders and following his heart.
Rosamund Lupton 1.0
In rural Somerset in the middle of a blizzard, the unthinkable happens: a school is under siege. Children and teachers barricade themselves into classrooms, the library, the theatre. The headmaster lies wounded
Ричард Осман 3.8
Четверо престарелых героев...
Первое серьезное дело для женщины-полицейского...
Жестокое убийство...
Добро пожаловать в клуб "Убийства по четвергам"!

В доме престарелых, расположенном среди мирных сельских пейзажей, четверо друзей еженедельно встречаются в комнате для отдыха, чтобы обсудить нераскрытые преступления. Они называют себя "Клуб убийств по четвергам". Элизабет, Джойс, Ибрагим и Рон уже разменяли восьмой десяток, но у них все еще есть кое-какие трюки в запасе. Когда местного строителя находят мертвым, а рядом с телом обнаруживается таинственная фотография, "Клуб убийств по четвергам" внезапно получает первое настоящее дело. Вскоре количество трупов начинает расти. Сможет ли наша необычная команда поймать убийцу, пока не стало слишком поздно?