Вручение май 2020 г.

Премия за 2019 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: май 2020 г.

Премия «Хрустальный змей»

Стейси Ли 4.1

Регион Калифорния / Гавайи

Днем семнадцатилетняя Джо работает горничной у жестокой дочери одного из самых богатых мужчин Атланты, а по ночам ведет анонимную колонку в местной газете. Колонка становится безумно популярной, но из-за излишне прогрессивных взглядов у Джо появляются враги. Они пытаются заставить девушку выйти из тени, и вскоре она попадает под прицел самого известного преступника Атланты.
Мэг МакКинлей 0.0

Регион Австралия / Новая Зеландия

This coming-of-age story by multiple award winner Meg McKinlay is about loss and grief, dealing with change and fighting to hold on to what you can, while letting go of what you can't.

It's 1979 and the sky is falling. Skylab, that is. Somewhere high above Frankie Avery, one of the world's first space stations is tumbling to Earth. And rushing back with it are old memories. Things 12 year old Frankie thought she had forgotten. Things her mum won't talk about, and which her little brother Newt never knew. Only ... did he? Because as Skylab circles closer, Newt starts acting strangely. And while the world watches the sky, Frankie keeps her own eyes on Newt. Because if anyone's going to keep him safe, it's her. But maybe this is something bigger than splinters and spiders and sleepwalking. Maybe a space station isn't the only thing heading for calamity.
Michael Meister, Laurie Theurer 0.0

Регион Европа/ Латинская Америка/ Африка

Finally, the real history of Switzerland for clever kids and clever kids-at-heart: dukes slaughtered by filthy peasants, innocent "witches" hung up by their necks, buried gold, female mountaineers and, of course, all those murderous cows... Not the fake history of Heidi and William Tell, but 'Swisstory' - from ancient mountain people right up to women's right to vote. Hilariously illustrated by bestselling Swiss artist Michael Meister ('The Monster Book of Switzerland'), 'Swisstory' is outrageous, fascinating, gruesome - and completely true. For children from 9 to 99.
Suzanne Kamata 0.0

Регион Средняя Азия / Индия / Азия

Fifteen-year-old Aiko Cassidy, a bicultural girl with cerebral palsy, grew up in Michigan with her single mother. For as long as she could remember, it was just the two of them. When a new stepfather and a baby half sister enter her life, she finds herself on the margins. Having recently come into contact with her biological father, she is invited to spend the summer with his indigo-growing family in a small Japanese farming village. Aiko thinks she just might fit in better in Japan. If nothing else, she figures the trip will inspire her manga story, Gadget Girl.

However, Aiko’s stay in Japan is not quite the easygoing vacation that she expected. Her grandmother is openly hostile toward her, and she soon learns of painful family secrets that have been buried for years. Even so, she takes pleasure in meeting new friends. She is drawn to Taiga, the figure skater who shows her the power of persistence against self-doubt. Sora is a fellow manga enthusiast who introduces Aiko to a wide circle of like-minded artists. And then there is Kotaro, a refugee from the recent devastating earthquake in northeastern Japan.

As she gets to know her biological father and the story of his break with her mother, Aiko begins to rethink the meaning of family and her own place in the world
Clare Welsh 0.0

Регион Великобритания / Ирландия

A young girl loves her grandpa so much! When they spend the day at the beach, she holds his hand as they go for a walk, and they build sand castles together. But sometimes, its difficult, because Grandpa has become forgetful. Grandpa's memories are like the tide, Mommy explains. Sometimes, they're near and full of life. Other times, they're distant and quiet. The Tide is a story about families, laughter, and how we can help a loved one with dementia live well.
Laurie Wallmark 0.0

Регион Атлантика (Пенсильвания / Делавэр / Нью-Джерси / Вашингтон, округ Колумбия / Вирджиния / Западная Вирджиния / Мэриленд).

Movie star by day, ace inventor at night: learn about the hidden life of actress Hedy Lamarr!

To her adoring public, Hedy Lamarr was a glamorous movie star, widely considered the most beautiful woman in the world. But in private, she was something more: a brilliant inventor. And for many years only her closest friends knew her secret. The story of how, during World War Two, Lamarr developed a groundbreaking communications system that still remains essential to the security of today’s technology.
Shauna LaVoy Reynolds 0.0

Регион Средний Юг (Канзас / Луизиана / Арканзас / Теннесси / Кентукки / Миссури)

A girl writes a poem to a tree, but then is surprised when the tree writes back in this wondrous and warm picture book about friendship, nature, and the power of poetry.

The snow has melted, the buttercups are blooming, and Sylvia celebrates winter's end by writing a poem. She ties her poem to a birch tree, hoping that it doesn't count as littering if it makes the world more beautiful. But when she returns, a new poem is waiting for her. Could the tree really be writing back? Sylvia decides to test her theory, and so begins a heartwarming poetic correspondence...as well as an unexpected new friendship.

Lyrical and sweetly satisfying, Poetree is about finding beauty in the world around you, and new friends in unlikely places.
Sarah Aronson 0.0

Регион Средний Запад (Миннесота/Айова/Небраска/Висконсин/Иллинойс/Мичиган/Индиана/Огайо)

Discover how Rube Goldberg followed his dreams to become an award-winning cartoonist, inventor, and even an adjective in the dictionary in this inspiring and funny biographical picture book.

Want to become an award-winning cartoonist and inventor? Follow your dreams, just like Rube Goldberg! From a young age, Rube Goldberg had a talent for art. But his father, a German immigrant, wanted Rube to have a secure job. So, Rube went to college and became an engineer.

But Rube didn’t want to spend his life mapping sewer pipes. He wanted to follow his passion, so Rube got a low-level job at a newspaper, and from there, he worked his way up, creating cartoons that made people laugh and tickled the imagination. He became known for his fantastic Rube Goldberg machines—complicated contraptions with many parts that performed a simple task in an elaborate and farfetched way. Eventually, his cartoons earned him a Pulitzer Prize and his own adjective in the dictionary. This moving biography is sure to encourage young artists and inventors to pursue their passions.
Падма Венкатраман 5.0

Регион Новая Англия (Мэн/Вермонт/Нью-Гэмпшир/Коннектикут/Массачусетс/Род-Айленд)

When Viji and her sister, Rukku, whose developmental disability makes her overly trusting and vulnerable to the perils of the world, run away to live on their own, the situation could not be more grim. Life on the streets of the teeming city of Chennai is harsh for girls considered outcasts, but the sisters manage to find shelter on an abandoned bridge. There they befriend Muthi and Arul, two boys in a similar predicament, and the four children bond together and form a family of sorts. Viji starts working with the boys scavenging in trash heaps while Rukku makes bead necklaces, and they buy food with what little money they earn. They are often hungry and scared but they have each other--and Kutti, the best dog ever. When the kids are forced from their safe haven on the bridge, they take shelter in a graveyard. But it is now the rainy season and they are plagued by mosquitos, and Rukku and Muthu fall ill. As their symptoms worsen, Viji and Arul must decide whether to risk going for help--when most adults in their lives have proven themselves untrustworthy--or to continue holding on to their fragile, hard-fought freedom.
Lisa Anchin 0.0

Регион Нью-Йорк

A heartwarming and wildly imaginative tale about broadening your horizons, with a wonderfully unique father-daughter pair at the root of the story.

The Little Green Girl is no ordinary topiary. She dreams of visiting far off places and exploring the world beyond her garden's walls. But for her gardener, Mr. Aster, the prospect of deviating from his daily routine--let alone leaving his beloved home--is unimaginable. Try as she might, the Little Green Girl can't uproot herself and set off on her own. To realize her dream, she'll have to find a way to show Mr. Aster that it's possible to carry a bit of home with you wherever you go.

Lushly illustrated and brimming with charm, The Little Green Girl is an ode to broadening your horizons and the unexpected rewards of experiencing the unknown.
Sophia Gholz 0.0

Регион Юго-восток (Флорида / Джорджия / Южная Каролина / Северная Каролина / Алабама / Миссисипи)

As a boy, Jadav Payeng was distressed by the destruction deforestation and erosion was causing on his island home in India's Brahmaputra River. So he began planting trees. What began as a small thicket of bamboo, grew over the years into 1,300 acre forest filled with native plants and animals. The Boy Who Grew a Forest tells the inspiring true story of Payeng—and reminds us all of the difference a single person with a big idea can make.
Джин Рейди 0.0

Регион Юго-Запад (Невада/Аризона/Юта/Колорадо/Вайоминг/Нью-Мексико)

After his best friend Sarah leaves for her first day of school, a tortoise named Truman goes on an adventure across the living room and learns to be brave in this thoughtful and heartwarming twist on a first experience story.

Truman the tortoise lives with his Sarah, high above the taxis and the trash trucks and the number eleven bus, which travels south. He never worries about the world below…until one day, when Sarah straps on a big backpack and does something Truman has never seen before. She boards the bus!

Truman waits for her to return.
He waits.
And waits.
And waits.
And when he can wait no longer, he knows what he must do.

Even if it seems…impossible!
Meredith Davis 0.0

Регион Техас/Оклахома

Through her eyes, the moving story of a young Rwandan girl born with clubfeet and the risk she takes for the chance to walk on the bottoms of her feet for the first time.

Rebeka Uwitonze was born in Rwanda with curled and twisted feet, which meant she had to crawl or be carried to get around. At nine years old, she gets an offer that could change her life. A doctor in the US might be able to turn her feet. But it means leaving her own family behind and going to America on her own.Her Own Two Feet tells Rebeka's inspiring story through her eyes, with the help of one of her hosts. She travels from Rwanda to Austin, Texas, to join the Davis family, despite knowing almost no English. In the face of dozens of hospital visits and painful surgeries, Rebeka's incredible bravery and joyful spirit carry her to the opportunity of a lifetime. A stunning debut about hope, perseverance, and what becomes possible when you take a risk.
Kevan Atteberry 0.0

Регион Запад (Вашингтон/Орегон/Аляска/Айдахо/Монтана/Северная Дакота/Южная Дакота)

There is a ghost in my house. I've only seen it out of the corner of my eye, but I think it is a cat , says a little boy in this comforting tale of love and loss.

There's something oddly familiar about this ghost cat--it does lots of things that remind the boy of the cat he used to have. The boy's not sure why the ghost cat never stays for more than a few moments, or why the ghost cat has visited him in the first place. He follows the ghost cat all over his house, until finally it leads him to something new and wonderful.

Bestselling author/illustrator Kevan Atteberry's artwork and story strike a perfect balance of evocative and haunting, as well as warm and hugely comforting to anyone struggling to cope with a loss.

With a few carefully chosen words and simple, expressive illustrations, Ghost Cat captures both the poignancy of losing a pet and the importance of moving on without erasing or forgetting what came before.

Winner of the Crystal Kite Award, Western Division
A Bank Street Best Book of the Year
Washington State Book Award Finalist