Вручение октябрь 2022 г.

Премию Уолтера Рамси Марвина Грант получила Louise Ling за Edwards.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Колумбус, Здание правительства штата Огайо (Ohio Statehouse) Дата проведения: октябрь 2022 г.

Художественная литература

Энтони Дорр 4.3
Впервые на русском — новейший роман Энтони Дорра, автора книги «Весь невидимый нам свет», удостоенной Пулицеровской премии; как и этот международный бестселлер, «Птичий город за облаками» включен в шорт-лист Национальной книжной премии США. Роман выстроен подобно матрешке (или «Облачному атласу» Дэвида Митчелла): здесь хитроумно перекрещиваются жизни и судьбы Анны и Омира, пребывающих по разные стороны стены в осажденном турками Константинополе 1453 года, а также пожилого энтузиаста древнегреческой литературы Зено и юного экотеррориста Сеймура в современном Айдахо, а также Констанции, которая летит к далекой экзопланете на корабле «Арго» под управлением всезнающей Сивиллы. Подобно Мари-Лоре и Вернеру в романе «Весь невидимый нам свет», все пятеро здесь — мечтатели и аутсайдеры, не теряющие надежды и посреди самого беспросветного, казалось бы, хаоса и отчаяния: «„Птичий город за облаками“ показывает, что для нас еще не все потеряно — и что важным инструментом спасения является именно литература» (Boston Globe) — например, мифическая история древнего грека Аитона, мечтающего обернуться птицей и улететь в сказочный заоблачный город…

«„Птичий город за облаками“ охватывает невероятный диапазон знаний и жизненного опыта. Это человечная и вдохновляющая книга для взрослых, наполненная незабываемой магией читательских впечатлений детства» (New York Times Book Review).

Документальная литература

Ханиф Абдурракиб 0.0
A stirring meditation on Black performance in America from the New York Times bestselling author of Go Ahead in the Rain

At the March on Washington in 1963, Josephine Baker was fifty-seven years old, well beyond her most prolific days. But in her speech she was in a mood to consider her life, her legacy, her departure from the country she was now triumphantly returning to. “I was a devil in other countries, and I was a little devil in America, too,” she told the crowd. Inspired by these few words, Hanif Abdurraqib has written a profound and lasting reflection on how Black performance is inextricably woven into the fabric of American culture. Each moment in every performance he examines—whether it’s the twenty-seven seconds in “Gimme Shelter” in which Merry Clayton wails the words “rape, murder,” a schoolyard fistfight, a dance marathon, or the instant in a game of spades right after the cards are dealt—has layers of resonance in Black and white cultures, the politics of American empire, and Abdurraqib’s own personal history of love, grief, and performance.

Abdurraqib writes prose brimming with jubilation and pain, infused with the lyricism and rhythm of the musicians he loves. With care and generosity, he explains the poignancy of performances big and small, each one feeling intensely familiar and vital, both timeless and desperately urgent. Filled with sharp insight, humor, and heart, A Little Devil in America exalts the Black performance that unfolds in specific moments in time and space—from midcentury Paris to the moon, and back down again to a cramped living room in Columbus, Ohio.

Книга об Огайо

Брайан Александер 0.0

"Alexander nimbly and grippingly translates the byzantine world of American health care into a real-life narrative with people you come to care about." —New York Times

"Takes readers into the world of the American medical industry in a way no book has done before." — Fortune

"With his signature gut-punching prose, Alexander breaks our hearts as he opens our eyes to America’s deep-rooted sickness and despair by immersing us in the lives of a small town hospital and the people it serves." —Beth Macy, bestselling author of Dopesick

By following the struggle for survival of one small-town hospital, and the patients who walk, or are carried, through its doors, The Hospital takes readers into the world of the American medical industry in a way no book has done before. Americans are dying sooner, and living in poorer health. Alexander argues that no plan will solve America’s health crisis until the deeper causes of that crisis are addressed.

Bryan, Ohio's hospital, is losing money, making it vulnerable to big health systems seeking domination and Phil Ennen, CEO, has been fighting to preserve its independence. Meanwhile, Bryan, a town of 8,500 people in Ohio’s northwest corner, is still trying to recover from the Great Recession. As local leaders struggle to address the town’s problems, and the hospital fights for its life amid a rapidly consolidating medical and hospital industry, a 39-year-old diabetic literally fights for his limbs, and a 55-year-old contractor lies dying in the emergency room. With these and other stories, Alexander strips away the wonkiness of policy to reveal Americans’ struggle for health against a powerful system that’s stacked against them, but yet so fragile it blows apart when the pandemic hits. Culminating with COVID-19, this book offers a blueprint for how we created the crisis we're in.


Фелиция Самора 0.0
The poems in I Always Carry My Bones tackle the complex ideation of home—the place where horrid and beautiful intertwine and carve a being into existence—for marginalized and migrant peoples. Felicia Zamora explores how familial history echoes inside a person and the ghosts of lineage dwell in a body. Sometimes we haunt. Sometimes we are the haunted. Pierced by an estranged relationship to Mexican culture, the ethereal ache of an unknown father, the weight of racism and poverty in this country, the indentations of abuse, and a mind/physicality affected by doubt, these poems root in the search for belonging—a belonging inside and outside the flesh. This powerful collection is a message of longing for a sanctuary of self, the dwelling of initial energy needed for the collective fight for human rights.

Детская литература

Андреа Ванг 0.0
Gathering watercress by the side of the road brings a girl closer to her family's Chinese Heritage.

Driving through Ohio in an old Pontiac, a young girl's parents stop suddenly when they spot watercress growing wild in a ditch by the side of the road. Grabbing an old paper bag and some rusty scissors, the whole family wades into the muck to collect as much of the muddy, snail covered watercress as they can.

At first, she's embarrassed. Why can't her family get food from the grocery store? But when her mother shares a story of her family's time in China, the girl learns to appreciate the fresh food they foraged. Together, they make a new memory of watercress.

Andrea Wang tells a moving autobiographical story of a child of immigrants discovering and connecting with her heritage, illustrated by award winning author and artist Jason Chin, working in an entirely new style, inspired by Chinese painting techniques. An author's note in the back shares Andrea's childhood experience with her parents.

Литература для среднего и старшего школьного возраста

Жасмин Варга 5.0
Cora hasn’t spoken to her best friend, Quinn, in a year.

Despite living next door to each other, they exist in separate worlds of grief. Cora is still grappling with the death of her beloved sister in a school shooting, and Quinn is carrying the guilt of what her brother did.

On the day of Cora’s twelfth birthday, Quinn leaves a box on her doorstep with a note. She has decided that the only way to fix things is to go back in time to the moment before her brother changed all their lives forever—and stop him.

In spite of herself, Cora wants to believe. And so the two former friends begin working together to open a wormhole in the fabric of the universe. But as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of time travel to save their siblings, they learn that the magic of their friendship may actually be the key to saving themselves.